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India Is Buying 36 Rafale Fighters from France (and Pakistan Should Worry)

Here sir
It looks like u don't understand my point
so for this do me a favor
  1. Kindly tell me the date of last mirage out of production .
  2. if any country in the world that has seized its usage
  3. and last but not the least the date of mirage 2000upg .
when u get these u could find it simple that as mirage were to be nearly phased out when there upgrade came in & at that time some of the countries had seized its usage and in all of those could u help me find where did i said that mirage wasn't a delivery platform for nukes as if their were no upgrade to this platform their were chances that we would have also started to phase out our mirage2k but since due to its up gradation we could use it for iaf for few more years as if those upgrade weren't available we would be left without any delivery platform as since it wouldn't be complete and we don't have such platform for specific delivery system till my knowledge Meaning no nuclear triad in visual sense which this rafale could have acted as system best suitable for .
Sir mirages while active compelet Indian nuclear triad, you comment of rafale being bought to complete nuclear triad was stupid to say the least. and mirages are not going anywhere as pet your oen people. So wheter you like it or not, rafale DO NOT COMPLETES what is already here. :omghaha:Everyone makes mistakes, being stuborn about them make you look just that much worst. Just saying!!!
now now looks like you are hurt ...


You said that we as a nation beleive in whatever ISPR will tell us! I just responded in kind quoting you an EXAMPLE.
Do you really think i will be hurt in over a billion Indians think that pegions are our WMD, have to tie civilians to there jeep and call the soldiers "defenders" or when millions are cheering the "sir-je-kal" strikes!

Keep doing all that sir and i am over joyed!! THERE IS NOTHING TO BE HURT! :omghaha:

get used to it sirji cause your nation has enterd into a phase where this will be a daily basis affair and there is nothing partiots like you can do about it ...
Have been hearing about it for DECADES now,
tag me when you have something new.For now, it is same old talk about Rafale, Nuclear Weapns, Pakistani ISPR, Indian Might, PAF idiots and IAF super heroes, ALL IN FIVE posts!! Jumping here and there too much? Have NOTHING of substance to contribute? :P :D

as for your mukaddas PAK FAUJ well there are no so called "holy cows"
Oh no no, we dont have them here!!
This is Pakistan. This thing do not exist here, we just eat them man.

but i know you will always beleave in your ISPR no matter what they fed your nation in past so i can only wish you people good luck .. your nation need it :sarcastic:
This is a case of "i know" versus the facts known to everyone!! :lol:
The memory of a nation going gung-ho on those sir je kal strikes is still afresh!
IN all its like u are also one of those trolling guys who are dumb enough to not think out of the circle :lol:well tried :drag:
Bhai zindagi me kabhi padhna likhna bhi seekh lete ap to kuch bhala ho jata :rofl: apke desh ka . zara dubara mere post ko padhle aur mirage Indian ac nhi hai to us hisab se kisi cheez ko khatam ya pura karne k liye usse shuru karna zaruri hai us hisab se technically we are still not in a position to say we have completed a nuclear triad as neither rafale nor mirage are indigenous ac they are medium of delivery system and sir for god sake if u don't get it this tym i don't really know who can make u understand it:tsk:
Had to rate this for a personal attack and insult.

As for circles, you created that one. As for that god forsaken attempt to right roman hindi or urdu or whatever it was, dear even by that logic, your comment that RAFALE completes the Indian nuclear Triad is flawed and stupid since even Rafale is not Indian :D
In short, you are going around in circles and making yourself look more and more ridiculous in your desperation. Have to restore to insults finally as i just simply pointed a mistake you made but one that you do not have guts to admit. Just like you guru, all you do is run around in circles with those senseless and pointless posts, pictures and smilies, ADDING NOTHING to the debate. :)

Admit that the point you made in your opening post " Rafale completes Indian nuclear triad" is stupid and false and move on (though i am sure you will end up making some similar ridiculous mistake even if you decide to move on, which you wont) These are your words not mine, i say that this is a wrong claim, prove me otherwise or admit to this idiotic mistake. Simple. :)
NO issue for that negative rating as i did wrong myself it was my fault
But For other issue hope you aren't working in an MNC with ENGLISH as a communicating language
Best of luck in near future
just get this last tym when rafale deal was in its initial stages it was known to replace mirage but due to its high cost of production french opted to better integrate it with better available updates and if u don't consider it as this wasn't going to happen if mirage didn't get upgrade then India would buy rafales which would the then complete the lost triad so its tym u kindly use your advance ways of understanding a term and usage of words in a situation will be helpful:tup:
further sir world is round you your self are moving in round movement around the world
and i use emoji as it helps me to show case my emotional criteria at the time of typing that line.
Actually, i am working at something similar with English being the main language of communication. Luckily, all my clients are ready to accept when they are wrong and i do not have to be this stuborn with them :)

Let me break it up in pieces and may be your mind can comprehend that better:
  1. Did you said that Rafale are actually to complete the Indian nuclear triad.
  2. Do you admit that Mirages are already capable to carry nukes when Rafale were being discussed and will be here when Rafale will be inducted and will remain here for some years AFTER that as well?
  3. Explain to me how Rafale completes what was already in place! :P
  4. AND if by what you said in previous post, Mirages do not complete Indian nuclear triad because they are not Indian planes, SAME HOLDS TRUE FOR RAFALE.

Sorry kid, i am not backing out. PROVE me wrong or i will keep rubbing your nose in it. You made a ridiculous claim, a lesson for future should be to admit such a mistake and move on. Stick around and try to prove your idiotic mistake as a very intelligent post and you will end up encountering someone like me. :)

So again, (and again and again unless you realize) RAFALE DO NOT complete the Indian nuclear triad and that claim was ridiculous and PROVES that you not nothing about your own air force. :enjoy:

You need a lot more than sarcasm and smilies to win this, i though you know it already from that Guru ID. :lol:
Sounds Interesting will like to know more of it..
Its a private business/job in export marketing. Nothing as cool as what you do, :)

Yes and its does and it will since mere 54 jets with low Rate of service availibilty benot enough to complete the triad of a country 3.287 million km in size it needs more jets this doesn't mean mirage complete that triad alone
So the 54 mirages actually DO NOT complete the nuclear triad already? YOu say that they are too low and they alone do not complete the nuclear triad and with Rafale not accquired yet or not in service are you saying that India do not have a functional nuclear triad?
Can you please answer to the point?

get it clear now mirage are being upgraded so their life span is increased that doen't mean its as competent as a jet of same origin due to its generation gap
As i said from post one, UPGRADING a system is not same as COMPLETING IT, leave it, you it will be too difficult for you to understand.

Rafale might be a HUGE upgrade to what was already in place but it was in pace alright. Not that Rafale are being bought to COMPLETE what was already existing.

Its totally fine just the problem is sometimes i get agitated due to natural surroundings
Perhaps you should try some change?
It is not good for your health because as far as i can see, i am sorry but i have to point out what i wrong.

exaclty as the phrase say (keep your friends closer 'and your enemies closer
Lolz, well saying that Rafale complete Indian nuclear triad do not make you know anything better about PAF either, Sorry. :
In few years may be gripen or F 16 will be bought by India Pakistan has to buy two different type of jets now we can't keep up with India we have to buy next generation J 31 and Eurofighter or SU 35
In few years may be gripen or F 16 will be bought by India Pakistan has to buy two different type of jets now we can't keep up with India we have to buy next generation J 31 and Eurofighter or SU 35

How Can you buy the J31 now >......... ??? THERE ARE only 3 tech demonstrators TODAY ,,, The plane is decade away from achieving export potential.

Typhoon ......... Brilliant option AND AVIALABLE @ $150 MILLION each

SU35 ......... available ,,,,,,,,, But very similar to su30mki ,,, SO BAD CHOICE ,, especially has the SU30MKI is to be upgraded to SUPER MKI now.

LOOKING AT PAF historically cost will prevent you buying a new platform until 2025 when J31 comes into IOC /FOC

I think YOU guys will look for block 52 VIA grant aid or used F16 until J31 is ready

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Typhoon ......... Brilliant option AND AVIALABLE @ $150 MILLION each

SU35 ......... available ,,,,,,,,, But very similar to su30mki ,,, SO BAD CHOICE ,, especially has the SU30MKI is to be upgraded to SUPER MKI now

Maybe Pakistan should buy 36 F-15's for 12 billion, just like Qatar did. :cheesy:
Pakistan has absolutely nothing to worry

Firstly, Pakistan is under the protection of Allah and Allah is with Pakistan.

Secondly, Isn't it a miracle that Pakistan not only survived for 70+ years in spite of having a 6 times bigger adversary but also is the only Islamic nation to be a nuclear power. No nation can touch Pakistan. Forget about India even US would think thrice to go against Pakistan

Thirdly, Pakistan has a tried and tested friend in China which has already surrounded India with its bases from all sides. India would think a thousand times to even think of going to a war.

Fourthly, RAFALEs would not be delivered to India until 2022-23. Pakistan has always surprised India whether it was Nuclear weapons, Engines for JF-17s, Babur, RAAD, NASR or Ababeel. Rest assured Pakistan establishment will surprise India again.

Fifthly, by the time India gets RAFALEs , JF-17 block 4 would be with PAF. RAFALEs are not some super duper invincible fighter. If you take away the advertising hype, at the end of the day, Its just another 4th generation fighter.

Sixthly, Pakistan would be inducting Chinese HQ-9, HQ-19 and HQ-29s for which RAFALEs would be a good target practice.

Seventhly, Russia would side with Pakistan in the next Indo-Pak war. Remember why India went for RAFALEs and not for Russian fighters. This means, Pakistan could discount all Russia origin equipment for the equation including Brahmos missiles. That leaves only the M2Ks and RAFALEs i.e a total 80 4th generation fighters. Pakistan's F-16s will have a field day.

Eighthly, Pakistan's forces are more motivated while Indian forces are dealing with basic issues like what food would be served to whom.

Ninthly, Indian nuclear weapons are duds which failed during testing

Tenthly, India is a weak state with people fighting over race,religion, castes, languages, status etc. Just give one jatka, the whole nation is going to collapse like a house of cards.
Sir mirages while active compelet Indian nuclear triad, you comment of rafale being bought to complete nuclear triad was stupid to say the least. and mirages are not going anywhere as pet your oen people. So wheter you like it or not, rafale DO NOT COMPLETES what is already here. :omghaha:Everyone makes mistakes, being stuborn about them make you look just that much worst. Just saying!!!
Nuclear delivery is actually Mirage and Jaguar.
This whole nuclear capable is pretty much non-sense, you can drop nukes from anything that flies and capable of carrying the payload and have ample service ceiling.

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