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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

an arab in algeria is algerian.
Algeria was populated by berberes far before the Arabs
still today they have a lot of berbere traditions and culture
most of Algerians are not arabs but berberes (amazigh).
still nobody is saying a stupid statement like "hey guy this one is arab so he is not algerian"

you get it?

an arab in French Algeria is not French, he's still ethnically Algerian.
during the roman empire berberes were romans. see how funny it is.
during French colony the king decided in 1834 by ordonnance that any people of French Algeria becomes French if HE asks to become French ;)

An uzbek in Greater Persia is still ethnically an Uzbek, not a Persian.
you like it or not it was ONE country.
It is that simple.
b) Whoever was born in the Gupta Empire at the time of the map was a citizen of the Gupta Empire. They weren't Indians or Pakistanis. However, if they were born in the geography of Pakistan, they were Ancient Pakistanis as that is the history of that region.
The moment I saw this thread, I had an inkling that this "ancient Pakistan" malarkey would soon pop up! And here it comes.

Whatever RR, you have your own opinions, but you cannot have your own facts.
Algeria was populated by berberes far before the Arabs
still today they have a lot of berbere traditions and culture
most of Algerians are not arabs but berberes (amazigh).
still nobody is saying a stupid statement like "hey guy this one is arab so he is not algerian"

you get it?

A berber in French-Algeria is a berber. He is not French.

An uzbek in Persian-Uzbekistan (Greater Persia) is an uzbek. He is not Persian.

It is that simple.

What is even simpler is that the Uzbek nomads only conquered the region in the 16th century. Were were they before that time?

Dont be daft. The Uzbeks didnt invade in the 16th century and genocide all the pre 16th century people of Uzbekistan.

The Uzbeks are descendants of people that have always lived on the land along with some immigrant mixing.
the number zero was invented in Pakistan. It's the shunya, my guess is Pingala's treatizes, or if it has to be placed to someone probably it would be Brahmagupta.

he might have been. I didnt say Arybhatta was born in the region of Pakistan. It's not known where he's from.

But you did say Zero was invented in Pakistan.

When no one knows where Aryabhatta or Brahmagupta were born, how can be so sure that it was in modern day "Pakistan".
The number zero and the Indian numeric system were not invented in the boundaries of modern India.

The Arabs did have intellectuals of note

While there have been many advances in science and technology done by Muslims but they are not comparable to what other nations have done, specially recently. Muslims had only an era known as golden period of Islam in which science was flourishing in Islamic lands while other nations were in darkness but since that golden age came to an end, not much has been done by Islamic countries. And even during those golden era not much was produced which affects our lives today and further more the contribution of Arabs in whatever was produced was minuscule. I must refer you to one of the greatest scientists of that golden era an Arab who is now known as the father of sociology, making him an expert to opine on the issue:

"It is a remarkable fact that, with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars ... have been non-Arabs ... all of them were of Persian descent ... they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar ... great jurists were Persian ... only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing ... scholarly works ... intellectual sciences were the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them ... as was the case with all crafts ..." ~ Ibn Khaldun http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ibn_Khaldun#On_the_Persians
That is not saying much, its obvious that your languages would had been influnced by Elamite, since it was part of a great kingdom.

i am not sure ABOUT IT....
dravidians came first to india from europe...
and later pushed down to peninsular india by aryans....
i am not sure ABOUT IT....
dravidians came first to india from europe...
and later pushed down to peninsular india by aryans....
I don't know much about that, would you explain more? because it is like more than 4000 kms from Europe to India, How is that possible?
I don't know much about that, would you explain more? because it is like more than 4000 kms from Europe to India, How is that possible?

i have doubts about this too, i thought dravidians were natives, an entirely different ethnic populations, although aryans actually came from europe......
i have doubts about this too, i thought dravidians were natives, an entirely different ethnic populations, although aryans actually came from europe......

in our text books in Iran they say that Aryans came from Siberia and then they were divided, one of them stayed in Iran, one of them went to India and the other went to Europe. so, that would be a big NO, Aryans didn't come from Europe, one may consider Siberia in Russia as in Europe but there are big differences between Eastern and Southern Europe with Western Europe.
I don't know much about that, would you explain more? because it is like more than 4000 kms from Europe to India, How is that possible?

Dude that time before civilisation was formed every human was a nomad....
So its not surprising they travelled all the way to a place they felt good......
They just kept travelling and settled near rivers and thats why many civilisations are situated near rivers.....
Its said they settled near indus river forming INDUS VALLEY CIVILISATION(IVC)...
And a proof is a bulll fighting SEAL was found in pots,coins taken in IVC....
And to this date bull fighting in india ,exist only in the state of tamil nadu which is the core of dravidian family....
Dude that time before civilisation was formed every human was a nomad....
So its not surprising they travelled all the way to a place they felt good......
They just kept travelling and settled near rivers and thats why many civilisations are situated near rivers.....
Its said they settled near indus river forming INDUS VALLEY CIVILISATION(IVC)...
And a proof is a bulll fighting SEAL was found in pots,coins taken in IVC....
And to this date bull fighting in india ,exist only in the state of tamil nadu which is the core of dravidian family....

yeah, but it is nowhere written that people who started INDus valley civi were nomads, they could well be natives who later civilized....similarly for mesopotamia or modern iran.......
Dude that time before civilisation was formed every human was a nomad....
So its not surprising they travelled all the way to a place they felt good......
They just kept travelling and settled near rivers and thats why many civilisations are situated near rivers.....
Its said they settled near indus river forming INDUS VALLEY CIVILISATION(IVC)...
And a proof is a bulll fighting SEAL was found in pots,coins taken in IVC....
And to this date bull fighting in india ,exist only in the state of tamil nadu which is the core of dravidian family....
Are you indicating that from Europe to India there were no rivers or places that they felt good so they had to travel all the way long to India? I'm just curious.
yeah, but it is nowhere written that people who started INDus valley civi were nomads, they could well be natives who later civilized....similarly for mesopotamia or modern iran.......

They settled as nomads near rivers and later developed it into a civilisation cos they started to live were they feel good !!!
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