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India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

Sure, it's a loose theme, which us the highlighted word, not a developed religion, just some things in the distant background, primitive musings from primitive people, my ancestors were too busy trying to kill cattle and animals, that's the biggest fact of all my friend!
Ha ha ha......lost your cool buddy........I thought you would reply logically(well if at all your stubbornness can be regarded as logic)

By the way, you don't have to worry about what your ancestors did........

we are now paying you bacK.....not only we....the whole world :lol:

And as I said earlier, it doesn't matter whether it's loose or tight.....It's the main binding force even today.
Now we are paying you bacK.....not only we....the whole world :lol:

And as I said earlier, it doesn't matter whether it's loose or tight.....It's the main bonding force eve today.

You are getting very open about your desperation to forge a non existent Hindu civilisation.

The sum of your proof is a few statues along the busy silk route and 3 quotes.

That's your required standard of proof, in that case let me say the whole world were once Hindus, even Neanderthals.
You are getting very open about your desperation to forge a non existent Hindu civilisation.

The sum of your proof is a few statues along the busy silk route and 3 quotes.

That's your required standard of proof, in that case let me say the whole world were once Hindus, even Neanderthals.
Man this is ridiculous.........

Once you are ranting about the "non existent Hindu civilization."

Then you are saying "the whole world were once Hindus"

which one of your statement should I consider to be true??

If it is the latter one...then it's awesome......Once our religion/culture dominated the whole world :victory:
Even you people, those who consider Hindus to be Kafirs , were also Hindus..........Now see! so far I was talking about contradictions in your mind only......NOW you proved the contradiction in your own RELIGION :cheesy:
This is sad to see, you are making the standard for Hindu so low and so vague that anyone can be a hindu, in fact they are Hindus before anyone knew what Hinduism or religion was, and you are arguing for cattle killers and carnivores to be Hindus, such confusion and inconsistency??

There are some Muslims who burn incense, they must be Hindus too, they're using the tools of the wizard of dharma :lol:

You are hijacking such loose and common themes, then equating them to Hinduism, this is a shameful intellectual dishonesty to build a mythology, but that's why it's a mythology, NO PROOF, just horrible logic, one post ago it was a theme, now the theme is a religion, so desperate :ROFL:.
This is sad to see, you are making the standard for Hindu so low and so vague that anyone can be a hindu, in fact they are Hindus before anyone knew what Hinduism or religion was, and you are arguing for cattle killers and carnivores to be Hindus, such confusion and inconsistency??

There are some Muslims who burn incense, they must be Hindus too, they're using the tools of the wizard of dharma :lol:

You are hijacking such loose and common themes, then equating them to Hinduism, this is a shameful intellectual dishonesty to build a mythology, but that's why it's a mythology, NO PROOF, just horrible logic, one post ago it was a theme, now the theme is a religion, so desperate :ROFL:.
worry about the standard of your own religion mate.

It is so riddled with contradictions and hypocrisies that it doesn't take a non-believer to point out the underlying hypocrisy in your religion..........hardcore Muslims like you can do that yourself :chilli:
worry about the standard of your own religion mate.

It is so riddled with contradictions and hypocrisies that it doesn't take a non-believer to point out the underlying hypocrisy in your religion..........hardcore Muslims like you can do that yourself :chilli:

Well the standard of the Hindu religion is kind of the main point, and it's not surprising your mythology doesn't require any standards :lol:.

Cattle eating Hindus :lol:

Dharmic desperado :lol:
Well the standard of the Hindu religion is kind of the main point, and it's not surprising your mythology doesn't require any standards :lol:.

Cattle eating Hindus :lol:

Dharmic desperado :lol:
We are not discussing about Islam here.....

Even then, you guys are unable to hide the underlying hypocrisy in Islam.....It's automatically coming out without provocation.

Now,had we been discussing Islam........then just imagine the situation of you guys.....

I can imagine you guys tearing up your hair in desperation for not being able to defend a religion, which is based on NOTHING BUT HYPOCRISY :hitwall:

Pig eating Muslims :lol:
There is no point in going into a silly squabbles over this, but within my barb I was trying to prove a point about the weakness of your argument.
There is no point in going into a silly squabbles over this, but within my barb I was trying to prove a point about the weakness of your argument.
Ok, my arguments are "weak"...even though I gave loads of evidences in support of them.

AND your arguments(just denying)....without giving any proof or even mere logic, is very "strong"

I got your point mate.....NOW happy! :yahoo:

This is the main problem in Muslims.....They don't want to face reality if it contradicts their mythical beliefs.....which makes them hypocrites.

We don't have any problem with that.....as long as you follow this approach "LIVE AND LET LIVE".
BUT in reality, problem starts because you don't follow this approach.
How do you know they're not Indians on Pakistani trains?

Assuming they're Pakistanis on Pakistani trains, how do they represent anything?

Here's the French football team


Here's some people from the Congo


See the similarity as your logic? You would say that Frenchmen are the same as Congo men.

Stop being such a leech. Hoping people won't realize the truth about Indian history in the internet age is a bit delusional.

Yeah I got your logic, you're french and we are congovian along with sindhis, mohajir, punjabis of Pakistan, ok let's strike out punjabis as according to you they got upbreeded by inter mixing with "french" of Pakistan.

Very well, but shouldn't the "french" of pakistan should take refuge to their own heritage(or lack thereof), awesomeness of which has got the whole world dumbstruck in sheer awe! :lol:

You may not speak Urdu but most of your Pakistani "french" brethren do(heck it's considered matter of pride for them, if we go by another pakistani "french" member's post in this forum), I'd say good job by Pakistan at Indianize, ermm I meant Congonizing the mountain "french" tribals, keep it up and seal the khybar for greater good. :tup:
Well the standard of the Hindu religion is kind of the main point, and it's not surprising your mythology doesn't require any standards :lol:.

Cattle eating Hindus :lol:

Dharmic desperado :lol:

Cow sacrifice is widely mentioned in Vedas, it's only in later period Hindus grew out of it.
Here's the French football team


Who told you they were French?

I remember the names of only 2 players from the 5, and even those two are not French. They're all West Africans.

Didier Drogba = Ivory Coast

Samuel Etoo = Cameroon

Strong knowledge, "think thank" :lol:
^It's the skin pigmentation that matters for our Pakistani "french" thinktank, knowledge be damned.
Who told you they were French?

I remember the names of only 2 players from the 5, and even those two are not French. They're all West Africans.

Didier Drogba = Ivory Coast

Samuel Etoo = Cameroon

Strong knowledge, "think thank" :lol:

Cant you use your brain? It's not a question of name the person. There's a bigger point that was made.
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