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India Invaded Pakistan In 1971: Know The Facts, And The Enemy

WTF are you talking about the British United India it was noting more then a Bunch of Princely states, They also tried to civilize you, in the End a British General of the Raj said in there is noting that can stop the Brahmin, Sikhs, Hindus from ripping each other apart.

“India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.”

Winston Churchill

Churchill was a fat racist joke who cares what he thinks he used to call Indians and Pakistanis racist words

---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------


The concept of India is before Jesus was born or fat churchill
Simple question does india or any other country have the right to arm,train,create and shelter hundreds of thousands of insurgents against china and than invade it? if yes... il agree your observation.

Of course not mate. No country has the "right" to do that but you should know that India saw a chance to weaken her enemy and she took it (The pre-emptive were the perfect excuse). That's it. Not much more to it.
You're one of the most mature forum members from the entire lot of Indians and Pakistani board members here. Why are we still fighting ? I mean we have the same cultural values, we take care of our parents when they are old, we respect our elders, we help our fathers to get our sisters married, we enjoy doodh patti after breakfast, we have parathas, we are crazy for cricket, we still dance in weddings and our grooms ride horses in the baraat. Hell man, our sisters as brides wear red on their weddings !!!!!

Its saddening to see educated Indian and Pakistani brothers fight and defend the decissions made by the politicians of their respective countries. Did they consult you blokes before making the decissions ? Then why are we defending them ? I visited India last year and had the time of my life and realized what a fool I was for hating Indians all my life. Some of my best friends are Indians / Hindus.........

I wish both the countries proserity. Salute to the British....... They broke our families pre 1948 and we're still fighting !!!!!

I think, you are misguided. Problem is many Indians haven't experiences living in Pakistan and goodwills. You will find many Indian more hatred on Pakistan than Pakistanis does.

Welcome to PDF, newcomer.
Forty years ago, Pakistan and Bangladesh became separate countries. They may enjoy good relations with each other today, but it seems that Pakistan has not learnt any lessons from the East Pakistan debacle.

After the separation, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto formed the Hamoodur Rehman commission, headed by the then Chief Justice of Pakistan. It was given the mandate to investigate all circumstances and events which led to the disintegration of the eastern wing. The commission submitted its report to Bhutto in October 1974, but the report was not made public. In august 2000, parts of this report were leaked out and published in the Indian and Pakistani press.

In December 2000, however, this report was declassified and made public by Pervez Musharraf’s government. It clearly held the military elite of Yahya’s regime responsible for the separation of East Pakistan and recommended action against Yahya Khan and his deputies.Unfortunately, no action has been taken against anyone to date. This encouraged Generals like Ziaul Haq and Musharraf to carry out coups against civilian governments.

The main factors which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh were a sense of deprivation and military action in East Pakistan.

It is unfortunate that we have not learned any lessons from this, as the same can be seen in the deprivation amongst the people of Balochistan today. Not surprisingly, the excuses for the operation are starkly similar to the ones in 1971 - Indian conspiracies in these areas. People of West Pakistan were unaware of the atrocities carried out by the military in the eastern wing and the same situation exists today. Most Pakistanis are completely oblivious to the suffering of their countrymen and how they are being treated by their own forces.

It is of vital important, thus, that those in the corridors of power accept their mistakes. This is the only way to ensure that they won’t be repeated. However, if we continue in our current state of ‘eyes wide shut’, then we will fall deep down in to an endless pit from where there is no hope of return.

All I can say in conclusion is that we should hope for the best and try to play our individual parts in preventing another East Pakistan debacle from happening ever again.

Losing East Pakistan: Lessons we didn’t learn – The Express Tribune Blog
Well Pakistan millitary top brass is the most incompetent bunch while an average trooper has proven himself from time to time with limited resources and often single handed efforts such as Kernal Sher Khan during Kargil affair.. I presonally know plenty of serving Brigadiers and Kernals in DHA who regularly host lavish stripping parties with russian and ukranian paegents...and several indian participants.
the socialist PPP and Butthoism cult is always a looming danger for Pakistan.
I swear if i see another '71 thread; I'm going to barf.....
Economic gap between East and West Pakistan in 1960s is often cited as a key reason for the secessionist movement led by Shaikh Mujib's Awami League and the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. This disparity has grown over the last 40 years, and the per capita income in Pakistan now stands at 1.7 times Bangladesh's in 2011, slightly higher than 1.6 as it was in 1971.

Haq's Musings: Economic Disaparity Between Bangladesh & Pakistan
I always had this feeling when i read 1971 history - yahya was a typical soldier with no brain, listened to vutto blindly. Vutto was clever politician, wanted power at any cost. Muzib also wanted Pakistan's power, not the independence of Bangladesh. There was a part in awamileague that wanted independence -tajuddin ahmed and others...

This is exactly what was the case in 1971. Mujib did not want an independent Bangladesh. He wanted a fair share of the wealth for east Pakistan. He wanted to revise his demands on 6 points. In reality, convening the Pakistan National Assembly in Dhaka would have given him enough leverege with the east Pakistan population, who were not in favour of an outright independence, but would have seen Dhaka as the defacto Capital of Pakistan if an NA convention were held there.

A Dhaka convention would have ended the influence of AL hawks, very limited though they were, who wanted an outright independence.
Of course not mate. No country has the "right" to do that but you should know that India saw a chance to weaken her enemy and she took it (The pre-emptive were the perfect excuse). That's it. Not much more to it.


If we go by international council of jurist, then India had the right to act considering severe refugee condition which was a growing burden on economy, society, demography.

Remember Indira didn't act till at the end of war even at the peril of people of west bengal, assam and tripura revolting which had to bear the most burden of refugees
Remember Indira didn't act till at the end of war even at the peril of people of west bengal, assam and tripura revolting which had to bear the most burden of refugees
Official Indian intervention may have come about near the end of the war, but Indian BSF and military officials have admitted that they started covertly supporting the East Pakistani terrorists/rebels as early as April.

Indian support for terrorism in East Pakistan therefore invalidates the 'refugees forced India to intervene' argument, since Indian support for one side in a conflict served to exacerbate and perpetuate the conflict and therefore contribute to the 'refugee exodus'.

India cannot claim to have 'acted in self -defence' in response to events that India herself was contributing to.
Official Indian intervention may have come about near the end of the war, but Indian BSF and military officials have admitted that they started covertly supporting the East Pakistani terrorists/rebels as early as April.

Indian support for terrorism in East Pakistan therefore invalidates the 'refugees forced India to intervene' argument, since Indian support for one side in a conflict served to exacerbate and perpetuate the conflict and therefore contribute to the 'refugee exodus'.

India cannot claim to have 'acted in self -defence' in response to events that India herself was contributing to.

What kind of covert support, was it moral in nature or did they help them with weaponry! Anyway deeds of some low rank BSF troopers don't attribute to that of official policy of India, which ws to shelter the refugees and ask world leaders and un to intervene.

"India can't claim to have acted in self defence to the event India herself was contributing "

bizzare logic and weird example of passing the buck! So if some afghan border troops help the BLA insurgents, you would start killing all baluchis! I know it's poor analogy considering muktis in early 71 was nothing like BLA or any other irregular force, but you got the drift anyway.
I always think that instead of blaming India for the 1971 tragedy, we must blame ourselves. We treated Bengali's in an inferior way, they were not given Govt. jobs, they were not recruited in the military, they were denied their true share and Urdu was made the official language despite the consensus in favor of Bengali and final straw was denial of power to Mujeeb's winning party in general elections. Bhutto's every lasting words "Tum Wahan Hum Yahan" was proof of sick mentality!

However, even today it is taboo to Blame 'Shaeed' Bhutto! These Bhutto's will remain 'alive', always and perhaps we deserve them and Zardari and Bilawal!
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