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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

Lol! Let's assume for a second what you say is true.

But the era of genocide is long gone. The west and UN won't let this to happen

The human race is always a hair trigger from genocide.

You are only fooling yourself if you think that the Yazidi and the Rohingya and the Lankan Tamils were not genocided.

Or that Srebrenica never happened.

Please wake up and smell the reality.

At Godhra you were a hair breadth from a wider pan India genocide if things had gone bad and the violence had spread to other places.

It's happened on a smaller sub pan national scale in the late 70s and early 80s when I was a boy.

Which is why I asked how old you were ...

Cheers, Doc
Those standing by after the recent actions and statements of their party leadership definitely are.
So anyone who voted for BJP ( I didn't btw) is a genocidal maniac as per you ?

When average Germans voted for Hitler they were not but they ultimately became responsible for what he did. In case of India, the signs are obvious and if you ignore them, yes you are genocidal maniac even if you did not vote for BJP. The similarities between Modi and Hitler are mind boggling. On a personal and on a political level.
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Those standing by after the recent actions and statements of their party leadership definitely are.

Assuming you are referring to those of us who did not vote for the BJP.

What would you have us do in our own country besides "stand by" till the next time we get to vote again?

Cheers, Doc
So anyone who voted for BJP ( I didn't btw) is a genocidal maniac as per you ?

If you are a Hindu and did not vote for the BJP this time (not the last) then you are not responsible for what is coming.

If you are a Hindu and voted for the BJP this time, regardless of how you voted the last, then your hands are already dipped in blood.

Cheers, Doc
All I see on social media is both Muslims and Hindus thirsty for each other blood. Sold out News channel talk 24/7 only about Hindu Muslim issues. They invite communal politicians and sold out religious leaders to poison the atmosphere of the country.

I was reading a very good article on Muslim issues in Modi's India. I was shocked to read the comments. Even such a nice article has hate filled comments. It's a nice article you should read it.

I will post pictures of the comments.




I want to say this to Hinduwadi, that Muslims belong in India. Trying to make Muslims 2nd class citizens won't work. or trying to expel nearly 30 crore muslims is not even possible in wildest dream. Let's not make our country worse than Syria.

To fellow Muslims, I would suggest to stop playing in the hands of Hinduwadis by replying to hate with hate. It will only benefit Hinduwadis who want to potray Muslims as violent extremists.

Let's not create a civil war in India. Only Pakistan and Bangladesh will benefit from these. As they will expand into India's territory taking advantage of internal instability.

Move away from sold media and look upto your non-Muslim frends...
These kind of issues are only on social media and pave way for some people to earn money
All I see on social media is both Muslims and Hindus thirsty for each other blood. Sold out News channel talk 24/7 only about Hindu Muslim issues. They invite communal politicians and sold out religious leaders to poison the atmosphere of the country.

I was reading a very good article on Muslim issues in Modi's India. I was shocked to read the comments. Even such a nice article has hate filled comments. It's a nice article you should read it.

I will post pictures of the comments.




I want to say this to Hinduwadi, that Muslims belong in India. Trying to make Muslims 2nd class citizens won't work. or trying to expel nearly 30 crore muslims is not even possible in wildest dream. Let's not make our country worse than Syria.

To fellow Muslims, I would suggest to stop playing in the hands of Hinduwadis by replying to hate with hate. It will only benefit Hinduwadis who want to potray Muslims as violent extremists.

Let's not create a civil war in India. Only Pakistan and Bangladesh will benefit from these. As they will expand into India's territory taking advantage of internal instability.


You take keyboard warriors serious ? Lol

Anyway thanks for this thread as it’s something for me to laugh at work with my Indian friend kuldeep later .
If you are a Hindu and did not vote for the BJP this time (not the last) then you are not responsible for what is coming.

If you are a Hindu and voted for the BJP this time, regardless of how you voted the last, then your hands are already dipped in blood.

Cheers, Doc

I didn't vote BJP this time but did vote for them the last time. But nothing's gonna happen.
The human race is always a hair trigger from genocide.

You are only fooling yourself if you think that the Yazidi and the Rohingya and the Lankan Tamils were not genocided.

Or that Srebrenica never happened.

Please wake up and smell the reality.

At Godhra you were a hair breadth from a wider pan India genocide if things had gone bad and the violence had spread to other places.

It's happened on a smaller sub pan national scale in the late 70s and early 80s when I was a boy.

Which is why I asked how old you were ...

Cheers, Doc

If one looks at what the sikhs and Pakistanis did to each other in August 1947 and what happened to the sikhs in 1984, you may have a point. Perhaps india is never that far away from mass genocide. Perhaps it's nearly time for another cull. Who knows.
Muslims should follow what Arif mohammad khan saab said in this the 'wire interview' . They have nothing to fear and demand favour from anyone . India is our father land .

Keep brown nosing until it bleeds

No they aren't. Modi is a much much milder version. You just can't compare. Also, these are very different times.
Read history or keep fooling yourself. In fact he will prove to be worst than Hitler. Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Modi will kill tens of millions of Muslims before India is destroyed.
When average Germans voted for Hitler they were not but they ultimately became responsible for what he did. In case of India, the signs are obvious and if you ignore them, yes you are genocidal maniac even if you did not vote for BJP. The similarities between Modi and Hitler are mind boggling. On a personal and on a political level.
Look islam spread by committing genocide or forced conversions to its cult. I think as indians its better to ensure tondonsnything that prevents this from happening to India. We came very close to this several times in the lady few centuries. Only now the Islamic power is on a permanent decline but we need to be vigilant to push it back.
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Keep brown nosing until it bleeds

Read history or keep fooling yourself. In fact he will prove to be worst than Hitler. Hitler killed 6 million Jews. Modi will kill tens of millions of Muslims before India is destroyed.

Why will India get destroyed?

Genocides never destroy countries as history has shown.

Wars do.

Which country do you see waging war on India if the Hindus go Mongol on the Muslims?

You? The Chinese?

Cheers, Doc
Just like you raised voice for Bangladeshis :lol:

You were ruled over. Your chicken ancestors gave up.

Clearly Mosques are at fault then. You don't see these things in a Temple.

There is a reason we have this

And not this

Thanks to Hindu population.

You think your tantrums are scary? Have you seen Muslim wrestlers from Middle East and Central Asia? They win medals for their countries. I don't see a single Indian Muslim wrestler capable of doing that. You are not the same material. The only thing you are good at it outnumbering lone victims. You are weak.

True. And these worldly desires today make a nation strong. No country can win wars today on horses. You need brains for that to understand, which you obviously lack. That makes you weak and brainless.

Hindus created Hindu civilization.

Believe it or not, actual opposite it true. Riots won't happen under Modi. You are wrong if you think Modi has polarised the country. It is the fear mongering left-liberal cabal who did that. It snowballed from there. Congress will eventually make a comeback. Maybe 5 years later or 10 years later, but surely. But it will not be a landslide victory because now exists are core Hindu block. And this Congress rule will not last more than one term, and will be most vulnerable. Riots, if happen, will happen in these five years.

As for genocide, its too early to even think that will happen. You will see army deployment all over the country and big Muslim leaders/influencers jailed before it even starts. I hope it don't happen.;):enjoy:
RSS guy, you think Muslims can be bullied. You are wrong. Fighting spirit and the mindset to get themselves get martyred of Muslims is present in no other community.

I hope the day never comes.

Why will India get destroyed?

Genocides never destroy countries as history has shown.

Wars do.

Which country do you see waging war on India if the Hindus go Mongol on the Muslims?

You? The Chinese?

Cheers, Doc
Will Modi import 300 million bullets from the west to genocide 300 million Muslims?

You take keyboard warriors serious ? Lol

Anyway thanks for this thread as it’s something for me to laugh at work with my Indian friend kuldeep later .
Keyboard can transform into actual fighters. Let's not forget Arab spring and violence against Rohingyas resulted from social media campaign
RSS guy, you think Muslims can be bullied. You are wrong. Fighting spirit and the mindset to get themselves get martyred of Muslims is present in no other community.

I hope the day never comes.

Will Modi import 300 million bullets from the west to genocide 300 million Muslims?

Keyboard can transform into actual fighters. Let's not forget Arab spring and violence against Rohingyas resulted from social media campaign

Modi is now inconsequential.

He might have been the catalyst.

The Hindu awakening is now complete.

And it is a self perpetuating animal.

Cheers, Doc
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