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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

I see many similarities between India today and Hitler's pre-war Germany.

Hitler's Germans killed the Jews and ravaged Europe.

Modi's Hindus will similarly kill Muslims and then wage war on the subcontinent.

There are many Hindus who have their misgivings.

But they are increasingly silent.

Cheers, Doc
Lol! Let's assume for a second what you say is true.

But the era of genocide is long gone. The west and UN won't let this to happen
We will just have Jammu and Kashmir and some parts of Punjab, you can have the rest as you please. :lol:

I would like Eastern Bihar, Jharkhand, WB, Odisha and entire NE. Apart from Assam all NE states be made autonomus, plus Darjeeling. From Assam make all ahoms expelled to Tibet and from WB all upper caste Hindus expelled to Arya Bharat.
How irreligious nationalism worked in Europe, is well known.

Your RSS Brahman Hindutva nationalism will prove much more to worse.

Real Creators of Pakistan - Savarkar and Gowalkars split the country once again.

What is wrong with Europe? They are the rich nations who provide quality life to their people....Tell me one Islamic nation who has provided quality to their citizen by following religion based naionalism to their people??
What is wrong with Europe? They are the rich nations who provide quality life to their people....Tell me one Islamic nation who has provided quality to their citizen by following religion based naionalism to their people??
Nationalism caused world wars in Europe. They could recover from world wars because they stole a lot of wealth from the east.
they don't teach you that in RSS shakas? don't be stupid
More hate please. Genocide if possible.
Time to bring out the actual Indian Hindu and let him/her shine the new national character
I see many similarities between India today and Hitler's pre-war Germany.

Hitler's Germans killed the Jews and ravaged Europe.

Modi's Hindus will similarly kill Muslims and then wage war on the subcontinent.

There are many Hindus who have their misgivings.

But they are increasingly silent.

Cheers, Doc

That's not going to happen. Comparing Modi to Hitler is an exaggeration. Modi has fascist tendencies but he is a much much milder version of Hitler. Besides, we don't live in the world of 1940s. This is almost 2020 now. At worst Modi's India might see a massacre or a major riot. No chances of genocide or so called "purge".

More hate please. Genocide if possible.
Time to bring out the actual Indian Hindu and let him/her shine the new national character

What is the actual Hindu ? And who's posts are you referring to ?
Nationalism caused world wars in Europe. They could recover from world wars because they stole a lot of wealth from the east.
they don't teach you that in RSS shakas? don't be stupid

If this is your knowledge about history, then good luck with your understanding..At some point of time, i prefer India to follow good things of Europe and provide quality of life to its people rather than killing each other in the name of religion...
Unfortunately, i could not go to RSS sakhas....this is a miss in my life, but i still feel proud of them for their spirit to upload the primacy of my country...
similarly Pakistan will raise voice for subcontinent muslims
Just like you raised voice for Bangladeshis :lol:
cant digest fact that muslims ruled india for a thousand
You were ruled over. Your chicken ancestors gave up.
I think you need to visit a RSS shaka and Mosque to sense the magnitude of this issue.
Clearly Mosques are at fault then. You don't see these things in a Temple.
If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .
There is a reason we have this

And not this

Thanks to Hindu population.
And we think getting martyred in the cause of Islam gets us to heaven
You think your tantrums are scary? Have you seen Muslim wrestlers from Middle East and Central Asia? They win medals for their countries. I don't see a single Indian Muslim wrestler capable of doing that. You are not the same material. The only thing you are good at it outnumbering lone victims. You are weak.
Hindus who are more concerned with worldly desires
True. And these worldly desires today make a nation strong. No country can win wars today on horses. You need brains for that to understand, which you obviously lack. That makes you weak and brainless.
Muslims created India, shed most blood for it's independence. Muslims have first right over India.
Hindus created Hindu civilization.
Honestly now we have reached the tipping point where possibly the only thing that can disrupt the current irreversible chain of events and maybe stop the rivers running red is for India to economically spectacularly implode in this term of Modi.
Believe it or not, actual opposite it true. Riots won't happen under Modi. You are wrong if you think Modi has polarised the country. It is the fear mongering left-liberal cabal who did that. It snowballed from there. Congress will eventually make a comeback. Maybe 5 years later or 10 years later, but surely. But it will not be a landslide victory because now exists are core Hindu block. And this Congress rule will not last more than one term, and will be most vulnerable. Riots, if happen, will happen in these five years.

As for genocide, its too early to even think that will happen. You will see army deployment all over the country and big Muslim leaders/influencers jailed before it even starts. I hope it don't happen.;):enjoy:
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Just like you raised voice for Bangladeshis :lol:

You were ruled over. Your chicken ancestors gave up.

Clearly Mosques are at fault then. You don't see these things in a Temple.

There is a reason we have this

And not this

Thanks to Hindu population.

You think your tantrums are scary? Have you seen Muslim wrestlers from Middle East and Central Asia? They win medals for their countries. I don't see a single Indian Muslim wrestler capable of doing that. You are not the same material. The only thing you are good at it outnumbering lone victims. You are weak.

True. And these worldly desires today make a nation strong. No country can win wars today on horses. You need brains for that to understand, which you obviously lack. That makes you weak and brainless.

Hindus created Hindu civilization.

Believe it or not, actual opposite it true. Riots won't happen under Modi. You are wrong if you think Modi has polarised the country. It is the fear mongering left-liberal cabal who did that. It snowballed from there. Congress will eventually make a comeback. Maybe 5 years later or 10 years later, but surely. But it will not be a landslide victory because now exists are core Hindu block. And this Congress rule will not last more than one term, and will be most vulnerable. Riots, if happen, will happen in these five years.

As for genocide, its too early to even think that will happen. You will see army deployment all over the country and big Muslim leaders/influencers jailed before it even starts. I hope it don't happen.;):enjoy:

The racial/dna differences between modern day Pakistanis and indians indicate that we were racially different to one another even 3000 years ago. That is way before Islam. The region that is modern day Pakistan contained a people that followed a religion, culture and belief system different to Hinduism and more affiliated to the regions West of us.
The racial/dna differences between modern day Pakistanis and indians indicate that we were racially different to one another even 3000 years ago. That is way before Islam. The region that is modern day Pakistan contained a people that followed a religion, culture and belief system different to Hinduism and more affiliated to the regions West of us.
:bad: To me kya karu be.
Jai hindu supremacy!!! I hope a new muslim state from within india arises one more time. A muslim buffer state between hindu indians (south) and us pakistaniz in ( North ) ameen!
That's not going to happen. Comparing Modi to Hitler is an exaggeration. Modi has fascist tendencies but he is a much much milder version of Hitler. Besides, we don't live in the world of 1940s. This is almost 2020 now. At worst Modi's India might see a massacre or a major riot. No chances of genocide or so called "purge".

What is the actual Hindu ? And who's posts are you referring to ?
The one spreading hate - the one encountered online, the one voting for fascists... they represent all of India.
Just like you raised voice for Bangladeshis :lol:

You were ruled over. Your chicken ancestors gave up.

Clearly Mosques are at fault then. You don't see these things in a Temple.

There is a reason we have this

And not this

Thanks to Hindu population.

You think your tantrums are scary? Have you seen Muslim wrestlers from Middle East and Central Asia? They win medals for their countries. I don't see a single Indian Muslim wrestler capable of doing that. You are not the same material. The only thing you are good at it outnumbering lone victims. You are weak.

True. And these worldly desires today make a nation strong. No country can win wars today on horses. You need brains for that to understand, which you obviously lack. That makes you weak and brainless.

Hindus created Hindu civilization.

Believe it or not, actual opposite it true. Riots won't happen under Modi. You are wrong if you think Modi has polarised the country. It is the fear mongering left-liberal cabal who did that. It snowballed from there. Congress will eventually make a comeback. Maybe 5 years later or 10 years later, but surely. But it will not be a landslide victory because now exists are core Hindu block. And this Congress rule will not last more than one term, and will be most vulnerable. Riots, if happen, will happen in these five years.

As for genocide, its too early to even think that will happen. You will see army deployment all over the country and big Muslim leaders/influencers jailed before it even starts. I hope it don't happen.;):enjoy:

Strong post.

You make a strong point of the population shift that is now independent of the political ideology in power.

But the army is where I disagree.

Our army is not different from the population that feeds it.

Cheers, Doc
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