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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate


It will take 5 years at the very least.

And unlike Rwanda, Bosnia, Myanmar, or Lanka, there will be no premature halt either.

The world will do nothing to disturb its biggest market.

Cheers, Doc
I bet when the violence breaks out. Hinduwadis like you will be the first one to flee India. You just big talk.
Your expectations are too high. The Indian Muslim is even a bigger crook than an Indian Brahmin leech.

God works in mysterious ways. These two were created to cancel each other out.

I will stand at a distance and enjoy the spectacle.

That will be not unlike a deer transfixed by the surging flames of a forest fire as they leap towards it.

Cheers, Doc
@Riyaz Syed

At a fundamental level, there has to be a raproachment between muslims and Hindus. This constant friction cannot go on. The senior religious people have got to get behind this and end this hatred. We would all be better of for it.

On a serious note, such kind of nuances element was there since ages...India is f*** up with such a huge 140 crore people....So do not expect, everyone will be sane and react in a nice way...
If you are living in India you don't need any explanation.

Nor does any Pakistani.

Note the widespread disgruntlement on this board with Imran and the deeper economic plight they are sinking into.

And then the euphoria of the American man smiling at them again.

Connect the dots.

It's too late for them as well. But they will rejoice at your fate first.

Till the northern mobs stream across ...

Cheers, Doc

Sure We are. So say's the person who's country contains the most impoverished and malnourished humans on earth. If that isn't sinking, than nothing is......:azn:.....:lol::


You need to solve the problems of india and the indian race before judging others.......:azn:
I bet when the violence breaks out. Hinduwadis like you will be the first one to flee India. You just big talk.

It's my land. Why should I leave?

I can do nothing to stop the freight train.

Cheers, Doc
The creation of Pakistan was just as much racial as it was religious. There is no such thing as a collective of "Sub-Continental" Muslims........:lol:

indian is indian and Pakistani is Pakistani. Both are different to one another.

Best post of this thread....Kudos to admit that each citizen should be treated based on their nationality than religion.
It's my land. Why should I leave?

I can do nothing to stop the freight train.

Cheers, Doc
It is not your father jagir. Hindus alone don't own India.

Muslims created India, shed most blood for it's independence. Muslims have first right over India.
Your expectations are too high. The Indian Muslim is even a bigger crook than an Indian Brahmin leech.

God works in mysterious ways. These two were created to cancel each other out.

I will stand at a distance and enjoy the spectacle.

Even if Indian Muslims sit on their butts doing nothing, its their choice but Pakistan shall not sit idle in the event if chaos started spilling into its borders. In that moment, Indian Muslims can either join us or stay out of the way.
It is not your father jagir. Hindus alone don't own India.

Muslims created India, shed most blood for it's independence. Muslims have first right over India.

I never said it's not your land as well.

Both sides fathers jageer it is.

Mine as well.

Cheers, Doc
Even if Indian Muslims sit on their butts doing nothing, its their choice but Pakistan shall not sit idle in the event if chaos started spilling into its borders. In that moment, Indian Muslims can either join us or stay out of the way.

The Indian Muslim chose to remain in Hindustan, but Hindustan failed the Indian Muslim. Hindustan is called Hindustan for a reason.
Even if Indian Muslims sit on their butts doing nothing, its their choice but Pakistan shall not sit idle in the event if chaos started spilling into its borders. In that moment, Indian Muslims can either join us or stay out of the way.

Your mobs will be fleeing into Iran, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan...

Sure our Muslims will stay out of the way.

Cheers, Doc

It will take 5 years at the very least.

And unlike Rwanda, Bosnia, Myanmar, or Lanka, there will be no premature halt either.

The world will do nothing to disturb its biggest market.

Cheers, Doc

Dude, relax. No need for all this at all.
The Indian Muslim chose to remain in Hindustan, but Hindustan failed the Indian Muslim. Hindustan is called Hindustan for a reason.

True. And Indian Muslims neglected one basic fact that the grudges inside the hearts of these hinduwadis against Muslims are far greater then what they actually reveal. They would rather drink from their skulls then live with Muslims peacfully.

Your mobs will be fleeing into Iran, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan...

Sure our Muslims will stay out of the way.

Cheers, Doc


Only time will tell.
Good, as a Pakistani it pleases me that the predictions are coming true. India is on the cusp of a civil war and no one seems to care lol. If the indiam muslims have an iota of courage and shame, they can carve out another country for themselves within a year. Mother india is pregnant again it seems.

Oh really? When was the last riot? I guess was in 2002. And its on the cusp of civil war?

Pakistan got formed cos of M majority provinces nearby to one another. There is no any other Muslim majority region in India for anyone's dream to come true. And talking of 170M muslims or even 200m muslims, a Muslims from TN has nothing in common from a Muslim from Bengal nor he from Muslim from UP or Hyderabad.

So stop dreaming about imaginery civil war scenario. India getting disintegrated has been predicted since 1947. As long as its beneficial for all states to be in the Union, India will exists. Not cos of some Pakistani talking of imaginery war and has no idea about India or have religious tolerance.

True. And Indian Muslims neglected one basic fact that the grudges inside the hearts of these hinduwadis against Muslims are far greater then what they actually reveal. They would rather drink from their skulls then live with Muslims peacfully.


Only time will tell.

Really? 2 of my best friends are Muslims. Have you even met an hindu in Pakistan? THe level of religious racism in this thread is appaling.
Dude, relax. No need for all this at all.

Honestly now we have reached the tipping point where possibly the only thing that can disrupt the current irreversible chain of events and maybe stop the rivers running red is for India to economically spectacularly implode in this term of Modi.

If we do not fail, then nothing can halt the killing that is coming.

Cheers, Doc
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