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India | How to Make Proxy War Succeed in Baluchistan

India being obliterated is 'more likely' my dear 'friend'. You won't 'live' to see Pakistan fregment, nor your loved ones, not even your puppy dog. You need to discourage people like Mr Singh,or Bharat Verma and other warmongers for your own sake.

Sweet dreams.

Well, It is just an article, may be written by some warmongers by your terms. But it is an article to be read and discussed. Many post have been posted regarding Elam (to begin with TN), North-East India, Maoist, of Punjab, Kashmir etc. I think we all discuss it but not get agitated over it. I know if some country gets disintegrated it will be due to not from external cause, but from internal Pressure only.

And to talk of obliteration, I do not care. Any body who wants to obliterate must also be prepared to be obliterated, as the other party cannot sit like a duck. And what harm my puppy has done?:what: Wait for some six months for the puppy to be a DOG. I will tell him about what you said.:D

And lastly about the RED button. Well, India has also some Red Buttons, except the fact is that it also covered by white cover. We also have some Blue, Green, Yellow buttons before moving to Red buttons.:undecided:
There is much to agree and disagree with in the above post - should we always be prepared to defend ourselves not just against India but any other and here I really do mean the US and her allies, YES, certainly ---- On the other hand our Enemy is internal, there is just no denying that.

Are India the mortal enemy of Pakistan? No necessarily, they may be no friend, but Mortal enemy? I don't think so.

What Aeronaut's post misses is that we have made ourselves weak - we are fragile from the inside and no amount of posturing on the outside will change that -- We have neglected our economy, we insist on idiot experiments that have proved to be failures all around the world and yet we somehow buy into them, in the hope that by some magic they may work - and look, e have made a complete mockery of social progress in our society, once again, we seem to be attracted by "Utopian magic", not FAITH in God, our politics, our very thought process is driven by anti-rational, radicalism, we reject science in society and mouth scriptural advice to "travel even to China for Knowledge" even as we reject knowledge in favor reading Ayat number such and such x many times - it's not that we are confused, we simply refuse to acknowledge that all we need to do is not be involved n reinventing the wheel morning day and night. So what does India have to do with this? Just that this kind of radical thought and behavior has made us weak and our adversaries to appear so much stronger. India have had now close to three decades of 8 to 9 percent growth -- Why not Pakistan? - blame whomever you wish to for not having this growth, but the fact is that you were present and you, as Pakistanis did not object that while we became weaker, our adversaries became stronger.

Now Does India really aspire to be our "mortal enemy"? And risk what they worked so hard to build?????

Thankyou Sir You posts are always a great read.

Just like Some people just become emotional while discussions in PDF (and this thread in particular - you responded to one of them) same is the case of hot heads on both sides of border.

The key point to note is that no one is innocent in this game. Neither India nor Pakistan. Pakistan has exploited many opportunity it got (Punjab, Kashmir, NE) to create trouble in India and if we have done so I won't be surprised (Bangladesh). But then this is the nature of Geo Politics. The week are exploited by the Strong.
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