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India has a long term plan to annex Bangladesh in a way or other in future.

I read this in Quora. Vijay Simha's answer to Why didn't India annex Bangladesh? - Quora

Vijay Simha

India does have plans to annex the orange marked regions of Bangladesh in the near future and is augmenting its armed forces and paramilitary forces in the Bengal, Assam and Tripura to do just this.

We are gathering strength in this region so that 1 million Indian troops will soon be positioned to attack along six points along the India-Bangladesh border.

India wants to annex the Rangpur region on the top left corner in order to expand the chicken's neck and facilitate accessibility to the Eastern states of India.

India wants to annex the Khulna region so that the whole of the Sundarbans lies within India.

India want to annex the Sylhet region so that illegal Bangladeshi migrants to Assam can be settled there and it wants to distribute the tea estates of Sylhet between the people of Assam and Meghalaya.

India wants to capture the entire Chittagong region so that the people of the Eastern states will now have a port to trade their goods to South East Asia and this will help the economy of the Eastern States of India.

Written Tue
You said Quora? LOL website. Go home and play.
India, Pakistan,BD are such useless and non productive and violent countries, that there is absolutely no value add if anyone occupy another...Only thing you will get by occupying another South Asian nation is the huge million plus population where poverty is high...Agian, it is not for BD only, it is applicable for India too..

So if any one thinking India will occupy BD, then they are on real high..
Legit question, why didnt india annex bangla land in 1971?
Good Grief

Now threads are being created using Quora as a source !!

Legit question, why didnt india annex bangla land in 1971?

Didnt want to, never felt the need.

Why would any nation want to increase its Muslim population by a couple of million in one stroke - with no obvious advantages ?
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