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India has a long term plan to annex Bangladesh in a way or other in future.

Why will india annex the region, that is going to be under water in near future ?

To fight water scarcity!!

Oh please. Do annex Bangladesh in the short term. It seems they're longing for it. It has been ages since they slept with you in 1971, and it's totally your fault that you left them like a used tissue paper! :D

@arp2041 @Skull and Bones ...... :p:

We are happy with our SLAVE & PUPPET Shrimati Hasina Devi........

Why will we marry (annex) someone when we can do with EXTRA MARITAL affair.............duh!!
Thanks we are working on project jamaat annihilation. Wont spare any single jamaati. Its our long term goal.

India already hosting our 100 million pop. 50 million Muslims 50 million hindus and negligible Paharis.
a dirty little BAL neo Hitler finally expressing himself. this 'Shahbaghi' extremism is to Bangladesh society what Black Death was to 14th century Europe or what the atom bomb was to Hiroshima.
a dirty little BAL neo Hitler finally expressing himself. this 'Shahbaghi' extremism is to Bangladesh society what Black Death was to 14th century Europe or what the atom bomb was to Hiroshima.

Every other day some bro of yours will be gone, that long you will keep on making these comments. Before horibol time to circumcise

because Pakistan and India are actual countries, unlike Bangladesh.
Every other day some bro of yours will be gone, that long you will keep on making these comments. Before horibol time to circumcise
^ i myself won't be pressing forum charges against this sadistic lunacy. moderators should take action as they see fit.
india can do anything to bangladesh at anytime it wants to
india can do anything to bangladesh at anytime it wants to
what will we get by annexing that we dont get by trading... a friendly regime is helpful.
besides invading a country is easy, occupying is very difficult....
what will we get by annexing that we dont get by trading... a friendly regime is helpful.
besides invading a country is easy, occupying is very difficult....

Actually @hinduguy is right - India's primary interest is twofold in Bangladesh,

1. Using our market as a market for Indian products.
2. Using our industry to employ their 'talent'.

In both cases though - the facilitation here is not reciprocated in India, so its a lose-lose for us altogether. Bangladesh is one of the top four remittance sources for India.

The popular dislike is brewing and brewing well. Events will follow :-).
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Actually @hinduguy is right - India's primary interest is twofold in Bangladesh,

1. Using our market as a market for Indian products.
2. Using our industry to employ their 'talent'.

In both cases though - the facilitation here is not reciprocated in India, so its a lose-lose for us altogether. Bangladesh is one of the top four remittance sources for India.

The popular dislike is brewing and brewing well. Events will follow :-).
lol. Every country in the world trades for these exact same 2 purposes - from US to China to India to heck Afghanistan.

However, Islamists forget to mention two things - BD buys a ridiculous amount of cotton from India. It produce textiles from that which it sells to US and Europe and heck..even India. That is BD's biggest forex earner.

Its not out of thin air that BD economy is growing at a good pace.

Trade is a two way street, India benefits in some things, Bangladesh is other things. Ultimately, the consumers are the winners as they get the lowest price from different countries with each country having their own specialization.

Those who are predisposed to the Jamaat/BNP camp will always try to show a wrong one sided picture in an attempt to fool the gullible.
Actually @hinduguy is right - India's primary interest is twofold in Bangladesh,

1. Using our market as a market for Indian products.
2. Using our industry to employ their 'talent'.

In both cases though - the facilitation here is not reciprocated in India, so its a lose-lose for us altogether. Bangladesh is one of the top four remittance sources for India.

The popular dislike is brewing and brewing well. Events will follow :-).
There is a high chance of political violence in bangladesh, AL will not go down without a fight.. as for India's interest, its better served by dealing with both(or whoever comes to power in bd). Problem is we have heavily invested in AL regime(congress has at least), so its upto BJP govt to balance that by sending feelers to BNP.
If I remember correctly our FM did try to build a bridge with BNP there(without falling foul of hasina)..

Btw its not the remittance that we are after, its the business deals, if you buy from us and sell to us, it can make us richer(and you too)... remittance is in bd taka not USD which we are after(not saying it does not help)
We are trying to do same with china and pakistan, bd is not some golden land.. I think pakistan will be a bigger trading partner within a decade.
Definitely CHT is a big target for India.


We would also like sea access to the North East. We don't want overpopulated Chittagong, but we will annex some land to the south, and build a small port. This will also broaden our trading options with Myanmar. Our puppet Hasina is in place and waiting for our orders. Part 2 is Sunderbans, we want all of it for 'Project Tiger'.

Needless to say, being of Arabic and Persian descent, Bangladeshis will put up a stoic and heroic resistance. We will have to deploy Hasina and Honey Singh to culturally assimilate them first. Brigades of boy scouts from West Bengal will be deployed for the actual invasion.

India's sinister plan leaked!! :D

lol. Every country in the world trades for these exact same 2 purposes - from US to China to India to heck Afghanistan.

However, Islamists forget to mention two things - BD buys a ridiculous amount of cotton from India. It produce textiles from that which it sells to US and Europe and heck..even India. That is BD's biggest forex earner.

The concern belongs to not just Islamists but also business people in Bangladesh. I am in the latter camp. BD buys a ridiculous amount of cotton from Pakistan, Egypt and Central asian 'Stans' as well - not just India. The better long staple cotton comes from those places especially Egypt. We hardly grow any cotton so we have to import all of it and add value which is where it's at.

The majority of Bangladeshi cotton and PSF processing is world-class unlike in India where it largely continues with antiquated and inefficient local machinery. Bangladesh has an advantage in this area because of massive local investment.

BTW there has been plans for local PSF (Polyester Staple Fibre) production for ages here but two large projects are supposed to come on line by next few years with almost 400,000 TPA capacity while Indian capacity of 600,000 TPA sits mostly idle.

You conveniently forget about non-tariff barriers in India for Bangladeshi products. This is where the major point of dissent is. If we can sell to India at a good price (and the quality is there for it as well - I know) than there is no issue.

Its not out of thin air that BD economy is growing at a good pace.

The dynamism of the BD economy grows in spite of interference from Indian business people and not because of their assistance. The popular feeling is that Indian business people would like Bangladesh to remain an industrial backwater for their FMCG products meant for the masses. The fact that this did not happen lies with efforts of local business people not charity by Indians.

Trade is a two way street, India benefits in some things, Bangladesh is other things. Ultimately, the consumers are the winners as they get the lowest price from different countries with each country having their own specialization.

We'd like to do this with other countries as well - not just with India, such as Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. However Indian govt. wants to neutralize Bangladeshi competition in these spheres to help their conglomerates. In some areas like garments it's not working so they gave up ;-).

The point is however Indian conglomerates don't see the low-cost advantage of producing things in Bangladesh and getting into the game. Rather they'd keep production in India for some strange patriotic reason popularized by their politics. Like the recent foolish 'Make in India' movement. You can't make everything in India. Doesn't make sense cost-wise or even logistics wise.

Those who are predisposed to the Jamaat/BNP camp will always try to show a wrong one sided picture in an attempt to fool the gullible.

Jamaat/BNP is a has been party and is gone. Even anti-AL people don't consider them as a contender any more.

We need and will get an anti-AL party eventually. Or the AL will change to suit, sans-Hasina.
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There is a high chance of political violence in bangladesh, AL will not go down without a fight.. as for India's interest, its better served by dealing with both(or whoever comes to power in bd). Problem is we have heavily invested in AL regime(congress has at least), so its upto BJP govt to balance that by sending feelers to BNP.

Hasina will go without a fight if the perception continues that her policies run counter to business and military interests here. The days of dictatorship and demagoguery are gone.

BNP is a non-entity, no one is betting on that dead horse anymore.
the top 3 countries that export cotton to bd(2012) are uzbekistan(183mt), India(127mt) and Turkmenistan(80mt).

Hasina will go without a fight if the perception continues that her policies run counter to business and military interests here. The days of dictatorship and demagoguery are gone.

BNP is a non-entity, no one is betting on that dead horse anymore.
AL is not hasina only, there are many people who benefit from AL being in power... they know once they lose power they will go down like BNP, police will seek them and put them in jail. Did not BNP do similar eariler?
Anyway, I have seen situation change for weaker party in many states in India, suddenly they get power and incumbent party gets defeated. That requires free(ish) election though... anyway I was pointing to any other party alterative to AL, not specific to BNP.

BD politics looks like provincial politics of tamilnadu and west bengal.
the top 3 countries that export cotton to bd(2012) are uzbekistan(183mt), India(127mt) and Turkmenistan(80mt).

AL is not hasina only, there are many people who benefit from AL being in power... they know once they lose power they will go down like BNP, police will seek them and put them in jail. Did not BNP do similar eariler?
Anyway, I have seen situation change for weaker party in many states in India, suddenly they get power and incumbent party gets defeated. That requires free(ish) election though... anyway I was pointing to any other party alterative to AL, not specific to BNP.

BD politics looks like provincial politics of tamilnadu and west bengal.

You could be right on the latter part. Political maturity depends on the education of the electorate both of which is slowly improving.

But I can tell you that Bangladeshis of whatever economic class are naturally averse to communal-ism, caste-ism and class-ism, like West Bengal, which is a rather common Bengali trait in general. Don't know enough about Tamil Nadu to make a comment.

The rise of a communal govt. is unlikely here despite Islamist attempts to gain power. People in general dismiss local Islamists as readily as they dismiss the workings of RSS/Shiv-sena in India.

The next govt. will need to be heavily secular and industry/military friendly. I am personally glad that this healthy scenario exists in today's Bangladeshi society unlike some undeveloped parts of India (Bihar, MP etc), there is no alternative for financial and economic progress.
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