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India gives gallantry award to commanding officer of submarine which was detected by Pakistan

Well, it's not that Pakistan tried.
But it failed and in the process lost half of the country in 1971.
And there are few event like the India captured Siachen in 1984 few days before Pakistan.
Or Kargil where they went back leaving behind the pecks they had captured and lost hundreds of soldiers in the process.

In the last decade, India ha moved far ahead and Pakistan isn't even in position to conduct low grade insurgency in Kashmir.

In the dream to subdue India, Pakistan economy is already half poor of Bangladesh, if it gets worse, it could be fatal for the state of Pakistan.
That's why Bajwa took smart decision of ceasefire along the LoC.

1971 loss was due to civil war. In Kargil you lost more men and 20% of captured land.

Siachin is now worthless due to recent Chinese incursions. You guys have always been subdued by others. It's in your history and it is your destiny.
India: awarding mediocrity and celebrating defeat since always
Well, it's not that Pakistan tried.
But it failed and in the process lost half of the country in 1971.
And there are few event like the India captured Siachen in 1984 few days before Pakistan.
Or Kargil where they went back leaving behind the pecks they had captured and lost hundreds of soldiers in the process.

In the last decade, India ha moved far ahead and Pakistan isn't even in position to conduct low grade insurgency in Kashmir.

In the dream to subdue India, Pakistan economy is already half poor of Bangladesh, if it gets worse, it could be fatal for the state of Pakistan.
That's why Bajwa took smart decision of ceasefire along the LoC.
It took 250k indian soldiers, and roughly the same amount of muktis to defeat 45k regular Pakistan army soldiers, trapped a 1000miles from their home, without any resupplies etc.


Leave it to indians to celebrate mediocrity.
French have already shared the Indian scorpene sub secrets with the Chinese.

Indian scorpene subs are sitting ducks.

22,000 pages leaked. India got screwed. lol

Oh what are the odds.The other day some Indian member on this forum said we lacked the "intellectual depth" so to speak in order to understand India he certainly was not wrong.......It's a shit show down there how can we comprehend the amount of bullshite India produces.Modern India is surpassing ancient vedic bed time stories in terms off bullshite.

This is just another feather in the cap for modern India.
IAF pilot should also get a gallantry award for getting shot down and captured.

he did. he was awarded the rafu chakra medal! :lol:
1971 loss was due to civil war. In Kargil you lost more men and 20% of captured land.

Siachin is now worthless due to recent Chinese incursions. You guys have always been subdued by others. It's in your history and it is your destiny.
You have read alternate history and living in alternate reality. As they say people live in denial to cope but denial can't be a state policy, that's why Bajwa signed ceasefire on LoC.
You have read alternate history and living in alternate reality. As they say people live in denial to cope but denial can't be a state policy, that's why Bajwa signed ceasefire on LoC.
Sure thing, kiddo. Your ancestors were made servants for hundreds of years. Your time will also come, don't worry.
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India is a joke
no indian award for ashraf ghani and amrulla saleh for running indians campaign against Pakistan and then just like indians runaway in the dark, now thats not fair:(
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