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India gives gallantry award to commanding officer of submarine which was detected by Pakistan

Wonder what would have happened if pakistan kept the submarine and gave crew back to India. After all it was a nice submarine.
India: awarding mediocrity and celebrating defeat since always

It took 250k indian soldiers, and roughly the same amount of muktis to defeat 45k regular Pakistan army soldiers, trapped a 1000miles from their home, without any resupplies etc.


Leave it to indians to celebrate mediocrity.

And virtually no air cover (8 outdated sabres)
You have read alternate history and living in alternate reality. As they say people live in denial to cope but denial can't be a state policy, that's why Bajwa signed ceasefire on LoC.
Which part is alternate reality?

One could argue India signed ceasefire because of pressure from China on LAC.

Although I am not sure if it's worth arguing with overt headless morons like you.
only way indians can get medals these days is by getting their a***s kicked by Pakistan.
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