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India gets wary of Obama

No offence taken.
India doesn't have any influence whatsoever in Oceania and never will. No decisions made here are influence by india. Australia is the only major country in Oceania, so australia has the most influence.

No offence taken.
But tell me one thing are you mouth piece of Australian Federal Govt.?

Why India will try to create pressure or even influence in Oceania?

We have never shown any urgency to pursue Australia for any thing but security of our students.
As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period.

Let me burst your another bubble, Australia is not the only one nation that has influence in Oceania.
Country like Fiji don't give a damn about Australia.
Before i tell you who is more influential in Oceania than Australia i can remind you that recently Ozes were bullied not start investigations for murder of their citizen who was murdered by armed forces of your neighbouring country.
Your CEO was detained in china (more influential then you) and your PM was not able to whisper even a single word against that. Thanks to US machinery who was able to get some where abouts of him in china.
Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want.
No offence taken.
But tell me one thing are you mouth piece of Australian Federal Govt.?

Why India will try to create pressure or even influence in Oceania?

We have never shown any urgency to pursue Australia for any thing but security of our students.
As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period.

Let me burst your another bubble, Australia is not the only one nation that has influence in Oceania.
Country like Fiji don't give a damn about Australia.
Before i tell you who is more influential in Oceania than Australia i can remind you that recently Ozes were bullied not start investigations for murder of their citizen who was murdered by armed forces of your neighbouring country.
Your CEO was detained in china (more influential then you) and your PM was not able to whisper even a single word against that. Thanks to US machinery who was able to get some where abouts of him in china.
Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want.

Completely wrong. You don't live here so you have no idea what goes on here.

"As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period.
Ummmm what? English please? what's yellow cake???

Fiji has influence yes, but australia has a bigger influence. And because of fiji being a corrupt country right now, it has been suspended from APEC and the pacific forum and has been suspended from the commonwealth, it has no influence now.

Australia was not bullied into dropping an investigation into the murderd reporters in indonesia 30 years ago, infact the australian federal polcie are currently investigating it.

"Your CEO was detained in china"
What do you mean "your CEO" You have very poor english. An australian CEO of a company was detained in china yes, but it has nothing to do with the australian government. This guy is not related to the australian government, and the australian government is not allowed to interfere with any criminal charges brought against this man.

"Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want."

Wrong again. Why are you saying all this stuff when you have no clue whatsoever about any of it? They can not just come into our waters, we let them into our waters. If they illegally entered our waters the navy would detain them.

Get your facts straight or don't post, also get some proper english so people can understand you.

I am sorry to tell you but no country in the United Nations will sell you uranium for nuclear weapons, for nuclear power yes, but not nuclear weapons.

Indian just wants attetion that's why they are getting nuclear weapons. They recognize that counties with nuclear weapons have power and influence, they wanna go "hey look at me i have nuclear weapons, you should listen and look at me!"

The bolded parts shows your ignorance about India and our nuclear neighbor hood..We has issue with China since 1962 and only after Chinese nuclear experiment we experimented our Bomb..Your country is protected by US nuclear bombs just like Japan..But for us we have to take care of our selves and we want to have minimum deterrence against our advisories..

My country is not protected by nuclear bombs. We only have counter measures against them which serve us fine.
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Uhhh nooo, America wouldn't go into nuclear for ANYONE, that's ANYONE , Australasia just holds a peaceful stance. China had its nuclear weapons developed out of US nuclear threats from the Korean war and throughout the 50's. When did India get threatened with nuclear warfare? That's right, I don't recall.

Ok let me ask you a question...when did US threatened you with nuclear attack in the event of Korean war.I cant find a single link about that threat ..your country needed a minimum deterrent against US threat so you made nuclear bombs..same goes with my country also..
No offence taken.
But tell me one thing are you mouth piece of Australian Federal Govt.?

Why India will try to create pressure or even influence in Oceania?

We have never shown any urgency to pursue Australia for any thing but security of our students.
As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period.

Let me burst your another bubble, Australia is not the only one nation that has influence in Oceania.
Country like Fiji don't give a damn about Australia.
Before i tell you who is more influential in Oceania than Australia i can remind you that recently Ozes were bullied not start investigations for murder of their citizen who was murdered by armed forces of your neighbouring country.
Your CEO was detained in china (more influential then you) and your PM was not able to whisper even a single word against that. Thanks to US machinery who was able to get some where abouts of him in china.
Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want.

False! During the Fiji uprising last year, both Australia AND NZ sent support, where it was most welcomed. What about Australasia not being welcomed in Oceania again?
No offence taken.
But tell me one thing are you mouth piece of Australian Federal Govt.?

Why India will try to create pressure or even influence in Oceania?

We have never shown any urgency to pursue Australia for any thing but security of our students.
As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period.

Let me burst your another bubble, Australia is not the only one nation that has influence in Oceania.
Country like Fiji don't give a damn about Australia.
Before i tell you who is more influential in Oceania than Australia i can remind you that recently Ozes were bullied not start investigations for murder of their citizen who was murdered by armed forces of your neighbouring country.
Your CEO was detained in china (more influential then you) and your PM was not able to whisper even a single word against that. Thanks to US machinery who was able to get some where abouts of him in china.
Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want.

Completely wrong. You don't live here so you have no idea what goes on here.

"As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period."

Ummmm what? English please? what's yellow cake???

Fiji has influence yes, but australia has a bigger influence. And because of fiji being a corrupt country right now after the uprising where a military government came to power, it has been suspended from APEC and the pacific forum and has been suspended from the commonwealth, it has no influence now.

Australia was not bullied into dropping an investigation into the murderd reporters in indonesia 30 years ago, infact the australian federal polcie are currently investigating it.

"Your CEO was detained in china"
What do you mean "your CEO" You have very poor english. An australian CEO of a company was detained in china yes, but it has nothing to do with the australian government. This guy is not related to the australian government, and the australian government is not allowed to interfere with any criminal charges brought against this man.

"Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want."

Wrong again. Why are you saying all this stuff when you have no clue whatsoever about any of it? They can not just come into our waters, we let them into our waters. If they illegally entered our waters the navy would detain them.

Get your facts straight or don't post, also get some proper english so people can understand you.

I am sorry to tell you but no country in the United Nations will sell you uranium for nuclear weapons, for nuclear power yes, but not nuclear weapons.

Indian just wants attetion that's why they are getting nuclear weapons. They recognize that counties with nuclear weapons have power and influence, they wanna go "hey look at me i have nuclear weapons, you should listen and look at me!"

The bolded parts shows your ignorance about India and our nuclear neighbor hood..We has issue with China since 1962 and only after Chinese nuclear experiment we experimented our Bomb..Your country is protected by US nuclear bombs just like Japan..But for us we have to take care of our selves and we want to have minimum deterrence against our advisories..

My country is not protected by nuclear bombs. We only have counter measures against them which serve us fine.
Ok let me ask you a question...when did US threatened you with nuclear attack in the event of Korean war.I cant find a single link about that threat ..your country needed a minimum deterrent against US threat so you made nuclear bombs..same goes with my country also..

Wow, history class in India that boring, or were you just denied basic learning rights of your day? OK, when 3x10^5 Chinese troops repeled the UN push, Mc Arthur was speechless and immediately ordered the use of nuclear weapons, which the USSR counter-threatened the US with its own nuke arsenal. After the event, Mc Arthur, the hero, lost support and got relieved of his duty in the Korean war. In other words, he got sacked by the very people who supported him.
Hi Friends,

I personally do not think India and USA has ever been friendlier, Let it be terrorism or past wars including the one happened recently in Kargil. USA has always been supporting Pakistan.Though India and USA share many in common foreign policy decision makers have initially made a mistake by not supporting India.Let it be Pokhran,Mumbai attacks,we absolutely have got nothing from USA.

Nuclear deal is not yet implemented and yet to face a lot of hurdles.Why do you think USA equipping our rival with missiles ,and fighters ? Definitely these weapons cannot be used against any terrorist.

To be frank USA has got very little to benefit from India,American business also cannot benefit a lot from India, the same goes for military too .Clintons known to be Anti India supporters.

Foreign policy of 50+ years cannot be changed by any one in overnight.Our Prime minister's visit to USA also will not have any change in their policy.India still in the receiving end ,we will not get any respect from USA ,even if our economy has grown 10 times than what we are now,We will not be respected because our economy is micro economy and very less exposed to outside world.By military also we are still "soft power".

Just take down my words ,Our PMs visit going to end with

* No decision on nuke deal
* No support for Mumbai killings
* Pressurized to sign NPT
* Very less business/military deals

Nothing else.
Wow, history class in India that boring, or were you just denied basic learning rights of your day? OK, when 3x10^5 Chinese troops repeled the UN push, Mc Arthur was speechless and immediately ordered the use of nuclear weapons, which the USSR counter-threatened the US with its own nuke arsenal. After the event, Mc Arthur, the hero, lost support and got relieved of his duty in the Korean war. In other words, he got sacked by the very people who supported him.

Well I always think history classes are very very interesting..I asked for a link or anything to support your claim about the nuclear threat?..I know about Chinese action against UN and how communism in Korea was saved in the expenses of Chinese Army ...
Pakistani Ambassador Hussain Haqqani recently told a US publication that the Indo-U.S. relationship is robust and multifaceted. He mentioned that 26 members of the Obama administration are Indian-Americans. Some of them, such as Sonal Shah, have had known ties with the extremist Hindu Sangh Parivar. An Indian-American Rajiv Shah has been named by Obama as the head of US Agency for International Development (US AID). When confirmed, Mr. Shah will be deeply involved in handling aid to Pakistan under Kerry-Lugar bill.

Taha Gaya of Pakistan's nascent Washington lobby PAL-C explained to the BBC recently that on some issues the Indian and Pakistani lobbies had sometimes cooperated. But the Mumbai attacks last year changed all that.

"When Mumbai happened," Gaya told the BBC, "we saw a resurgence of participation from the older generation of Indian-Americans - those who had grown up in India" - who, he claimed, reverted to what he described as "the old more negative dynamic".

There is inevitable conflict between the two lobbies. The recent Kerry-Lugar aid bill for Pakistan is a good example of this conflict. Pro-India groups lobbied hard for all sorts of conditions to be included in the bill.

Sanjay Puri of USINPAC, the India Lobby, was part of this campaign. This was not about supporting India's interests, he claims, and neither was it motivated by hostility towards Pakistan.

It's clear that Indian-Americans have taken a page from the successful Jewish-American playbook. Not only are they active in the executive branch and on Capitol Hill, they are also being increasingly seen in the powerful financial services sector, high profile US media, major US universities, Washington think-tanks and other places which shape US public opinion and policies. And they are exercising rising influence on South Asia policy in the same way that the Jewish-Americans have on the US position in the Middle East conflict. The rising Indian influence in Washington and close multi-faceted collaboration between India and US are seen as a big threat by Pakistanis.

Haq's Musings: Obama's Retreat in Mid East and South Asia

Haq's Musings: China's Growing Role in Afghanistan, Kashmir
Completely wrong. You don't live here so you have no idea what goes on here.

"As far as yellow cake is concerned Mr. John Howard was ready to negotiate with same India, Period.
Ummmm what? English please? what's yellow cake???

"Japanese can come any time in your waters and can hunt whatever number of whales they want."

Get your facts straight or don't post, also get some proper english so people can understand you.

Typical Australian when pierced through skin will complaint about grammar and English. To be blunt i have no charm to spoon feed every thing to your likes.
If you don't know about yellow cake then better not to comment on Indian's effort to collect uranium for civil nuclear program.

This guy is not related to the Australian government, and the Australian government is not allowed to interfere with any criminal charges brought against this man.

I can see from where you are coming. It was expected from you. Please let me tell others that Australian citizens from Asian descents have no pursuance what so ever if illegally detained by some other powerful nations. Please do not preach me about international courses of law. We are talking about status/influence of a nation not her obligations and constrains.
Dr. Mohd. Hanif can enlighten you more about India's efforts exclusively by our PM when he was illegally detained by your superfluous AFP.

It was you who started this non provoked rant that India has no influence whatsoever in Oceania when it is non of India's business to have one.

Wrong again. Why are you saying all this stuff when you have no clue whatsoever about any of it? They can not just come into our waters, we let them into our waters. If they illegally entered our waters the navy would detain them.

Then why was that fuss about their hunt when Australia's own record is not so good for animal hunting?

Oh yes! please correct your spellings of police and murdered
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Wow, history class in India that boring, or were you just denied basic learning rights of your day? OK, when 3x10^5 Chinese troops repeled the UN push, Mc Arthur was speechless and immediately ordered the use of nuclear weapons, which the USSR counter-threatened the US with its own nuke arsenal. After the event, Mc Arthur, the hero, lost support and got relieved of his duty in the Korean war. In other words, he got sacked by the very people who supported him.

I kind of doubt that McArthur was ever speechless ,, nor did McArthur have the authority to authorize the use of Nuclear Weapons,,the option was discussed but it was decided not to widen the war with attacks on China or the use of Nuclear Weapons...
Typical Australian when pierced through skin will complaint about grammar and English. To be blunt i have no charm to spoon feed every thing to your likes.
If you don't know about yellow cake then better not to comment on Indian's effort to collect uranium for civil nuclear program.

I can see from where you are coming. It was expected from you. Please let me tell others that Australian citizens from Asian descents have no pursuance what so ever if illegally detained by some other powerful nations. Please do not preach me about international courses of law. We are talking about status/influence of a nation not her obligations and constrains.
Dr. Mohd. Hanif can enlighten you more about India's efforts exclusively by our PM when he was illegally detained by your superfluous AFP.

It was you who started this non provoked rant that India has no influence whatsoever in Oceania when it is non of India's business to have one.

Then why was that fuss about their hunt when Australia's own record is not so good for animal hunting?

Oh yes! please correct your spellings of police and murdered

I seriously could not understand half the things you were saying, the things that i could understand was just utter crap with claims that wernt true.

Yet again in this post i can not understand a word you are saying, my favourite sentence was

"Oh yes! please correct your spellings of police and murdered"

Maybe when you learn proper english we could have a discussion untill then i can not understand what you are saying.

Grey boy thanks for the link..In that link you gave me its said that US planned to attack your Nuclear weapons plants...It didn't say about US threatened China with nuclear war as lockh33d claimed..But there is a chances of radio active elements spreading in the air when attacking nuclear installations...

I am stating that your country developed nuclear weapons in anticipation of countering nuclear attack by US or USSR ..So is India.she developed nuclear weapons to counter China's threat.. Its not for getting attention as xdrive claims ...
Grey boy thanks for the link..In that link you gave me its said that US planned to attack your Nuclear weapons plants...It didn't say about US threatened China with nuclear war as lockh33d claimed..But there is a chances of radio active elements spreading in the air when attacking nuclear installations...

I am stating that your country developed nuclear weapons in anticipation of countering nuclear attack by US or USSR ..So is India.she developed nuclear weapons to counter China's threat.. Its not for getting attention as xdrive claims ...

seiko, US did planed to nuke China after the 1962 China-India war;

London, July 7 (IANS) Former US defence secretary Robert S. McNamara, who has died in Washington aged 93, wanted America to attack China with nuclear weapons if it invaded India for a second time.

Although he became a hated figure among the world’s Left for his role as an architect of America’s war on Vietnam, one of his chief aims when he became the head of the World Bank in 1968 was to leverage the Bank’s aid to persuade India to tackle poverty more effectively.

McNamara was key to plans discussed by US President John F. Kennedy in May 1963 to defend India in the event of a Chinese attack just after the Sino-Indian conflict of 1962.

According to audio recordings released by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, McNamara tells Kennedy: “Before any substantial commitment to defend India against China is given, we should recognise that in order to carry out that commitment against any substantial Chinese attack, we would have to use nuclear weapons.

“Any large Chinese Communist attack on any part of that area would require the use of nuclear weapons by the US, and this is to be preferred over the introduction of large numbers of US soldiers,” the New York Times quoted McNamara as saying in the recording.

Read more: McNamara wanted to nuke China to defend India :cheers::china:
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