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India gets wary of Obama

Please spend the time to learn more about the whole Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka. India has 60 millions Tamils, compared to 3 million in Sri Lanka. India is an ardent advocate for Tamil causes and exerts diplomatic pressure globally in support of the Tamils. It even went as far as to fund and train the LTTE terrorist group to fight against the Sri Lankan people and government. It was only after the LTTE bit the Indians themselves that India turned against the LTTE, at least officially.

Do you really think it was a coincidence that Rudd OK'd the asylum deal just before leaving for his India visit?

As an aside, I notice the Australian media always refers to the LTTE as 'fighters' or 'rebels', rather than 'terrorists', even though the Australian government, like the US, UK, Canada, etc., officially classifies them as a terrorist organization. This is part of the Australian media sycophancy I was talking about.

Again, you are continuing to talk utter nonsense. You know what you said is wrong and now you are just trying to get out of it. Even though tamils live in india, the tamil refugees that came to australia from Sri Lanka have NOTHING to do with india, nothing at all. When the PM went to India, the refugees were not on the agenda, because it has NOTHING to do with india.

I bet you can't even tell me what the current situation is with the refugees and what all the fuss is about can you? What is this deal that rudd made and with whom did he make it? I bet you can't even tell me that. You have no idea about the situation, admit it.

Depends who you talk to. The more educated and politically engaged segments of society are very much aware of the whole uranium issue, both in terms of export and domestic nuclear energy.
EVERYONE is aware of the reason why the government will not sell uranium to India. The reason is because India has not signed the NPT, and that is the ONLY reason. There is no other reason as you make out there to be.

I would encourage you to get educated in depth about the issues facing Australia instead of just parroting the headlines.

How dare you say that to me. You are just copying what i said to you. I am the one who is saying the facts whilst you are posting mis-informed infortmation. I follow all the issues regarding Australia very very closely.
I am not boasting about my english skills? I don't understand what is wrong with you. I simply said that i cannot understand what he said, where did i say things like "Omg my english skills are awesome!" that's boasting, but i have written that nowhere. You are taking what i said the wrong way.

I am being attacked by a couple of people including you because you have taken what i have said the wrong way and have blown it out of proportion.

Never mind,
Let me explain it to you this again;Yellow cake is Uranium.

Australia was almost ready to provide this yellow cake to India following Indo-US nuclear deal.

India was still able to become nuclear capable nation (civil and military) without the help of western countries.

India has no interest to create any aggressive or over assertive influence in Asia pacific. Furthermore India is aware of chines sensitivities for this region.

India is playing safe and slow so there is no urgency in actions of India to pursue/beg Australia for this yellow cake.

Indian concerns over Obama's recent visit to Asia are genuine cause US is giving mix sings and has started enacting like a swing state.

Interestingly the whole row is going to create pressure on GoI before PM's visit to US. I think this will help us to make sure that our interests are not be compromised.
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Never mind,
Let me explain it to you this again;Yellow cake is Uranium.

Australia was almost ready to provide this yellow cake to India following Indo-US nuclear deal.

India was still able to become nuclear capable nation (civil and military) without the help of western countries.

India has no interest to create any aggressive or over assertive influence in Asia pacific. Furthermore India is aware of chines sensitivities for this region.

India is playing safe and slow so there is no urgency in actions of India to pursue/beg Australia for this yellow cake.

Indian concerns over Obama's recent visit to Asia are genuine cause US is giving mix sings and has started enacting like a swing state.

Interestingly the whole row is going to create pressure on GoI before PM's visit to US. I think this will help us to make sure that our interests are not be compromised.

Thank you for clearing up your post for me.
I seriously could not understand half the things you were saying, the things that i could understand was just utter crap with claims that wernt true.

Yet again in this post i can not understand a word you are saying, my favourite sentence was

"Oh yes! please correct your spellings of police and murdered"

Maybe when you learn proper english we could have a discussion untill then i can not understand what you are saying.

Allow me to elucidate the gist of his arguments. Australia is essentially irrelevant in all affairs not relating to Cricket or rugby. Is that clear enough for you?

Japan has far more influence in east Asia than Australia. The Government of PM Rudd should focus on what it does best - making apologies for Australia's blood stained past.
Allow me to elucidate the gist of his arguments. Australia is essentially irrelevant in all affairs not relating to Cricket or rugby. Is that clear enough for you?

Why are you attacking me? I am not attacking you like this, i shouldn't get this kind of **** from you.
If you're gonna get all snobbish about grammar and spellings, you are opening yourself to attacks.

Don't get all hyper, i didn't attack you personally. My retort was a response to your assessment that India has no influence in Oceania.
If you're gonna get all snobbish about grammar and spellings, you are opening yourself to attacks.

Don't get all hyper, i didn't attack you personally. My retort was a response to your assessment that India has no influence in Oceania.

I am not getting snobby as i said i could not understand what he was saying and then when i explained it to him he had the nerve to correct my writing with corrections that were wrong.

Also it is a true statement that India has no influence in Oceania, since it is not a part of Oceania. In asia, India has a massive influence.
Again, you are continuing to talk utter nonsense. You know what you said is wrong and now you are just trying to get out of it. Even though tamils live in india, the tamil refugees that came to australia from Sri Lanka have NOTHING to do with india, nothing at all. When the PM went to India, the refugees were not on the agenda, because it has NOTHING to do with india.

Ignorant blathering is no excuse for understanding the dynamics behind a situation. Since you clearly had no idea of the Sri Lanka conflict, just come out and say so. No need to dance around the issue.

The whole Sri Lanka Tamil conflict is intimitely tied to India's Tamil population. Take out an atlas and look at a map someday. Better still, talk to a few Sri Lankans, both Sinhalese and Tamil, and ask them to explain the history of the conflict to you.

I bet you can't even tell me what the current situation is with the refugees and what all the fuss is about can you? What is this deal that rudd made and with whom did he make it? I bet you can't even tell me that. You have no idea about the situation, admit it.

Oceanic Viking Breakthrough | Tamil Asylum Seekers To Come Ashore

Since then, Australian officials have been in near-constant negotiations with the asylum seekers, guaranteeing them speedy processing in detention and additional resettlement help including language lessons and family reunifications.

Those carrying UN refugee papers, of which The Age understands there are several on board, have been promised resettlement in Australia within a month.
UN officials have already begun processing their claims.

Compare this to the treatment of Afghan and Iraqi asylum seekers, most of whom are languishing in jails, er detention centers, even after several decades.

The stand-off has sparked a furious political debate in Australia, with the Opposition accusing the Government of misleading the Australian people over special treatment being offered to those on board the Oceanic Viking.

Mr Rudd has maintained there was no “special deal” offered, telling parliament this week “the group is being treated in a manner consistent with that afforded to any other asylum seeker in Indonesia”.

The opposition is right. Rudd is a bold faced liar. He conveniently slipped in the weasel qualifier "in Indonesia" since many of the Afghan/Iraqi boats were intercepted in international/Australian waters.

EVERYONE is aware of the reason why the government will not sell uranium to India. The reason is because India has not signed the NPT, and that is the ONLY reason. There is no other reason as you make out there to be.

Your skills in English comprehension need work. I didn't say there was another reason. I said the Australian government will not sell uranium because of public pressure, i.e. the NPT. If it wasn't for public awareness, Howard would have personally hand delivered the first batch of yellow cake to India. Rudd may be more mindful of the NPT himself, but the public pressure will keep him in check anyway.

In any case you contradicted yourself in the space of a couple posts. Earlier you said

it isn't a sensitive public issue, no one in the public cares about it.

Again, if you don't know about an issue, just keep quiet. It will save you much embarrassment.

How dare you say that to me. You are just copying what i said to you. I am the one who is saying the facts whilst you are posting mis-informed infortmation. I follow all the issues regarding Australia very very closely.

No, you are ignorant of even the most basic context for the major issues. When called out, you attack people's English, or launch other attacks instead of admitting your lack of knowledge.
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Ignorant blathering is no excuse for understanding the dynamics behind a situation. Since you clearly had no idea of the Sri Lanka conflict, just come out and say so. No need to dance around the issue.

The whole Sri Lanka Tamil conflict is intimitely tied to India's Tamil population. Take out an atlas and look at a map someday. Better still, talk to a few Sri Lankans, both Sinhalese and Tamil, and ask them to explain the history of the conflict to you.

Oceanic Viking Breakthrough | Tamil Asylum Seekers To Come Ashore

Since then, Australian officials have been in near-constant negotiations with the asylum seekers, guaranteeing them speedy processing in detention and additional resettlement help including language lessons and family reunifications.

Those carrying UN refugee papers, of which The Age understands there are several on board, have been promised resettlement in Australia within a month.
UN officials have already begun processing their claims.

Compare this to the treatment of Afghan and Iraqi asylum seekers, most of whom are languishing in jails, er detention centers, even after several decades.

The stand-off has sparked a furious political debate in Australia, with the Opposition accusing the Government of misleading the Australian people over special treatment being offered to those on board the Oceanic Viking.

Mr Rudd has maintained there was no “special deal” offered, telling parliament this week “the group is being treated in a manner consistent with that afforded to any other asylum seeker in Indonesia”.

The opposition is right. Rudd is a bold faced liar. He conveniently slipped in the weasel qualifier "in Indonesia" since many of the Afghan/Iraqi boats were intercepted in international/Australian waters.

Your skills in English comprehension need work. I didn't say there was another reason. I said the Australian government will not sell uranium because of public pressure, i.e. the NPT. If it wasn't for public awareness, Howard would have personally hand delivered the first batch of yellow cake to India. Rudd may be more mindful of the NPT himself, but the public pressure will keep him in check anyway.

In any case you contradicted yourself in the space of a couple posts. Earlier you said

Again, if you don't know about an issue, just keep quiet. It will save you much embarrassment.

No, you are ignorant of even the most basic context for the major issues. When called out, you attack people's English, or launch other attacks instead of admitting your lack of knowledge.

I am no longer going to discuss anything with you. You copy everything i say and throw it back at me, you are ignorant and mis informed.

I will happily discuss anything with anyone else.
Please spend the time to learn more about the whole Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka. India has 60 millions Tamils, compared to 3 million in Sri Lanka. India is an ardent advocate for Tamil causes and exerts diplomatic pressure globally in support of the Tamils. It even went as far as to fund and train the LTTE terrorist group to fight against the Sri Lankan people and government. It was only after the LTTE bit the Indians themselves that India turned against the LTTE, at least officially.

India stopped supporting the Sri Lankan Tamil cause for independence a long time ago. We favour an united Sri Lanka.

India is an ardent advocate for Tamil causes and exerts diplomatic pressure globally in support of the Tamils.

You are mistaken. Despite noises made by regional Tamil parties, India does not support Sri Lankan Tamils nor has exerted pressure on the Sri Lankan government.
India stopped supporting the Sri Lankan Tamil cause for independence a long time ago. We favour an united Sri Lanka.

You are mistaken. Despite noises made by regional Tamil parties, India does not support Sri Lankan Tamils nor has exerted pressure on the Sri Lankan government.

See, another person who agrees that he has no idea what he is talking about.
My point in mentioning India's economic numbers was not to belittle India, but to point out that you are not equals of the West. As much as everybody hides in diplomatic speak, the fact is that you are asking them for favors.

Obviously our living standard is nowhere close to west and it will remain the same in next 10 years. It will improve in coming years but not comparable to Western Standards. Same goes to China. Do you feel the standard of living in China is comparable to West? Please do some Google and compare the standard of living of China with West. Please let me know which favor we want from the west? I will be glad to reply you.

And India cozying up to the West is not going to allay China's apprehensions either.

India’s relationship with any western countries will not be based on Chinese assumptions. It will be based upon our national interest. The same applied for China.

Wrong. India's space program is built upon French and Russian technology, later indigenized, as well as theft of NASA technology by Abdul Kalam.

Please do provide a link about the crap you have posted about Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. If you have any source at NASA who informed you about the above than I do not need any link.

So who was stopping NASA from assisting ISRO? Now we have mastered many things in Space technology. Now ISRO will gain by commercial launch of satellite in next few years.

And you don't find it interesting that all this US/Western friendship just happens to coincide with China's rise as a global power?

Is that so!! Sorry, I was not aware of that. As far as I know India was buying weapons from Russia, France, UK, Germany for years.
India stopped supporting the Sri Lankan Tamil cause for independence a long time ago. We favour an united Sri Lanka.

India only stopped supporting the LTTE after they killed Rajiv Gandhi.

You are mistaken. Despite noises made by regional Tamil parties, India does not support Sri Lankan Tamils nor has exerted pressure on the Sri Lankan government.

'India putting pressure on Lanka to protect rights of Tamils'

India is putting massive pressure on Sri Lanka to protect the rights of Tamils affected by the ethnic strife, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said today refuting the charge that government was not doing enough to mitigate their suffering.
India only stopped supporting the LTTE after they killed Rajiv Gandhi.

Much before that. When they started killing Indian peacekeepers.

'India putting pressure on Lanka to protect rights of Tamils'

Rights of Tamil's in an united Sri Lanka. Are you not aware that before the start of the civil war, the Tamils were discriminated against and were considered second class citizens by the majority Sinhalese?

As the civil war is over, the GOI wants the Sri Lankan government to take steps to address certain legitimate grievances of the tamil population.

If we has really exerted pressure, we would have told the Sri Lankan government not to go after the LTTE (because of repercussions in Tamil Nadu) just before the elections.
Obviously our living standard is nowhere close to west and it will remain the same in next 10 years. It will improve in coming years but not comparable to Western Standards. Same goes to China. Do you feel the standard of living in China is comparable to West?

The issue here is the US/India relationship. The Chinese standard of life is not germane.

Please let me know which favor we want from the west? I will be glad to reply you.

I already mentioned it. TOT for latest military and civilian tech, more aid, diplomatic support for areas ranging from terrorism to UNSC.

India’s relationship with any western countries will not be based on Chinese assumptions. It will be based upon our national interest.

As it should be. But that doesn't mean the Chinese won't be watching with interest.

Please do provide a link about the crap you have posted about Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

U.S. Space Aid to India: On a "Glide Path" to ICBM Trouble? | Arms Control Association


A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, an Indian engineer, works at Wallops Island, where the Scout space-launch vehicle (an adaptation of Minuteman ICBM solid-fuel rocket technology) is flown.[3]


Following Kalam’s return to India, the Indian Atomic Energy Commission requests U.S. assistance with the Scout, and NASA provides unclassified reports.[4]


U.S. firms supply equipment for the Solid Propellant Space Booster Plant at Sriharikota.[5]


Kalam becomes head of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), in charge of developing space launch vehicles.

I am pretty sure he wasn't working in the kitchen while at NASA.

Is that so!! Sorry, I was not aware of that. As far as I know India was buying weapons from Russia, France, UK, Germany for years.

Although India did manage to buy/steal/reverse engineer some technologies earlier, nobody, except maybe the Russians, was offering you significant TOT until recently. US defence contractors were not signing joint development projects with you until now.

The neocon agenda to build up India as a counter to China is well known. I thought you were aware of it. If not, I can try to dig up some article, or you can try google (china india neocon).

Much before that. When they started killing Indian peacekeepers.

I am sure it was a bumpy relationship over its lifetime. The point is that India supported the LTTE initially and only later withdrew support.

Rights of Tamil's in an united Sri Lanka. Are you not aware that before the start of the civil war, the Tamils were discriminated against and were considered second class citizens by the majority Sinhalese?

As the civil war is over, the GOI wants the Sri Lankan government to take steps to address certain legitimate grievances of the tamil population.

True but irrelevant. The point is that GOI exerts diplomatic pressure in support of Tamils outside India.

If we has really exerted pressure, we would have told the Sri Lankan government not to go after the LTTE (because of repercussions in Tamil Nadu) just before the elections.

And the Sri Lankan government would have told you exaclty where to shove that suggestion.

Sri Lanka is not the little, dependent puppy you guys think they are. With Pakistan and, increasingly, China in the picture, India's bullying days in Sri Lanka are over.
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