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India gets wary of Obama

MR. Obama is not a president of Asia.. He can put orders in his own country. like all the ex-presidents he blabbered something and we obviously know they are expert in twisting the strategic relations.
China on the other should mind her own business
I seriously could not understand of half the things you were saying, the things that i could understand was[were] just utter crap with claims that wernt[weren't] true.

Yet again in this? post i can not understand a word you are saying[not saying but typing], my favourite sentence was,

"Oh yes! please correct your spellings of police and murdered"

So what is the moral of story?

Maybe when you learn proper english [English] we could have a discussion untill[until] then i can not understand what you are saying.
Use full stop when you finish with one completed sentence, Consider your sentence again and use proper punctuation. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Well I always think history classes are very very interesting..I asked for a link or anything to support your claim about the nuclear threat?..I know about Chinese action against UN and how communism in Korea was saved in the expenses of Chinese Army ...

This was just something that I picked up from Cambridge AS History, refer to the book if you don't believe me. However, I decided to save you the 40 pounds and found this, which nearly falls in line with what the books says:

Why Did Truman Really Fire MacArthur? ... The Obscure History of Nuclear Weapons and the Korean War Provides the Answer

For future reference, please have more faith in people.

I kind of doubt that McArthur was ever speechless ,, nor did McArthur have the authority to authorize the use of Nuclear Weapons,,the option was discussed but it was decided not to widen the war with attacks on China or the use of Nuclear Weapons...

Yes you're right, but the threat was still there and China took it VERY seriously. Now, when did India get threatened with nuclear weapons before?
I seriously could not understand of half the things you were saying, the things that i could understand was[were] just utter crap with claims that wernt[weren't] true.

Yet again in this? post i can not understand a word you are saying[not saying but typing], my favourite sentence was,

"Oh yes! please correct your spellings of police and murdered"

So what is the moral of story?

Use full stop when you finish with one completed sentence, Consider your sentence again and use proper punctuation. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

You failed at correcting me, some of your corrections are wrong lol. fail hard.

Even though i had some grammar and punctuation mistakes, my sentences made sence, were understandable and were coherent, yours was not.
you failed at correcting me, some of your corrections are wrong lol. fail hard.

I still can not understand what your previous posts say.
You failed at correcting me, some of your corrections are wrong lol. fail hard.

Even though i had some grammar and punctuation mistakes, my sentences made sence[sense], were understandable and were coherent, yours was not.
you failed at correcting me, some of your corrections are wrong lol. fail hard.

I still can not understand what your previous posts say.

This is not YouTube Nipper. You have started talking like a sheer looser who has nothing to discuss constructive. But may swear like a coward when i will open another can of Witchetty grub. I have seen many idiotic blah blah chatters on YouTube like you for last 7 years.
Better i should sing out and have a little walkabout from these rants with you.
What you recon, isn't it better to have same than degrading my self to your level; while answering your beyond the black stump notions?
Signing Out.
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You failed at correcting me, some of your corrections are wrong lol. fail hard.

Even though i had some grammar and punctuation mistakes, my sentences made sence, were understandable and were coherent, yours was not.
you failed at correcting me, some of your corrections are wrong lol. fail hard.

I still can not understand what your previous posts say.

STOP frekking lecturing people on their english stand, we know australia is an english colony so its your first language.. in fact U guys originated from English people ,and why are you proud to be an english speaking person... its ONLY A LANGUAGE... get over it.... its none of your achievement...
I still consider the guys here Indian / Chinese/ Pakistani MORE talented than you coz they speak in a foreign language and communicate well aussie guy.. CAN U SPEAK IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE???:smokin:

STOP frekking lecturing people on their english stand, we know australia is an english colony so its your first language.. in fact U guys originated from English people ,and why are you proud to be an english speaking person... its ONLY A LANGUAGE... get over it.... its none of your achievement...
I still consider the guys here Indian / Chinese/ Pakistani MORE talented than you coz they speak in a foreign language and communicate well aussie guy.. CAN U SPEAK IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE???:smokin:

SnS: I am fine with this mate, let him rant as much he can. This what they are doing in Autralia for a long time.
I am sorry to tell you but no country in the United Nations will sell you uranium for nuclear weapons, for nuclear power yes, but not nuclear weapons.

Indian just wants attetion that's why they are getting nuclear weapons. They recognize that counties with nuclear weapons have power and influence, they wanna go "hey look at me i have nuclear weapons, you should listen and look at me!"

No offence taken.

India doesn't have any influence whatsoever in Oceania and never will. No decisions made here are influence by india. Australia is the only major country in Oceania, so australia has the most influence.

Mate, we do not need uranium for nuclear weapons. Australia refused to sell India uranium for nuclear power. Australia has every right to decide what it wants to sell or not. We really don’t need any attention from Australia. We are not great trading partners. In fact Australia earns more than $3 billion every year from Indian students. Hopefully with all the racist attack on Indians in Australia Indian students will think twice before going to Australia for their studies.

Just an advice for you, a little research will help to increase you knowledge level about India.
What concessions will US give to India ?
can you elaborate it?
It is US who came with the Nuclear deal with India to get a strategic ally, not India who initiated it.

Please see below.

Mate, from your flag you seems to be an Australian. Your Govt. does not want to sell Uranium to India; we have no issue. We have Russia, France, Canada and other countries.

We got what we want from USA. That is NSG waiver. Now it is up to US and its companies whether they want to do business with India or not. If US do not wish to sell its defense equipment to India fine; we can procure them from Russia, France, Germany, Italy etc.

The US is the sole hyperpower. Its technology, especially military technology, is decades ahead of their nearest competitor. Its economic and diplomatic clout is similarly unmatched.

India, on the other hard, is a third world country with per capita GDP figures comparable to Pakistan. (By non-PPP measures, they are even below Pakistan.) India's poverty level is worse than Pakistan's. Now you may be deluded by the Incredible India and India Shining media campaigns, but the reality is that India is not even remotely in the same league as China, let alone the West. Not even on the horizon.

When you deal with Western powers, you do not deal as an equal. The West humors you because they see China as the main upcoming threat, and they are grooming India as a regional counterweight. India wants to milk the maximum benefit out of the current Western mood and this media tantrum about Obama is part of the game.

India will never do anything that will hurt its national interest. Be it signing NPT, CTBT or singing on legally binding emission cuts or trade negotiation on WTO.

Regarding Kashmir many US president had said many things about Kashmir in the past. Who cares what Obama said on Kashmir. Gone are the days of US dictatorship .

Regarding China, it will never play any constructive role in solving Kashmir problem.

It is not about Kashmir. It is about US technology, Western aid (yes, India receives billions in aid), and diplomatic support on issues ranging from terrorism to UNSC.

India doesn't have any influence whatsoever in Oceania and never will. No decisions made here are influence by india. Australia is the only major country in Oceania, so australia has the most influence.

I hate to tell you, but Australia is one of the most spineless countries I have known. The media and government are downright sycophantic towards both China and India. The Australian media grovels obsequiously whenever Chinese or Indians are involved, especially after the Indian media circus over supposed racial attacks on Indian students. Rudd caved in on the Tamil asylum seekers to appease India, right before his trip to India. The only reason Australia is holding out on uranium is because it is a very sensitive issue for the general public.
STOP frekking lecturing people on their english stand, we know australia is an english colony so its your first language.. in fact U guys originated from English people ,and why are you proud to be an english speaking person... its ONLY A LANGUAGE... get over it.... its none of your achievement...
I still consider the guys here Indian / Chinese/ Pakistani MORE talented than you coz they speak in a foreign language and communicate well aussie guy.. CAN U SPEAK IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE???:smokin:

I am not lecturing him. I was simply telling them that i can not understand what he wrote because of his poor english and i requested him to rewrite it so i could understand it better, then he had the nerve to attack my English which was perfectly fine.

And also i am not acting like im all better because i speak english, i do not deserve this kind of attack from you.

This is not YouTube Nipper. You have started talking like a sheer looser who has nothing to discuss constructive. But may swear like a coward when i will open another can of Witchetty grub. I have seen many idiotic blah blah chatters on YouTube like you for last 7 years.
Better i should sing out and have a little walkabout from these rants with you.
What you recon, isn't it better to have same than degrading my self to your level; while answering your beyond the black stump notions?
Signing Out.

I still cannot understand what you are saying. All i did was request that you rewrite what you said because i cannot understand it, and now you are abusing me? lighten up, if you want to act like a kid go elsewhere.

Mate, we do not need uranium for nuclear weapons. Australia refused to sell India uranium for nuclear power. Australia has every right to decide what it wants to sell or not. We really don’t need any attention from Australia. We are not great trading partners. In fact Australia earns more than $3 billion every year from Indian students. Hopefully with all the racist attack on Indians in Australia Indian students will think twice before going to Australia for their studies.

Just an advice for you, a little research will help to increase you knowledge level about India.

Why are you using this rude tone with me? I am getting an attacking vibe from you. I simply stated the fact that Australia will not sell uranium to india because it has not signed the NPT, which is fact, it isnt an attack.

And yes you do need uranium to make nuclear weapons.

Just an advice for you, a little research will help to increase you knowledge level about India.

I'd say the same to you, there was no attacks on indians students in australia based on race. But this is not what this topic is about so we will keep this out of the discussion. The only reason you brought this up was to attack me and where i come from. If you can't have a civil conversation, do not participate.

I hate to tell you, but Australia is one of the most spineless countries I have known. The media and government are downright sycophantic towards both China and India. The Australian media grovels obsequiously whenever Chinese or Indians are involved, especially after the Indian media circus over supposed racial attacks on Indian students. Rudd caved in on the Tamil asylum seekers to appease India, right before his trip to India. The only reason Australia is holding out on uranium is because it is a very sensitive issue for the general public.

I think you are mistaking. The tamil refugees have nothing to do with india, they are from sri lanka. the prime minster did not give into india with it, because india has nothing to do with the situation. If you knew anything about the situation you would know that.

Also about the uranium, you are wrong again, it isn't a sensitive public issue, no one in the public cares about it. The australian public would be happy if the government sold uranium to india, but the fact is india has not signed the NPT, so australia will not be selling it any uranium.

Please check your facts before you talk about anything, thank you.

P.S i see one of your flags has the australian flag. Are you currently in australia? because if you are, i am shocked at the lack of knowledge about the current events you have and the mis information you have.
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Please see below.

The US is the sole hyperpower. Its technology, especially military technology, is decades ahead of their nearest competitor. Its economic and diplomatic clout is similarly unmatched.

India, on the other hard, is a third world country with per capita GDP figures comparable to Pakistan. (By non-PPP measures, they are even below Pakistan.) India's poverty level is worse than Pakistan's. Now you may be deluded by the Incredible India and India Shining media campaigns, but the reality is that India is not even remotely in the same league as China, let alone the West. Not even on the horizon.

When you deal with Western powers, you do not deal as an equal. The West humors you because they see China as the main upcoming threat, and they are grooming India as a regional counterweight. India wants to milk the maximum benefit out of the current Western mood and this media tantrum about Obama is part of the game.

It is not about Kashmir. It is about US technology, Western aid (yes, India receives billions in aid), and diplomatic support on issues ranging from terrorism to UNSC.

India did not give a damn thought to US power in previous years. So we do not care whether US is a Hyper power or not. Regarding its military, space and nuclear technology; there is no doubt they are superior. But if you want to say Russian and France have very inferior technology than I have nothing to say. Just Google and see what NATO feels about Russian Space, military and nuclear technology. You will get the answer.

I have no hesitation in admitting India is a third world country. But things are changing for better. I have no intentions of giving you any prove of our economic growth. There is Google for you. Indian Per capita income will never come close to any western countries in next 15 years because of the size of our population. China has adopted its own path of growth and India its own. I feel India is doing fine with its own way of economic growth. GDP growth of 6.7% in the times of recession is a good number.

China is and will remain India’s enemy No 1. I have no doubt in my mind. Gone are the days when India used to give too much importance what western countries think about India. It is the other way.

US refused to give India many critical Technologies. But we have a very successful space program without US Technology. Now NASA is collaborating with ISRO. Similarly many US defense equipment producers are collaborating with Indian companies thanks to the procurement policy of GOI. Just wait next 5/6 years and see for yourself.
India did not give a damn thought to US power in previous years. So we do not care whether US is a Hyper power or not. Regarding its military, space and nuclear technology; there is no doubt they are superior. But if you want to say Russian and France have very inferior technology than I have nothing to say. Just Google and see what NATO feels about Russian Space, military and nuclear technology. You will get the answer.

I have no hesitation in admitting India is a third world country. But things are changing for better. I have no intentions of giving you any prove of our economic growth. There is Google for you. Indian Per capita income will never come close to any western countries in next 15 years because of the size of our population. China has adopted its own path of growth and India its own. I feel India is doing fine with its own way of economic growth. GDP growth of 6.7% in the times of recession is a good number.

China is and will remain India’s enemy No 1. I have no doubt in my mind. Gone are the days when India used to give too much importance what western countries think about India. It is the other way.

US refused to give India many critical Technologies. But we have a very successful space program without US Technology. Now NASA is collaborating with ISRO. Similarly many US defense equipment producers are collaborating with Indian companies thanks to the procurement policy of GOI. Just wait next 5/6 years and see for yourself.

It is true that india is a rising country. It will be an economic power house in the future. 10 - 15 years.
I am not lecturing him. I was simply telling them that i can not understand what he wrote because of his poor english

More then 8 spelling mistakes, still boasting about his English. Bigotry at its best.
Four people have to objected your assertions and two of them have attacking tone for you(as you have said so).
I think you have some kind of itzy bitzy problem.

On topic:
I think we should wait for the outcome of this meeting. Lets hope this visit will clear many Indian misconception about Obama Administrations.
More then 8 spelling mistakes, still boasting about his English. Bigotry at its best.
Four people have to objected your assertions and two of them have attacking tone for you(as you have said so).
I think you have some kind of itzy bitzy problem.

On topic:
I think we should wait for the outcome of this meeting. Lets hope this visit will clear many Indian misconception about Obama Administrations.

I am not boasting about my english skills? I don't understand what is wrong with you. I simply said that i cannot understand what he said, where did i say things like "Omg my english skills are awesome!" that's boasting, but i have written that nowhere. You are taking what i said the wrong way.

I am being attacked by a couple of people including you because you have taken what i have said the wrong way and have blown it out of proportion.
The tamil refugees have nothing to do with india, they are from sri lanka. the prime minster did not give into india with it, because india has nothing to do with the situation. If you knew anything about the situation you would know that.

Please spend the time to learn more about the whole Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka. India has 60 millions Tamils, compared to 3 million in Sri Lanka. India is an ardent advocate for Tamil causes and exerts diplomatic pressure globally in support of the Tamils. It even went as far as to fund and train the LTTE terrorist group to fight against the Sri Lankan people and government. It was only after the LTTE bit the Indians themselves that India turned against the LTTE, at least officially.

Do you really think it was a coincidence that Rudd OK'd the asylum deal just before leaving for his India visit?

As an aside, I notice the Australian media always refers to the LTTE as 'fighters' or 'rebels', rather than 'terrorists', even though the Australian government, like the US, UK, Canada, etc., officially classifies them as a terrorist organization. This is part of the Australian media sycophancy I was talking about.

Also about the uranium, you are wrong again, it isn't a sensitive public issue, no one in the public cares about it. The australian public would be happy if the government sold uranium to india, but the fact is india has not signed the NPT, so australia will not be selling it any uranium.

Depends who you talk to. The more educated and politically engaged segments of society are very much aware of the whole uranium issue, both in terms of export and domestic nuclear energy.

P.S i see one of your flags has the australian flag. Are you currently in australia? because if you are, i am shocked at the lack of knowledge about the current events you have and the mis information you have.

I would encourage you to get educated in depth about the issues facing Australia instead of just parroting the headlines.

India did not give a damn thought to US power in previous years. So we do not care whether US is a Hyper power or not. Regarding its military, space and nuclear technology; there is no doubt they are superior. But if you want to say Russian and France have very inferior technology than I have nothing to say. Just Google and see what NATO feels about Russian Space, military and nuclear technology. You will get the answer.

The technology gap between the US and the rest is variable, naturally. It is widest in the defence sector, but less so in other civilian sectors. There are even areas where the US lags technologically. The point is that overall the US is the technological leader in the world today.

I have no hesitation in admitting India is a third world country. But things are changing for better. I have no intentions of giving you any prove of our economic growth. There is Google for you. Indian Per capita income will never come close to any western countries in next 15 years because of the size of our population. China has adopted its own path of growth and India its own. I feel India is doing fine with its own way of economic growth. GDP growth of 6.7% in the times of recession is a good number.

My point in mentioning India's economic numbers was not to belittle India, but to point out that you are not equals of the West. As much as everybody hides in diplomatic speak, the fact is that you are asking them for favors.

China is and will remain India’s enemy No 1. I have no doubt in my mind.

And India cozying up to the West is not going to allay China's apprehensions either.

US refused to give India many critical Technologies. But we have a very successful space program without US Technology.

Wrong. India's space program is built upon French and Russian technology, later indigenized, as well as theft of NASA technology by Abdul Kalam.

Similarly many US defense equipment producers are collaborating with Indian companies thanks to the procurement policy of GOI. Just wait next 5/6 years and see for yourself.

And you don't find it interesting that all this US/Western friendship just happens to coincide with China's rise as a global power?
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