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India "frustrated" by China's rise: Chinese Media

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Maybe if you meant "spirituality" as in, the horrendous starvation of children, sati, repression of women and minorities, honor killings, disease and poverty, yes, India has alot of "spirituality". I think Indians who do not show evidence of being disease free and are judged likely to engage in medieval behavior like honor killings should be barred from China and deported.
I live in China,I m just telling the truth,all Chinese posters can prove that.in China,people watch US movies,yes. Hongkong movies,yes.Korean movies,yes.even Singaporean movies,yes.But Indian movies??definitely no,it just isnt part of eastern nations cultures.forget about your Bollywood,Chinese movies have a better spot in the world movie industry.

You must check out the program listing on CCTV 3 & 4 sometime. A couple of weeks back in Shenzen, I was trying to gifht the lat night's shooters by putting my head in some TV and LoL, I come across this Indian soap dubbed in Chinese running on CCTV3. So please give the condescension a break. And have you forgotten, movies scare the Communist Party in China.
Maybe if you meant "spirituality" as in, the horrendous starvation of children, sati, repression of women and minorities, honor killings, disease and poverty, yes, India has alot of "spirituality". I think Indians who do not show evidence of being disease free and are judged likely to engage in medieval behavior like honor killings should be barred from China and deported.

And then how would you charaterize the Tibetan atrocities and the poor self immolators in China? Do you have an equally simple and peaceful solution for them too.
The only one frustrated in the whole scene is the Chinese communist party. Since having been used to getting their work done in China via evictions/re-educations etc. it is only natural that they will find it irksome when they see that the policies do not work internationally. Afterall all nations are not run by despots/army (which by the way is a critical requirement of a nation being a friend of China).

It is just this frustration of not getting its way that is showing in the press. No need to pay heed to any of these ramblings. It is China's proven policy to keep its neighbours (friends and even otherwise) in chaos. That is the only way for Chinese communist party to survive and thrive.
And then how would you charaterize the Tibetan atrocities and the poor self immolators in China? Do you have an equally simple and peaceful solution for them too.

Tibetans are Chinese citizens. Indians who are likely to be rapists, honor killers, have one of the thousands of transmittable disease in India, or are liable to beg the state for food, should all be deported immediately.

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ----------

The only one frustrated in the whole scene is the Chinese communist party. Since having been used to getting their work done in China via evictions/re-educations etc. it is only natural that they will find it irksome when they see that the policies do not work internationally. Afterall all nations are not run by despots/army (which by the way is a critical requirement of a nation being a friend of China).

It is just this frustration of not getting its way that is showing in the press. No need to pay heed to any of these ramblings. It is China's proven policy to keep its neighbours (friends and even otherwise) in chaos. That is the only way for Chinese communist party to survive and thrive.

The only one frustrated in the whole scene is the Indian Gandhi Dynasty. Since having been used to getting their work done in India via starvation/honor killings/rape/police brutality/disease/deliberately creating slums etc. it is only natural that they will find it irksome when they see that the policies do not work internationally. Afterall all nations are not run by Wall Street (which by the way is a critical requirement of a nation being a friend of India).

It is just this frustration of not getting its way that is showing in the press. No need to pay heed to any of these ramblings. It is India's proven policy to keep its neighbours (friends and even otherwise) in chaos. That is the only way for Indian Gandhi Dynasty to survive and thrive.

When you don't have anything to say, You post Racists and Abusive comments as usual. I have seen many Chinese posting such abusive comments and still not banned. If any Indian will do, He will be immediately banned. Enjoy your special privilege until Mods takes some action, I hope. Since you have Zero Knowledge about Indian political system which i can understand as you never voted in your life to elect the government, you post something which is completely BS and based on your frustration. :wave:

When you don't have anything to say, You post Racists and Abusive comments as usual. I have seen many Chinese posting such abusive comments. Since you have Zero Knowledge about Indian political system which i can understand as you never voted in your life to elect the government, you post something which is completely BS and based on your frustration. :wave:

And the racist sympathizers thank him and mods turn a blind eye.
Tibetans are Chinese citizens. Indians who are likely to be rapists, honor killers, have one of the thousands of transmittable disease in India, or are liable to beg the state for food, should all be deported immediately.

Lol, do you really want to take me on with the crime rates and the rape ratios? That would be the worst for the Communist party to explain then. Just to give you some food for thought, check out the following:

http://www.apcca.org/stats/4th Edition (2003).pdf

Can you really guess why there are over 1.4 Million people in Prison in China compared to India 0.28 Million? So give this racist condescension a break. I know too many Chinese and am excellent friends with a lot of them else racist women like you are easiest to be told their place. LoL, you must have really lost it to take the discussion to Crime and prosecution comparison between China & India.

The only one frustrated in the whole scene is the Indian Gandhi Dynasty. Since having been used to getting their work done in India via starvation/honor killings/rape/police brutality/disease/deliberately creating slums etc. it is only natural that they will find it irksome when they see that the policies do not work internationally. Afterall all nations are not run by Wall Street (which by the way is a critical requirement of a nation being a friend of India).

It is just this frustration of not getting its way that is showing in the press. No need to pay heed to any of these ramblings. It is India's proven policy to keep its neighbours (friends and even otherwise) in chaos. That is the only way for Indian Gandhi Dynasty to survive and thrive.

Lol if how you think that the state is run then what about the only King party of the Communists which has been ruling China without even any questions asked of their corruption + evictions + looting of poor people's money. Hell last week in Beijing, I read that even the new homes of the relatively rich are also now being evicted by the greedy communist party because the rates are now very high there. If you really want to debate this then I can look up South China Morning Post edition and bring up that article. You really are lost in the ways of debate when arguing the case of the Communist party of China. You must only depend on obfusciation because that is the only way that Chinese communist party rule in China can be explained. You must not talk about murders/ rapes / corruption/ mismanagement / greed / evictions/land grab because then you cannot defend the Chinese communist party.

Do you really want to lose the annual bonus? LoL.

When you don't have anything to say, You post Racists and Abusive comments as usual. I have seen many Chinese posting such abusive comments. Since you have Zero Knowledge about Indian political system which i can understand as you never voted in your life to elect the government, you post something which is completely BS and based on your frustration. :wave:

Nope,it is "We don't want to" rather than "you have Zero Knowledge.." just that for us the "superior" political system which gives you a inferior life is nothing but S H I T.

As I see the government you elects drives you upon on the roofs of trains to enjoy your ride,I am astounded on the superior of your politics and I am not so superised when we here the bombs that explode in you capital every some days.

And you know what,no words can describe a person like you sleeping with your sacred votes every day.

If an Amercan come across you on a street,he will tell you "You disgraces our democracy which has been transformed into poverty and chaos in your country."
Chinese movies were,are and will be more popular around the world.it goes hand in hand with a country's economy,Indian got to have something better to show to the world,but,please ,not that Bollywood,Greater China does better in this movie industry.

You mean how the "Founding of the Party" was successful. I am sure that it is the movie that you are referring to when saying that "Greater China does better in movie Industry"?. LoL. You guys are sometimes too much. Okay, before you get back to me on that great success of the great, great Chinese communist party, let me just tell you that I was there during the time when this movie was running and some of my freinds in the corporate world there told me some nice anecdotes about how the tickets were printed for other movies + how some other hollywood movies launch was delayed and how the state run companies funded the success of the movie. A lot can be corroborated via internet too. So please spare us the propaganda when you get back on this.
Lol, do you really want to take me on with the crime rates and the rape ratios? That would be the worst for the Communist party to explain then. Just to give you some food for thought, check out the following:

http://www.apcca.org/stats/4th Edition (2003).pdf

Can you really guess why there are over 1.4 Million people in Prison in China compared to India 0.28 Million? So give this racist condescension a break. I know too many Chinese and am excellent friends with a lot of them else racist women like you are easiest to be told their place. LoL, you must have really lost it to take the discussion to Crime and prosecution comparison between China & India.

Lol if how you think that the state is run then what about the only King party of the Communists which has been ruling China without even any questions asked of their corruption + evictions + looting of poor people's money. Hell last week in Beijing, I read that even the new homes of the relatively rich are also now being evicted by the greedy communist party because the rates are now very high there. If you really want to debate this then I can look up South China Morning Post edition and bring up that article. You really are lost in the ways of debate when arguing the case of the Communist party of China. You must only depend on obfusciation because that is the only way that Chinese communist party rule in China can be explained. You must not talk about murders/ rapes / corruption/ mismanagement / greed / evictions/land grab because then you cannot defend the Chinese communist party.

Do you really want to lose the annual bonus? LoL.

Sometimes, I feel admiration for the Indians of ignorance you even say so, of course, if you know the truth, I admire you even more for your face.
Nope,it is not "you have Zero Knowledge.." rather than "We don't want to" just that for us, the "superior" political system which gives you a inferior life is nothing but ****.

As I see the government you elects drives you upon on the roofs of trains to enjoy your ride,I am astound on the superior of your politics and I am not so superised when we here the bombs that explode in you capital every some days.

And you know what,no words can describe a person like you sleeping with your sacred votes every day.

If an Amercan come across you on a street,he will tell you "You disgraces our democracy which has been transformed into poverty and chaos in your country."

Bombs explode in every country. Are you starting to forget those explosions in your own cities. So nothing to gloat about there because it is all unfortunate. So relax on that one before lecturing others on the type of government, let me know if you even have a vote in your country. China is still run "forbidden city" style. Just that the Kings and their habits have changed. So give the "kind of rule" part a wee little break please.

And no one claims superior politics in India. The whole idea is to just remind the "superior specimens of Chinese race" here that they should give us a break from the crap that they upload on such sites. This could sell things for the great chinese communist party within China but does not work with other societies. That is why what the Global times is writing is wrong. Actually it is the Chinese evictions party which is frustrated that India just does not cow down. They find this behaviour strange becasue they are used to other responses to the same stimulus within their country.

And what America says...... Lol...... let us just leave it there. We do not need approval of our behaviour from others. May be you do. And so what do they really say about China then? LoL.

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

Sometimes, I feel admiration for the Indians of ignorance you even say so, of course, if you know the truth, I admire you even more for your face.

Hey, thanks for the admiration bro. I also admire you even more for your face. Thanks. So what exactly is the truth then?
Recently read that 200 Chinese were killed for every KM of that pathetic "great wall".

Some of these people are used to dictatorship and being brainless zombies. They don't have the power to question, they just do what they are told.
All this is standard bravado. The newspapers always write that is pleasant to read by own people (and unpleasant by "enemy").

Just politics.

Russian newspapers also regularly writes that all our "enemies" in fear and horror... And what? This is mostly funny. We ALL need to treat all this state-propaganda critically. Resist brainwashing.

That is the point. India should also start publishing these type of newspapers.
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