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India "frustrated" by China's rise: Chinese Media

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And the racist sympathizers thank him and mods turn a blind eye.

Some of those "racist sympathizers" are too busy playing the victim card.

The "racists" themselves are a victim of deep inferiority complex. One can almost forgive them but they are too pathetic for even that.
Lol, do you really want to take me on with the crime rates and the rape ratios? That would be the worst for the Communist party to explain then. Just to give you some food for thought, check out the following:

http://www.apcca.org/stats/4th Edition (2003).pdf

Can you really guess why there are over 1.4 Million people in Prison in China compared to India 0.28 Million? So give this racist condescension a break. I know too many Chinese and am excellent friends with a lot of them else racist women like you are easiest to be told their place. LoL, you must have really lost it to take the discussion to Crime and prosecution comparison between China & India.

Lol if how you think that the state is run then what about the only King party of the Communists which has been ruling China without even any questions asked of their corruption + evictions + looting of poor people's money. Hell last week in Beijing, I read that even the new homes of the relatively rich are also now being evicted by the greedy communist party because the rates are now very high there. If you really want to debate this then I can look up South China Morning Post edition and bring up that article. You really are lost in the ways of debate when arguing the case of the Communist party of China. You must only depend on obfusciation because that is the only way that Chinese communist party rule in China can be explained. You must not talk about murders/ rapes / corruption/ mismanagement / greed / evictions/land grab because then you cannot defend the Chinese communist party.

Do you really want to lose the annual bonus? LoL.

You don't have people in prison because your police force is too corrupt. We have a lower prison population than the US, while they have 4x the population.

You want to talk corruption, eviction, looting of the poor? Seriously? If India says they're #2 in this aspect, no one dares call themselves #1. The truth is self evident with 6000 Indian children starving to death and India's industrial age lifespan.

INDIA Every day hunger kills 6,000 children in India - Asia News

Still talking about "putting women in their place". I see that you still have the medieval Indian mindset.
Is it other way, since India is improving gradually (unlike china who made rapid development) and other country (our neighbour in the east) don't want a strong nation to her neighbour??
A Chin talking of "medieval mindset" or corruption is seriously funny.

Doesn't even need elaboration.

BTW, are they done with the daily quota of human organ harvesting from their prisoners for today? There will be hell to pay in case that quota is missed, like the quota they have for forced abortions (even if it is after 8 months and kills the mother in the process)!

Seriously, we give a damn about their country but some Chinese trolls are so obsessed about India to hide their own inadequacies.
A Chin talking of "medieval mindset" or corruption is seriously funny.

Doesn't even need elaboration.

BTW, are they done with the daily quota of human organ harvesting from their prisoners for today? There will be hell to pay in case that quota is missed, like the quota they have for forced abortions (even if it is after 8 months and kills the mother in the process)!

Seriously, we give a damn about their country but some Chinese trolls are so obsessed about India to hide their own inadequacies.

Show me one case where the mother died? Show me where that was legal? The officials involved got sacked and are behind bars. In earlier days they would've gotten a bullet through the head. Show me one case of organ harvesting from mainstream Western media? Even though they are liars, they still have to keep a shred of credibility after all. But your BFF Israel is confirmed to be engaged in state sanctioned human organ trafficking, and India is the greatest source country of human organs in the world. It even got on a documentary.

Yep, I'm Chinese, educating you on your medieval mindset, because there are no honor killings, sati, dowry murders, dowry in general, keeping 50% of girls uneducated and powerless or pervasive teenage marriage in China. Learn civilization, its useful.
Show me one case where the mother died? Show me where that was legal? The officials involved got sacked and are behind bars. In earlier days they would've gotten a bullet through the head. Show me one case of organ harvesting from mainstream Western media? Even though they are liars, they still have to keep a shred of credibility after all. But your BFF Israel is confirmed to be engaged in state sanctioned human organ trafficking, and India is the greatest source country of human organs in the world. It even got on a documentary.

Yep, I'm Chinese, educating you on your medieval mindset, because there are no honor killings, sati, dowry murders, dowry in general, keeping 50% of girls uneducated and powerless or pervasive teenage marriage in China. Learn civilization, its useful.

I am seriously not interested.

I have no incentive to badmouth China unlike some here. ;)

We have huge challenges but we will go about them in a democratic way, even if it is slower and inefficient.

No artificial great leaps for us. With 50 millions failing to leap across and perishing.

And we are fine with it.

You have a problem? Shove it!
I am seriously not interested.

I have no incentive to badmouth China unlike some here. ;)

We have huge challenges but we will go about them in a democratic way, even if it is slower and inefficient.

No artificial great leaps for us. With 50 millions failing to leap across and perishing.

And we are fine with it.

You have a problem? Shove it!

6000 starving to death per day for 67 years has done wonders for Indian population control, so why is it that Indian population is still spiralling upwards?
6000 starving to death per day for 67 years has done wonders for Indian population control, so why is it that Indian population is still spiralling upwards?

As I said. Shove it!

6000 starving to death per day for 67 years has done wonders for Indian population control, so why is it that Indian population is still spiralling upwards?
like human have been killing rats for thousands of years with all the means, but thy still overrun human population?
Show me one case where the mother died? Show me where that was legal? The officials involved got sacked and are behind bars. In earlier days they would've gotten a bullet through the head. Show me one case of organ harvesting from mainstream Western media? Even though they are liars, they still have to keep a shred of credibility after all. But your BFF Israel is confirmed to be engaged in state sanctioned human organ trafficking, and India is the greatest source country of human organs in the world. It even got on a documentary.

Yep, I'm Chinese, educating you on your medieval mindset, because there are no honor killings, sati, dowry murders, dowry in general, keeping 50% of girls uneducated and powerless or pervasive teenage marriage in China. Learn civilization, its useful.
and not to mention that barbaric place where little girls are sacrificed on daily bases to please their 'god'
like human have been killing rats for thousands of years with all the means, but thy still overrun human population?
and not to mention that barbaric place where little girls are sacrificed on daily bases to please their 'god'

Looks like rcmj is really frustrated today.

Sorry boy, can't help.... try some pills ... or better alcohol. :laugh:
Looks like rcmj is really frustrated today.

Sorry boy, can't help.... try some pills ... or better alcohol. :laugh:

I'm sorry but that was just a really bad come-back.

Be more imaginative, it makes for better reading :devil:
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