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India developing but long way to go ...

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No...but you can use it as a stop gap measure. This is the reason Pakistan just had a census, also will rebase its GDP in 2018...brace up for a major increase in Pakistan GDP.

I can attach and post not one or ten but hundreds of such videos about these 'hidden shame' videos about India, the thing is it is actually not that hidden in India...but every one knows about it, the Indians and the rest of the world.

the thing is 'Goras' love to ridicule Pakistan and for that matter India as well if you look at the related negative articles in western press about India and more about Pakistan...

You can take a Trillion dollar loan package and consume it

That will Double your GDP overnight

What matters is that what happens afterwards when the BILLS arrive for repayment

All Your Growth is on borrowed money

You are unable to earn sufficient dollars

the thing is 'Goras' love to ridicule Pakistan and for that matter India as well if you look at the related negative articles in western press about India and more about Pakistan...
I get your point about India, but what positive is there in Pakistan to show? Your culture is an Identity crisis between Arab and India, economy is in a bad shape, social indicators are worst in S Asia, miles behind in education and healthcare, in infrastructure you have leased everything to China - from roads to airport, no major companies, industries, or any significant personality, only thing you are good at is cricket and that has been very well covered in media across the world....Even if western media tries, it cannot show any positive news about pakistan because there is none.
You can take a Trillion dollar loan package and consume it

That will Double your GDP overnight

What matters is that what happens afterwards when the BILLS arrive for repayment

All Your Growth is on borrowed money

You are unable to earn sufficient dollars


think you skipped this...
India is borrowing more and more to pay its existing loans, and that could wreck development dreams

The government has set up a cell to manage India's public debt and expects better results than those achieved by the Reserve Bank and the Finance Ministry.
If debt is bad, taking new loans to pay back old ones has all the makings of a debt trap and the Indian government seems to be doing just that. India owed Rs 57,75,685 crores to internal and external lenders in the financial year 2014-2015 – a whopping 46% of the country’s gross domestic product. And it turns out that 77% of all long-term borrowings made by the government were actually used to pay back interest and principal on earlier borrowings rather than being spent on development expenditure.


You can take a Trillion dollar loan package and consume it

That will Double your GDP overnight

What matters is that what happens afterwards when the BILLS arrive for repayment

All Your Growth is on borrowed money

You are unable to earn sufficient dollars


...and you missed this report as well...charity begins at home.
India pays one of the highest interest rates in the world on its debt, but shows no signs of curbing its borrowing
Written by Rishabh Srivastava on Feb 29 | rishabhsriv@gmail.com

India is in a tight financial spot
India's current financial situation is similar to someone who spends 70k per month, earns 50k per month, and uses his credit card to fund the remaining 20k. Clearly, it is not a good financial situation to be in. In 2015-16, India spent more than 1.4x what it earned, and borrowed money to finance the deficit. In fact, the situation is so bad that the government now has to borrow more money to pay off its old loans, a situation that is known as a debt trap.

To be fair, India's financial situation has improved somewhat in recent years. 5 years ago, it was spending around 1.65x what it earned. Indian politicians and policy-makers often refer to India's lower Debt-to-GDP ratio compared to western countries as a sign that things are not too bad. But they forget that other countries borrow money at a much lower rate compared to India, and while they can afford high debt, India can't.

A writer can say only the extent they are paid for.
Do you know urban Pakistan has way more poor living in slums than in India?Check world City report.Sorry I can't attach link..

Also Asia's largest slum is situated in Pakistan apart from Heera Mandi..Stop posting feel good articles.We are accepting we need to improve a lot.

Brother Orangi look like upper middle class Indian city with 97% of homes with toilets.

this is what Indian slums look like from above


orangi town slum

think you skipped this...
India is borrowing more and more to pay its existing loans, and that could wreck development dreams

The government has set up a cell to manage India's public debt and expects better results than those achieved by the Reserve Bank and the Finance Ministry.
If debt is bad, taking new loans to pay back old ones has all the makings of a debt trap and the Indian government seems to be doing just that. India owed Rs 57,75,685 crores to internal and external lenders in the financial year 2014-2015 – a whopping 46% of the country’s gross domestic product. And it turns out that 77% of all long-term borrowings made by the government were actually used to pay back interest and principal on earlier borrowings rather than being spent on development expenditure.


There is a difference between Internal and external loans

Internal loans are harmless

Secondly even if our foreign Debt is 500 Billion dollars

We as a country are ABLE to EARN 550 Billion dollars per YEAR from various sources

Exports ; remittances ; investment

Now your Foreign Debt is 80 Billion But you can earn some 45 Billion dollars

What matters is a country's ability to EARN dollars from the outside world

All your " prosperity " is on Borrowed money which you are UNABLE to repay

Hence you have to take new loans to repay earlier loans

Anyway you have made up your MIND to live in Denial

Please dont quote me anymore
I get your point about India, but what positive is there in Pakistan to show? Your culture is an Identity crisis between Arab and India, economy is in a bad shape, social indicators are worst in S Asia, miles behind in education and healthcare, in infrastructure you have leased everything to - China from roads to airport, no major companies, industries, or any significant personality, only thing you are good at is cricket and that has been very well covered in media across the world....Even if western media tries, it cannot show any positive news about pakistan because there is none.

This is what mainstream Indian media portrays about Pakistan...to show that India is better than Pakistan.

The reason for this is kind of self satisfaction, delusional it maybe about it, to prove that since Pakistan got separated from India it hasn't seen the fruits of development. In reality it is totally opposite to it. I will not write about what Pakistan manufactures, what are the main industries, what is Pakistan good at or bad at. You may know about it but you are not accepting it.

So this will be a useless exercise to write here....read threads here in PDF about Pakistan economy, Infrastructure development and you might get some knowledge about it.



...many more threads will open up in the main thread.
This is what mainstream Indian media portrays about Pakistan...to show that India is better than Pakistan.

The reason for this is kind of self satisfaction, delusional it maybe about it, to prove that since Pakistan got separated from India it hasn't seen the fruits of development. In reality it is totally opposite to it. I will not write about what Pakistan manufactures, what are the main industries, what is Pakistan good at or bad at. You may know about it but you are not accepting it.

So this will be a useless exercise to write here....read threads here in PDF about Pakistan economy, Infrastructure development and you might get some knowledge about it.



...many more threads will open up in the main thread.
LOL even somalia has such economic activities going. What you believe to be groundbreaking in your country is business as usual in some other. I have seen Pakistani getting excited with an under construction airport in Islamabad that looks like any average 2 tier city Indian airport. Now you would expect it to be covered by Indian and world media as something path breaking, miraculous, while for us its not worth even a second of our time.
As I said, International media doesnt cover any positive news about Pakistan because there exists NONE
Check this, it is all bad debts India has accumulated more than 480 billion USD is external and many times more internal debt....How come you know nothing about it....
India is borrowing more and more to pay its existing loans, and that could wreck development dreams

The government has set up a cell to manage India's public debt and expects better results than those achieved by the Reserve Bank and the Finance Ministry.
If debt is bad, taking new loans to pay back old ones has all the makings of a debt trap and the Indian government seems to be doing just that. India owed Rs 57,75,685 crores to internal and external lenders in the financial year 2014-2015 – a whopping 46% of the country’s gross domestic product. And it turns out that 77% of all long-term borrowings made by the government were actually used to pay back interest and principal on earlier borrowings rather than being spent on development expenditure.


How come you know nothing about the debts India has accumulated..and know about Pakistan. GDP to Debt ratio for India is 70% and for Pakistan it is about 68%....

India largest recipient of loans from World Bank for 70 years, says lending report

India is the largest recipient of loans from the World Bank, amounting to $102.1 billion, between 1945 and 2015 (as on July 21, 2015), according to the Bank’s lending report.


Representational image. Reuters

While the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), a part of the World Bank group, has lent $52.7 billion, the International Development Association (IDA), a multilateral concessional lender of World Bank, has loaned $49.4 billion to India over the last 70 years.

The Ministry of Finance tabled an updated figure of $103 billion (IBRD—$53 billion and IDA—$50 billion) in a reply to the Lok Sabha (Parliament’s lower house) last month.

India’s loans from the World Bank stand at $104 billion (IBRD—$54 billion and IDA—$50 billion) as on December 31, 2015. Of this, the World Bank has disbursed $73 billion, with India repaying $37 billion.


It is not my claims it is credit-suisse calculation based on many factors...actually good measurement to look at.


How come Indians doesn't knew about it and remains delusional...better to accept the reality.
India pays one of the highest interest rates in the world on its debt, but shows no signs of curbing its borrowing
Written by Rishabh Srivastava on Feb 29 | rishabhsriv@gmail.com

India is in a tight financial spot
India's current financial situation is similar to someone who spends 70k per month, earns 50k per month, and uses his credit card to fund the remaining 20k. Clearly, it is not a good financial situation to be in. In 2015-16, India spent more than 1.4x what it earned, and borrowed money to finance the deficit. In fact, the situation is so bad that the government now has to borrow more money to pay off its old loans, a situation that is known as a debt trap.

To be fair, India's financial situation has improved somewhat in recent years. 5 years ago, it was spending around 1.65x what it earned. Indian politicians and policy-makers often refer to India's lower Debt-to-GDP ratio compared to western countries as a sign that things are not too bad. But they forget that other countries borrow money at a much lower rate compared to India, and while they can afford high debt, India can't.


India has foreign and domestic debt. The interest rate on domestic debt (rupee denominated) is high. The interest on domestic debt is paid to the Indian elite and middle class. The foreign debt is at low interest rates. World Bank loans are at low interest rates.

What % of India debt is domestic ? Post the corresponding numbers for Pakistan. You will clearly see the difference between India and Pakistan.
LOL even somalia has such economic activities going. What you believe to be groundbreaking in your country is business as usual in some other. I have seen Pakistani getting excited with an under construction airport in Islamabad that looks like any average 2 tier city Indian airport. Now you would expect it to be covered by Indian and world media as something path breaking, miraculous, while for us its not worth even a second of our time.
As I said, International media doesnt cover any positive news about Pakistan because there exists NONE

You keep coming with funny posts, and since you have mentioned Somalia, Africa here is a related article about India.

More of world's poor live in India than in all sub-Saharan Africa, says study

There are more poor people in eight states of India than in the 26 countries of sub-Saharan Africa, a study reveals today.

More than 410 million people live in poverty in the Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, researchers at Oxford University found. The "intensity" of the poverty in parts of India is equal to, if not worse than, that in Africa.

When the vast central Indian Madhya Pradesh state, which has a population of 70 million, was compared with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the war-racked African state of 62 million inhabitants, the two were found to have near-identical levels of poverty.


The study is based on an innovatory "multidimensional poverty index", or MPI, developed by specialists at Oxford. To be used for the first time in the authoritative and influential United Nations Human Development Report when it is published this autumn, it will replace a simpler method of calculating poverty introduced over a decade ago.
How much your middle class make per annum ??
Pakistan’s middle class consists of over 6.27 million adults, according to wealth criteria used by Credit Suisse in its Global Wealth Report 2015. It represents 5.7% share of Pakistan’s total adult population of 111 million, almost twice as large as India’s middle class made up of 3% of its adult population based on the same criteria.

What you will say about the national sport of your country's MACHO-MEN??

Pakistan just get a fraction of negative media coverage what it actually deserves...while India gets a fraction of positive media coverage what it actually deserves.

I've seen him lurking in the Bombay city and India developing threads quite a bit. The obsession and butt hurt is hilarious.
lol saying the one who is member of defence.pk for four bloody years Oh god the irony is killing me
You keep coming with funny posts, and since you have mentioned Somalia, Africa here is a related article about India.

More of world's poor live in India than in all sub-Saharan Africa, says study

There are more poor people in eight states of India than in the 26 countries of sub-Saharan Africa, a study reveals today.

More than 410 million people live in poverty in the Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, researchers at Oxford University found. The "intensity" of the poverty in parts of India is equal to, if not worse than, that in Africa.

When the vast central Indian Madhya Pradesh state, which has a population of 70 million, was compared with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the war-racked African state of 62 million inhabitants, the two were found to have near-identical levels of poverty.


The study is based on an innovatory "multidimensional poverty index", or MPI, developed by specialists at Oxford. To be used for the first time in the authoritative and influential United Nations Human Development Report when it is published this autumn, it will replace a simpler method of calculating poverty introduced over a decade ago.
LOL, this is what you came up with when you had no reply to my post? a 2010 article that too unrelated to my point? And then you expect world to take you lot seriously :lol:

Take a closer look at how your top diplomats become laughing stock, and this is from 2017

And not long ago in 2017, this is what happened to your PM,

I see you are following the foot-steps of your leaders, so excused ;)
How much your middle class make per annum ??
Credit Suisse's report estimates Pakistan's total private wealth in mid-2015 at $495 billion, Bangladesh's at $237 billion and India's at $3.45 trillion.

Credit Suisse said Pakistan's middle class is the 18th largest and India's 8th largest in the world. The report says 14% of world adults qualify as middle class in 2015 and they own 32% of the world's wealth. 6.7 million Pakistani adults make up 0.9% of the world's middle-class adult population. China tops the list with 108.7 million, followed by the United States 91.8 million and Japan 62 million.

A little more than 90% Pakistani adults had wealth less than $10,000 in 2015. The share of Pakistani adults with wealth between $10,000 and $100,000 in 2015 was 9.8% while only 0.1% adults owned wealth in the range of $100,000 and $1 million, the report revealed.

Other studies based on income criteria of $2 or more per day put Pakistan's middle class at 55% of the population. A 2010 ADB report titled "Asia's Emerging Middle Class: Past, Present and Future" report put Pakistan's middle class growth from 1990 to 2008 at 36.5%, much faster than India's 12.5% growth in the same period. Other reports have indicated Pakistan's median per capita income is higher than both India's and Bangladesh's.
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