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India developing but long way to go ...

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This guy needs a Vir Chakra for saying that. "Nobel Prize for filth" ..... Sums up India nicely. Ha Ha Ha .......

* India, a country where the Men dream of Mars but let half of their women go out on the streets to shat. That says everything about the Indian male.
What you have to say about this ? :lol:
More than 40m Pakistanis defecate openly: Unicef

And who else deserves Noble prize more than this great gentleman

BDW, which forum you got your arse kicked by Indians this time?
In Pakistan, it’s middle class rising

Attempts to quantify Pakistan’s middle class, largely based on income and the purchase of consumption goods, show that as many as 42% of Pakistan’s population belong to the upper and middle classes, with 38% counted as “the middle class”. If these numbers are correct, or even indicative in any broad sense, then 84 million Pakistanis belong to the middle and upper classes, a population size larger than that of Germany and Turkey. Anecdotal evidence and social observations, supplemented by estimates other than what people buy, would also support the claim that Pakistan’s middle class is indeed quite formidable.


how many Pakistanis pay taxes ? one of my definitions for middle & upper classes is that you pay taxes
i know there is culture of tax evasion
This is because anyone in India is considered literate if he or she can sign or write her/his name in any local language of India...Check Google about it.

LOL as if the criteria in Pakistan is poem writing :lol:

its a shame that even with such an easy criteria you still have half of your population illiterate

Anyways, comparing any social or economical data with Pakistan is a waste of time, as unlike functioning republic, they did not have census for god knows how many decades, so all the data that we have of Pakistan is juts speculation, now that's what we call BANANA
how many Pakistanis pay taxes ? one of my definitions for middle & upper classes is that you pay taxes
i know there is culture of tax evasion

Pakistan’s middle class consists of over 6.27 million adults, according to wealth criteria used by Credit Suisse in its Global Wealth Report 2015. It represents 5.7% share of Pakistan’s total adult population of 111 million, almost twice as large as India’s middle class made up of 3% of its adult population based on the same criteria.

it is easy to build the locomotives. You can license the technology from one of the existing companies.
It should cost 200-300 million to set up the factory. the real question is who is buying the locomotives ?

No they cannot do it ; never

Assembling a locomotive is one thing ; Manufacturing it is another

BTW who will make the factory to manufacture it
And who will transfer the Technology

And where are the People who will manufacture it

They dont have electric traction in their country

They have only assembled some Diesel locos in the past ; that is all
Data shows that economic gains in Pakistan are shared better than India and Bangladesh because of lower inequality. Income poverty rate (those below $1.25 per capita per day) in India is 33% and Bangladesh 43% versus 13% in Pakistan, according to WB data on povcalNet. Gini Index for India is 33, Pakistan 29 and Bangladesh 32, indicating that Pakistan has lower inequality.
Pakistan’s middle class consists of over 6.27 million adults, according to wealth criteria used by Credit Suisse in its Global Wealth Report 2015. It represents 5.7% share of Pakistan’s total adult population of 111 million, almost twice as large as India’s middle class made up of 3% of its adult population based on the same criteria.

LOL first do proper census, who knows what population Pakistan has :lol:
Pakistan’s middle class consists of over 6.27 million adults, according to wealth criteria used by Credit Suisse in its Global Wealth Report 2015. It represents 5.7% share of Pakistan’s total adult population of 111 million, almost twice as large as India’s middle class made up of 3% of its adult population based on the same criteria.


All your hollow and Fake claims will be exposed in the Next Two years
when you will again approach IMF

All these stats that you are claiming are based on Borrowings and Loans
Pakistan’s middle class consists of over 6.27 million adults, according to wealth criteria used by Credit Suisse in its Global Wealth Report 2015. It represents 5.7% share of Pakistan’s total adult population of 111 million, almost twice as large as India’s middle class made up of 3% of its adult population based on the same criteria.


The criteria for middle class is wealth between 10k and 100k
Is that correct ?
No they cannot do it ; never

Assembling a locomotive is one thing ; Manufacturing it is another

BTW who will make the factory to manufacture it
And who will transfer the Technology

And where are the People who will manufacture it

They dont have electric traction in their country

They have only assembled some Diesel locos in the past ; that is all

It is not super difficult. It will cost them $400 million to $1 billion
Don't ask me what will happen with the manufactured locomotives
All your hollow and Fake claims will be exposed in the Next Two years
when you will again approach IMF

All these stats that you are claiming are based on Borrowings and Loans
Check this, it is all bad debts India has accumulated more than 480 billion USD is external and many times more internal debt....How come you know nothing about it....
India is borrowing more and more to pay its existing loans, and that could wreck development dreams

The government has set up a cell to manage India's public debt and expects better results than those achieved by the Reserve Bank and the Finance Ministry.
If debt is bad, taking new loans to pay back old ones has all the makings of a debt trap and the Indian government seems to be doing just that. India owed Rs 57,75,685 crores to internal and external lenders in the financial year 2014-2015 – a whopping 46% of the country’s gross domestic product. And it turns out that 77% of all long-term borrowings made by the government were actually used to pay back interest and principal on earlier borrowings rather than being spent on development expenditure.


It is not super difficult. It will cost them $400 million to $1 billion
Don't ask me what will happen with the manufactured locomotives

How come you know nothing about the debts India has accumulated..and know about Pakistan. GDP to Debt ratio for India is 70% and for Pakistan it is about 68%....

India largest recipient of loans from World Bank for 70 years, says lending report

India is the largest recipient of loans from the World Bank, amounting to $102.1 billion, between 1945 and 2015 (as on July 21, 2015), according to the Bank’s lending report.


Representational image. Reuters

While the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), a part of the World Bank group, has lent $52.7 billion, the International Development Association (IDA), a multilateral concessional lender of World Bank, has loaned $49.4 billion to India over the last 70 years.

The Ministry of Finance tabled an updated figure of $103 billion (IBRD—$53 billion and IDA—$50 billion) in a reply to the Lok Sabha (Parliament’s lower house) last month.

India’s loans from the World Bank stand at $104 billion (IBRD—$54 billion and IDA—$50 billion) as on December 31, 2015. Of this, the World Bank has disbursed $73 billion, with India repaying $37 billion.


All your hollow and Fake claims will be exposed in the Next Two years
when you will again approach IMF

All these stats that you are claiming are based on Borrowings and Loans

It is not my claims it is credit-suisse calculation based on many factors...actually good measurement to look at.


How come Indians doesn't knew about it and remains delusional...better to accept the reality.
India pays one of the highest interest rates in the world on its debt, but shows no signs of curbing its borrowing
Written by Rishabh Srivastava on Feb 29 | rishabhsriv@gmail.com

India is in a tight financial spot
India's current financial situation is similar to someone who spends 70k per month, earns 50k per month, and uses his credit card to fund the remaining 20k. Clearly, it is not a good financial situation to be in. In 2015-16, India spent more than 1.4x what it earned, and borrowed money to finance the deficit. In fact, the situation is so bad that the government now has to borrow more money to pay off its old loans, a situation that is known as a debt trap.

To be fair, India's financial situation has improved somewhat in recent years. 5 years ago, it was spending around 1.65x what it earned. Indian politicians and policy-makers often refer to India's lower Debt-to-GDP ratio compared to western countries as a sign that things are not too bad. But they forget that other countries borrow money at a much lower rate compared to India, and while they can afford high debt, India can't.

You know what is the differance between Pakistan and India? Both are developing and have a long way to go. However the essential differance between the two is the focus. In India the focus is dominated about Bollywood, IT, booming industry but the crap end of the stick is conveniently overlooked. On the contrary in Pakistan's case the focus is terrorism, ethnic troubles, religious extremism. The positive narrative is conveniently overlooked.

What they overlook is that the negatives in India are humongous. All countries including Pakistan or even highly developed countries like Norway have problems but it is the scale, yes the scale that defines India. The scale of crap in India is stupendous. Documentary (below) on how the largest democracy treats it's women. Over 10%, yes 10% of India involved in prostitution industry. That is like 130 million Indian's making living out of selling, licking, poking, auctioning, trading pussties. Disgusting.

And @mods you are going to get wave of Gangoos wanting to shut this thread but please show some gonads. Nothing here is fabricated. Everything is factual. If anything is false by all means redact it.

WARNING: The contents are liable to injure and cause distress.

@Solomon2 @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @KediKesenFare @PAKISTANFOREVER @Zibago @Penguin @MastanKhan @Sinopakfriend
What you will say about the national sport of your country's MACHO-MEN??

Pakistan just get a fraction of negative media coverage what it actually deserves...while India gets a fraction of positive media coverage what it actually deserves.
By that logic allocating money for census,counting population,social progress on ground all are worthless right!!?
You can always assume..

No...but you can use it as a stop gap measure. This is the reason Pakistan just had a census, also will rebase its GDP in 2018...brace up for a major increase in Pakistan GDP.

What you will say about the national sport of your country's MACHO-MEN??

Pakistan just get a fraction of negative media coverage that it actually deserves...while India gets a fraction of positive media coverage that it actually deserves.

I can attach and post not one or ten but hundreds of such videos about these 'hidden shame' videos about India, the thing is it is actually not that hidden in India...but every one knows about it, the Indians and the rest of the world.

the thing is 'Goras' love to ridicule Pakistan and for that matter India as well if you look at the related negative articles in western press about India and more about Pakistan...
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