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India developing but long way to go ...

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India second most unequal country in the world: Wealth Report
India is the second most unequal country in the world with the top one per cent of the population owning nearly 60% of the total wealth


India is the second most unequal country in the world with the top one per cent of the population owning nearly 60% of the total wealth, according to a report.

According to Global Wealth Report 2016 compiled by Credit Suisse Research Institute, the gap between the world’s haves and have-nots does not appear to be getting any narrower and a mere 0.7% of the global population owns nearly half the world’s wealth.

The report identified Russia as the world’s most unequal country with a huge 74.5% of the nation’s wealth controlled by the richest 1% of people.

In India and Thailand the top 1% own 58.4% and 58% of the wealth, while the figure was 47.9 for Brazil and 43.8 for China, the ‘Independent’ reported.

Noting that Switzerland remained as the wealthiest country in the world, per capita, the report said that overall wealth inequality was a major issue in almost every part of the world.

“While the bottom half collectively own less than 1 per cent of total wealth, the wealthiest top 10% own 89% of all global assets,” the report said.

How can you justify the female infanticides in India which according to reports is into millions...the main cause of skewed gender ratio in India and can be the cause of horrendous rape cases reported daily in Indian media.

Seven million girls go missing in India every decade, say reports
In many small families, the missing children are girls. In a family that already has a daughter, the chances of the second child being a girl drops by 38%.


If you have show 5% of enthusiasm for your nation that you shown in here to teach us about nation .
Pakistan would have been a better place decades ago .

Their own house is in a real mess but always interested to know what happens in neighbours house .

A very low level of character according to our tradition .
In last 15-20 years mostly after 9-11 , all major terrorist of al-quaida and Taliban were either caught or neutralised inside Pakistan and that was major factor in the degradation of Pakistan's image world wide and more over many people of Pakistani origin were involved in terrorist activities in western countries ( mainly UK and US) also helped in building the negative impact on the othet hand Indians , in the west have a good image ..... as they mind their own business ....

Yes inside India we have problems , but we dont bother anyone else ..while this is not the case for Pakistan. you have rightly pointed we are developing and have along way to go ....

You know what is the differance between Pakistan and India? Both are developing and have a long way to go. However the essential differance between the two is the focus. In India the focus is dominated about Bollywood, IT, booming industry but the crap end of the stick is conveniently overlooked. On the contrary in Pakistan's case the focus is terrorism, ethnic troubles, religious extremism. The positive narrative is conveniently overlooked.

What they overlook is that the negatives in India are humongous. All countries including Pakistan or even highly developed countries like Norway have problems but it is the scale, yes the scale that defines India. The scale of crap in India is stupendous. Documentary (below) on how the largest democracy treats it's women. Over 10%, yes 10% of India involved in prostitution industry. That is like 130 million Indian's making living out of selling, licking, poking, auctioning, trading pussties. Disgusting.

And @mods you are going to get wave of Gangoos wanting to shut this thread but please show some gonads. Nothing here is fabricated. Everything is factual. If anything is false by all means redact it.

WARNING: The contents are liable to injure and cause distress.

@Solomon2 @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @KediKesenFare @PAKISTANFOREVER @Zibago @Penguin @MastanKhan @Sinopakfriend
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If there is a Nobel prize for filth, India will win it: Jairam Ramesh

NEW DELHI: Environment and Forest Minister Jairam Ramesh, known for making forthright comments, today said if there was any Nobel Prize for dirt and filth, India would get it.

"Our cities are dirtiest cities of the world. If there is a Nobel prize for dirt and filth, India will win it, no doubt," he said at a function to release a report of TERI.

The ministers' comments assume significance as the TERI report on 'Green Indian 2047' says that waste management is not given priority in local bodies.


Let alone India...Bangladesh has done very well in this field although it was created on 1971.Look at their cotton export value..
Pakistan is the most incompetent country with big mouth only.
I doubt if it can be called a country anymore, considering how it sold itself to China, even their ROADS would be controlled by Chinese :rofl:
To save time - here's a quick summary of what this thread will conclude :

Pakistan pros

1. The mooooost good looking people on the planet. Such butter-rays shine from the Pakistani face that the average person cannot look them square in the face without radiation burns.

2. The inheritors of the ONE and ONLY real civilization in Asia. Everyone else are just MONKIES.

3. The most MISUNDERSTOOD nation on earth. People say bad things because they are JEALOUS of the butter-rays.

4. The richest nation in South Asia - absolutely no poverty, everyone eats, the only reason people line up at visa offices is for tourism .

5. Best treater of women and minorities. Just check out the you tube videos dudes - if you spit on a minority in a nice elite Islamabad mall, people are likely to object. All those stories from rural areas are just made up by people jealous of the butter- ray beauty of this wonderously, amaaaaazinly GORGEOUS looking people.


1. Well a little bit of terrorism here and there - BUT - started by RAW- the evil devil agencies of the bkack monkies from the south. Pak could just stop RAW , however, being so civilized, they are giving a chance to RAW to stop it on their own.

2. A little bit problem with water, electricity,agricultural yields, industry etc - but all due to bad politicians - no one else is at fault.



1. PR - that's all they are good at - TALK TALK TALK. They lie, they cheat. All HINDUS are liars and cheats and all Indians are Hindus - so they just lie and everyone believes them - and nobody thinks of checking these bl***dy pagan, evil, black, monkey liars!


1. They kill Muslims on sight - Muslims are the fastest growing population in India because they are good at hiding from these blackie hindus- otherwise they would all be dead.

2. They are so POOR - much poorer than us . These per capita income figures are just PR.

3. They are wicked, ugly creatures. - and racist - not like Pakistanis - who as you can see clearly on this thread - are COMPLETELY non racist and non biased.

I think you have just summed up in advance the the abstract of the thread. Now Indians need to stop responding here, and focus on the originial India developing thread.

bhakta peter1 year ago
indian people have totally ruined their own country

TheBedrockBuster3 weeks ago
Seri Lay I did meet a really good BENGALI software dev once

Anushree Rao1 week ago
bhakta peter sad but true

Ian Charles2 years ago
India is a dirty filthily stinking place occupied by dirty people who rape women and steal and are the most corrupt in high office. They think they are the best when in reality they are the worst of the worst

Tanzanite8002 years ago
I would throw pennies out the window and watch the animals fight over them.

Victor Schmidt11 months ago
Disgusting , and fucked up , worse than Africa.
A writer can say only the extent they are paid for.
Do you know urban Pakistan has way more poor living in slums than in India?
Also Asia's largest slum is situated in Pakistan apart from Heera Mandi..

Not true at all.

If you think Karachi 'Orangi Town' is a slum then think again and watch the pictures in Google images or look at Google earth or better still research through Google.



62% of Mumbai lives in slums: Census
The population of Mumbai has gone up considerably and the worrying fact is that the number of people staying in the slums has increased by an alarming 50 per cent in a decade. Bhavika Jain reports.
MUMBAI Updated: Oct 17, 2010 00:07 IST

  • The population of Mumbai has gone up considerably and the worrying fact is that the number of people staying in the slums has increased by an alarming 50 per cent in a decade.

According to the provisional figures of the census that is underway, Mumbai's population is projected to be 1.43 crore, which was 1.19 crore in 2001. The number of people living in slums and slum-like areas has gone up by a staggering 30 lakh.

The projections showed that about 90 lakh Mumbai residents now live in slums as against 60 lakh recorded in 2001 census - a 50 per cent increase in a decade that also saw an unprecedented real estate boom in the city.

This means that about 60 per cent of Mumbai is staying in slums-shanties and even brick and cement houses built in unplanned manner with limited access to civic

India’s illiterate population largest in the world, says UNESCO report


The latest Education For All Global Monitoring Report
(GMR) — released worldwide by the UNESCO on Tuesday — acknowledges the headway made by India in improving access to education but the country’s population of illiterate adults has been identified as the drag factor.

India currently has the largest population of illiterate adults in the world with 287 million. This is 37 per cent of the global total. While India’s literacy rate rose from 48 per cent in 1991 to 63 per cent in 2006, “population growth cancelled the gains so there was no change in the number of illiterate adults,” the report stated.

There are better tidings for India at the pre-primary and primary level. India features among the countries likely to achieve the pre-primary enrolment target of at least 70 per cent by 2015 along with countries like Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Similarly, India is in the top bracket of countries likely to achieve a primary enrolment target of at least 95 per cent by 2015. This league includes Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.

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