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India developing but long way to go ...

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Not true at all.

If you think Karachi 'Orangi Town' is a slum then think again and watch the pictures in Google images or look at Google earth or better still research through Google.



62% of Mumbai lives in slums: Census
The population of Mumbai has gone up considerably and the worrying fact is that the number of people staying in the slums has increased by an alarming 50 per cent in a decade. Bhavika Jain reports.
MUMBAI Updated: Oct 17, 2010 00:07 IST

  • The population of Mumbai has gone up considerably and the worrying fact is that the number of people staying in the slums has increased by an alarming 50 per cent in a decade.

According to the provisional figures of the census that is underway, Mumbai's population is projected to be 1.43 crore, which was 1.19 crore in 2001. The number of people living in slums and slum-like areas has gone up by a staggering 30 lakh.

The projections showed that about 90 lakh Mumbai residents now live in slums as against 60 lakh recorded in 2001 census - a 50 per cent increase in a decade that also saw an unprecedented real estate boom in the city.

This means that about 60 per cent of Mumbai is staying in slums-shanties and even brick and cement houses built in unplanned manner with limited access to civic


Is this a national habit for Pakistanis to ignore facts and data?

Population living in slums (% of urban population) - Country Ranking

Rank Country Value
49 Pakistan 45.50%
80 India 24%


So, the probability if you typing form a slum is 0.455 which when rounded off to 1 decimal place is 0.5..hmmm...interesting...
Not true at all.

If you think Karachi 'Orangi Town' is a slum

No one cares about your 'definitions'.

''A slum household is defined as a group of individuals living under the same roof lacking one or more of the following conditions: access to improved water, access to improved sanitation, sufficient living area, and durability of housing.

Population living in slums (% of urban population)


Not true at all.

If you think Karachi 'Orangi Town' is a slum then think again and watch the pictures in Google images or look at Google earth or better still research through Google.



62% of Mumbai lives in slums: Census
The population of Mumbai has gone up considerably and the worrying fact is that the number of people staying in the slums has increased by an alarming 50 per cent in a decade. Bhavika Jain reports.
MUMBAI Updated: Oct 17, 2010 00:07 IST

  • The population of Mumbai has gone up considerably and the worrying fact is that the number of people staying in the slums has increased by an alarming 50 per cent in a decade.

According to the provisional figures of the census that is underway, Mumbai's population is projected to be 1.43 crore, which was 1.19 crore in 2001. The number of people living in slums and slum-like areas has gone up by a staggering 30 lakh.

The projections showed that about 90 lakh Mumbai residents now live in slums as against 60 lakh recorded in 2001 census - a 50 per cent increase in a decade that also saw an unprecedented real estate boom in the city.

This means that about 60 per cent of Mumbai is staying in slums-shanties and even brick and cement houses built in unplanned manner with limited access to civic


Pakistan's economy is LESS THAN EVEN MUMBAI

You know what is the differance between Pakistan and India? Both are developing and have a long way to go. However the essential differance between the two is the focus. In India the focus is dominated about Bollywood, IT, booming industry but the crap end of the stick is conveniently overlooked. On the contrary in Pakistan's case the focus is terrorism, ethnic troubles, religious extremism. The positive narrative is conveniently overlooked.

What they overlook is that the negatives in India are humongous. All countries including Pakistan or even highly developed countries like Norway have problems but it is the scale, yes the scale that defines India. The scale of crap in India is stupendous. Documentary (below) on how the largest democracy treats it's women. Over 10%, yes 10% of India involved in prostitution industry. That is like 130 million Indian's making living out of selling, licking, poking, auctioning, trading pussties. Disgusting.

And @mods you are going to get wave of Gangoos wanting to shut this thread but please show some gonads. Nothing here is fabricated. Everything is factual. If anything is false by all means redact it.

WARNING: The contents are liable to injure and cause distress.

@Solomon2 @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @KediKesenFare @PAKISTANFOREVER @Zibago @Penguin @MastanKhan @Sinopakfriend

Talking about missing girls another country by the name China has problems too. May be you can do some research and let us know why ?


By the way ; My Country is the root cause of all your personal AILMENTS
such as Acidity ; heartburn ; Anxiety etc

I am sorry for that :lol:

that might be an understatement
India has world’s highest number of stunted children, child workers
31 million of children in the country are a part of its workforce, the highest number in the world.


India now has the highest number of children stunted due to malnutrition – 48.2 million, equivalent to the population of Colombia, as per the latest global report on childhood. Also, 31 million of its children are a part of its workforce, the highest number in the world.

These two factors, along with early marriage and parenthood and lack of education, have pushed India to 116th position among 172 nations assessed for threats to childhood, according to the recent Stolen Childhoods report by Save the Children, an international non-profit working for marginalised and deprived children.

Globally, 700 million children have had their childhood curtailed early, said the report which was released on June 1, the eve of the international children’s day.

India’s illiterate population largest in the world, says UNESCO report


The latest Education For All Global Monitoring Report
(GMR) — released worldwide by the UNESCO on Tuesday — acknowledges the headway made by India in improving access to education but the country’s population of illiterate adults has been identified as the drag factor.

India currently has the largest population of illiterate adults in the world with 287 million. This is 37 per cent of the global total. While India’s literacy rate rose from 48 per cent in 1991 to 63 per cent in 2006, “population growth cancelled the gains so there was no change in the number of illiterate adults,” the report stated.

There are better tidings for India at the pre-primary and primary level. India features among the countries likely to achieve the pre-primary enrolment target of at least 70 per cent by 2015 along with countries like Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Similarly, India is in the top bracket of countries likely to achieve a primary enrolment target of at least 95 per cent by 2015. This league includes Australia, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.


Literacy rate Pakistan: 56.4 %
Literacy rate Inda: 72.1%

Facts and stats have never been friends with Pakistan...Propaganda and delusion, on the other hand, are the bestest friends with Pakistan
How can you justify the female infanticides in India which according to reports is into millions...the main cause of skewed gender ratio in India and can be the cause of horrendous rape cases reported daily in Indian media.

Seven million girls go missing in India every decade, say reports
In many small families, the missing children are girls. In a family that already has a daughter, the chances of the second child being a girl drops by 38%.


Did it occur to you Pakistan does not have this problem because you have larger families ?
We know how that is going to end. at least I do
India has world’s highest number of stunted children, child workers
31 million of children in the country are a part of its workforce, the highest number in the world.


India now has the highest number of children stunted due to malnutrition – 48.2 million, equivalent to the population of Colombia, as per the latest global report on childhood. Also, 31 million of its children are a part of its workforce, the highest number in the world.

These two factors, along with early marriage and parenthood and lack of education, have pushed India to 116th position among 172 nations assessed for threats to childhood, according to the recent Stolen Childhoods report by Save the Children, an international non-profit working for marginalised and deprived children.

Globally, 700 million children have had their childhood curtailed early, said the report which was released on June 1, the eve of the international children’s day.



Detailed score for 2016

Proportion of undernourished in population (%) Prevalence of wasting in children under five years (%) Prevalence of stunting in children under five years (%) Under five mortality rate (%)
Country data (in %)
22 10.5 45 8.1


Detailed score for 2016

Proportion of undernourished in population (%) Prevalence of wasting in children under five years (%) Prevalence of stunting in children under five years (%) Under five mortality rate (%)
Country data (in %)
15.2 15.1 38.7 4.8



Pakistan's economy is LESS THAN EVEN MUMBAI

This is another lie spread by Indians....

Mumbai, Maharashtra is the entertainment, fashion and commercial centre of India, with the Mumbai Metropolitan Region economy estimated at $368 billion (PPP) (as of 2015).[1]It is also one of the world's top 10 centres of commerce in terms of global financial flow,[2] Mumbai accounts for slightly more than 6.16% of India's economy contributing 10% of factory employment, 30% of income tax collections, 60% of customs duty collections, 20% of central excise tax collections, 40% of foreign trade and rupees 40,000 crore (US $10 billion) in corporate taxes to the Indian economy


Mumbai Metropolitan Region economy estimated at $368 billion (PPP) (as of 2015)

Pakistan GDP(PPP) as on 2016 is $988 billion (PPP, 2016) [2]


India has world’s highest number of stunted children, child workers

Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5)


India 38.7 (2014)
Pakistan 45 (2012) (an increase of 3 in 2 years !!)

31 million of children in the country are a part of its workforce, the highest number in the world.

Children in employment, total (% of children ages 7-14)


India 2.5 (2010)
Pakistan 13 (2011)
Indian middle class is 24 million, not 264 million: Credit Suisse
The Credit Suisse report has estimated the middle class on the basis of their wealth rather than their income

  • India accounts for 3% of the global middle class with 23.6 million people.
  • It has the lowest threshold for a person to be considered middle class with annual wealth of $13,662 (Rs 737,748 or Rs 61,480 per month).
  • With 23.6 million people, the Indian middle class holds almost a quarter of the country’s wealth at $780 billion (Rs 5,070,000 crore).

These are some of the findings of Credit Suisse, a global financial services firm based in Zurich, from its Global Wealth Report 2015.

The report estimated that 664 million adults belonged to the global middle class in 2015, or 14% of the adult population. India has 23.6 million adults who qualified as middle class in 2015.

There is no clear definition of middle class in India, but the latest definition dramatically lowers the number of Indians considered to fall in that


Pakistan miles ahead of India in improving water and sanitation: study

Pakistan has surpassed India in improving water and sanitation access for its citizens, according to a performance index released on Friday.

Pakistan ranked five in the new index developed by The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health in the US, while India occupied an unenviable 92nd position.

Read: Water and Sanitation Extension Programme: Thousands benefit in Chitral, G-B


Jairam Ramesh
This guy needs a Vir Chakra for saying that. "Nobel Prize for filth" ..... Sums up India nicely. Ha Ha Ha .......

* India, a country where the Men dream of Mars but let half of their women go out on the streets to shat. That says everything about the Indian male.
In Pakistan, it’s middle class rising

Attempts to quantify Pakistan’s middle class, largely based on income and the purchase of consumption goods, show that as many as 42% of Pakistan’s population belong to the upper and middle classes, with 38% counted as “the middle class”. If these numbers are correct, or even indicative in any broad sense, then 84 million Pakistanis belong to the middle and upper classes, a population size larger than that of Germany and Turkey. Anecdotal evidence and social observations, supplemented by estimates other than what people buy, would also support the claim that Pakistan’s middle class is indeed quite formidable.

@CAD @Kaptaan @Pluralist

Here is my challenge

The day you can MANUFACTURE this LOCOMOTIVE in your Country
we will accept DEFEAT and Give you KASHMIR


it is easy to build the locomotives. You can license the technology from one of the existing companies.
It should cost 200-300 million to set up the factory. the real question is who is buying the locomotives ?
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