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India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

Go read the BRF, many of my posts would be quickly put down in those forums.

Your are one of the more reasonable Indian guys in here. I can imaging your post being put down for not touting India enough.
Right, perhaps I should have done my research. I wasn't aware of any hypersonic cruise missile project in the US.

The US is generally ahead in every important technology. So if its an imporant technology, it generally safe to assume that US is ahead. I'm a total novice when it comes to defensive technology. However, I'm logical and always assume that US is ahead of the rest in every important technology and I'm never wrong.

Anyway a mere 10 years ago India had nothing close to the ability of US R&D. The mere fact that Brahmos corp has tested (even if only in the lab) a hypersonic missile is a testament to the closing gap.

India is experiencing rapid development now is because India start with a lower base and it has assistance of other nations such as Russia, Israel and France. However, the technology of these country is still years behind the US and soon, Indian technology will hit a ceiling as compare to US as India's technology start to approach that of Europe and Russia.
India should take heed. It's conflict with Pakistan is on a hair trigger. It wouldn't take much to pull that trigger. India's numerical advantage in weapon systems. And investment in high end weapon systems could backfire. By making Pakistan feel it has no choice but to resort to nukes to counter any disadvantage. Is that really what you want?

then again maybe the world needs a limited nuclear war to see it's horrors. (yes I am being cynical and not serious)

Nuke? lol This is not related answer to the post I made!

OK! Indians know Pakistan much much better than any other countries. There will be never be any nuke war between India and Pakistan. Until India divided into two countries we were one you know! ;) We were brothers! lol Jokes apart, neither India will use any kind of mass weapons against Pakistan or vice versa. But the situation is opposite wrt China. Both China and India see one another as adversary to their future influence and 'Hndi-Chini Bhai Bhai' -> 'Indians-Chinese are Brothers' was true until communis take over China. For thousand years Chinese did pilgrimage to India but now they don't believe each other.

India is adding some of the most advanced weapons systems in the world. From every where... wther it is PAK FA, Akula-II from Russia or P-8I, C-17 from USA or Scorpene from France or Barak, Phalcon from Israel or Eurofighter from Germany/UK. By posing ICBM, BMD, SLBM, hypersonic missiles, 5th generation fighter to next generation EW systems, nuke submarines, aircraft carriers, stealth ships India is trying to fill the gap with China's massive forces.
Nuke? lol This is not related answer to the post I made!

OK! Indians know Pakistan much much better than any other countries. There will be never be any nuke war between India and Pakistan. Until India divided into two countries we were one you know! ;) We were brothers! lol Jokes apart, neither India will use any kind of mass weapons against Pakistan or vice versa. But the situation is opposite wrt China. Both China and India see one another as adversary to their future influence and 'Hndi-Chini Bhai Bhai' -> 'Indians-Chinese are Brothers' was true until communis take over China. For thousand years Chinese did pilgrimage to India but now they don't believe each other.

India is adding some of the most advanced weapons systems in the world. From every where... wther it is PAK FA, Akula-II from Russia or P-8I, C-17 from USA or Scorpene from France or Barak, Phalcon from Israel or Eurofighter from Germany/UK. By posing ICBM, BMD, SLBM, hypersonic missiles, 5th generation fighter to next generation EW systems, nuke submarines, aircraft carriers, stealth ships India is trying to fill the gap with China's massive forces.

If India is only seek to equal China now, then India does not aim very high as China is also advancing. The best bet for India would be to side with the US and come under US nuclear umbrella. In that way, India would be secure from any attacks.
If India is only seek to equal China now, then India does not aim very high as China is also advancing. The best bet for India would be to side with the US and come under US nuclear umbrella. In that way, India would be secure from any attacks.

And become another one of US's client states? No thanks, we have decent relations with China.
The US is generally ahead in every important technology. So if its an imporant technology, it generally safe to assume that US is ahead. I'm a total novice when it comes to defensive technology. However, I'm logical and always assume that US is ahead of the rest in every important technology and I'm never wrong.

India is experiencing rapid development now is because India start with a lower base and it has assistance of other nations such as Russia, Israel and France. However, the technology of these country is still years behind the US and soon, Indian technology will hit a ceiling as compare to US as India's technology start to approach that of Europe and Russia.

You are 100% rite. USA was the best and is the best. France, Russia are alone. Israel, Japan, South Korea get some tech from USA. But India get from everyone! With helps from others and due to recent economic and scientific development India got break throughs in last five years. Actually India was late in taking decisions, if we would start IGMDP atelast 15 years back we could have done much better. USA and USSR also had such time in past but their technologies are matured now.

Now why these countries were behind USA in terms of technology? For two reasons. One is computer and another is economy. Now supercomputers and complex softwares make every other system better. Many other countries, specially Russia was the only country that can challenge US's technological dominance but they lacked both of these two. Now they are catching up rapidly. Due to reforms and oil Russian economy is roaring. Their computation technologies also improved many fold as well as electronics R&D. So the gap is narrowing rapidly.
You are 100% rite. USA was the best and is the best. France, Russia are alone. Israel, Japan, South Korea get some tech from USA. But India get from everyone! With helps from others and due to recent economic and scientific development India got break throughs in last five years. Actually India was late in taking decisions, if we would start IGMDP atelast 15 years back we could have done much better. USA and USSR also had such time in past but their technologies are matured now.

Now why these countries were behind USA in terms of technology? For two reasons. One is computer and another is economy. Now supercomputers and complex softwares make every other system better. Many other countries, specially Russia was the only country that can challenge US's technological dominance but they lacked both of these two. Now they are catching up rapidly. Due to reforms and oil Russian economy is roaring. Their computation technologies also improved many fold as well as electronics R&D. So the gap is narrowing rapidly.

I agree with you except the bold type portion. The US technology is actually pulling away from the rest of the world because of US economy, research (academic, gov (include military) and corporate) and the place where the best the brightest want to go. So many Russia has more money for research now but its still decades behind that of US. To be honest with you, India would get a better weapon when it waits for a water down version of best US technology then cooperate with Russia to help develop their best technology.
I agree with you except the bold type portion. The US technology is actually pulling away from the rest of the world because of US economy, research (academic, gov (include military) and corporate) and the place where the best the brightest want to go. So many Russia has more money for research now but its still decades behind that of US. To be honest with you, India would get a better weapon when it waits for a water down version of best US technology then cooperate with Russia to help develop their best technology.

US technology is definitely not pulling away. Definitely, definitely not, quite the opposite, don't kid yourself.
US technology is definitely not pulling away. Definitely, definitely not, quite the opposite, don't kid yourself.

The rest of the world is waiting for the US to lead on research and development. Once the US make a breakthrough, others follow.
The rest of the world is waiting for the US to lead on research and development. Once the US make a breakthrough, others follow.


Enough of ur hidden agenda, you a Chinese supporter intentionally brings US into all this just to derail the thread.

Stop posting off topic.

This thread is about India missile, if u don't have anything about it then take a walk.


Pl don't respond to his troll u r new i knew him best, he is derailing the thread don't fall into his trap.
If India is only seek to equal China now, then India does not aim very high as China is also advancing. The best bet for India would be to side with the US and come under US nuclear umbrella. In that way, India would be secure from any attacks.

Of course China is also advancing very rapidly and India is doing what she needs to protect her interests just like any other countries and I am satisfied with her defence preparedness. But I don't like the 'Babu' culture and political corruptions of India where Chinese took all the advantages. :cry:
I couldn't find any relevant posts in the last 3 pages!!! :disagree:

Getting back to Nirbhay "propulsion system design". The issue obviously was the development of a miniaturized turbojet to power a 2.5-3.5 ton missile for a sustained power/ cruise flight. I had always hoped that PTAE-7 (from lakshya PTA) would have worked as a solid development basis. It seems this crucial issue has been solved. In my view, this paves the way for large number of homegrown systems in related spheres. A huge potential that I foresee is future HALE/MALE UAV/ UCAV's. IMHO, a major step for DRDO.

Enough of ur hidden agenda, you a Chinese supporter intentionally brings US into all this just to derail the thread.

Stop posting off topic.

This thread is about India missile, if u don't have anything about it then take a walk.


Pl don't respond to his troll u r new i knew him best, he is derailing the thread don't fall into his trap.

Nope. I'm not a supporter of communist China if that is what you mean. This thread turn out the way it is because someone want to know the speed of Nirbhay. It in turn change to Brahmos and how US cannot intercept Brahmos. Then we start talking about the advancement of US weapons.
Nope. I'm not a supporter of communist China if that is what you mean. This thread turn out the way it is because someone want to know the speed of Nirbhay. It in turn change to Brahmos and how US cannot intercept Brahmos. Then we start talking about the advancement of US weapons.

USN ships can't intercept a barrage of Brahmos strikes.
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