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India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

who lost his airforce in 71(air battle domination)???

pu,,ys always fight under cover of proxy civil wars and trains
(mutki bhani) for years? and sit in ussrs LAP ?
in kargil how many indian died and how many air crafts u lost to rag tag mujahedeen and paramilitary?
Who lost his arse in 65 and went to UN for a cease fire to save his arse in tashkent?
who ran to UN in 48 for a cease fire to save its burning backside in 48 and promised a solution to KASHMIR? in return for a cease fire>?
who lost his arse in 62?
If u watch too much zeeeeeeee

Do you see what I mean? Pakistanis really believe their military was ever superior to the Indians.

They really believe it, with all their tiny little hearts.
who lost his airforce in 71(air battle domination)???

pu,,ys always fight under cover of proxy civil wars and trains
(mutki bhani) for years? and sit in ussrs LAP ?
in kargil how many indian died and how many air crafts u lost to rag tag mujahedeen and paramilitary?
Who lost his arse in 65 and went to UN for a cease fire to save his arse in tashkent?
who ran to UN in 48 for a cease fire to save its burning backside in 48 and promised a solution to KASHMIR? in return for a cease fire>?
who lost his arse in 62?
If u watch too much zeeeeeeee

What the ****? Proxies, civil wars, trains? lol what? India has always been non-aligned, during the cold war we were closer to the USSR than the US. While Pakistan was firmly in the US + China camp. It was superior weaponry from the US that gave you the superior kill ratio in the air in the 1965 war. However, it matters not if your airforce is qualitatively superior if your ground forces are shoddy. Aircraft never took or held any ground.

India has never gone to the UN for a ceasefire. Pakistan has.

Kargil had PA army regulars fighting alongside mujahideen. Then Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif said 4000 of 5000 fighting men were killed. Most of the Indian deaths were due to artillery fire and ineffective counter battery.

We lost in 1962 against the Chinese but China isn't Pakistan.
we have soldiers who strapped bombs and blew indian tanks in 1965?
You think we wont do somethig crazier ??

Have you ever taken a serious look at your signature...it says..

You don’t die for your country you make the other man die for his country to win the war

and Secondly it says...


You don't have kashmir, so where is your shamsheer???:bunny:
ur wrong dude the lab test for the hypersonic missile rocked booster has been successfully conducted in 2008 may 13 so my guess 2012 it will be ready .......... get ur info updated dude...............
Hypersonic BrahMos Cruise Missile Tested Successfully | India Defence

Guess again... Its a long way from lab tested to actual testing. The brahmos missile was jointly developed with Russia so a lot of components were already tested. If India try to develop something totally independent, it will be a long way from lab test to actual missile. Good luck.
Was Nirbhay used in Kargil or previous wars? I wasnt aware of it guys.

Stop the BS and get back to the topic. We dont care if Pak won the prev war or not but we do care if Pak could ever win a war going forward. Its a forward looking statement and Kashmir is ours and you cant get it by any means. Thats reality. We are ready for any adversaries and these weapon systems are just to assert that.
Guess again... Its a long way from lab tested to actual testing. The brahmos missile was jointly developed with Russia so a lot of components were already tested. If India try to develop something totally independent, it will be a long way from lab test to actual missile. Good luck.

We'll see. I have my money on a Brahmos hypersonic missile taking to the skies in 2012.
We'll see. I have my money on a Brahmos hypersonic missile taking to the skies in 2012.

Well, you will lose your money. Unless US directly assist India. :rofl: I do not believe US should assist India in offensive weapons that could cause military balance issues vs Pakistan.
Well, you will lose your money. Unless US directly assist India. :rofl: I do not believe US should assist India in offensive weapons that could cause military balance issues vs Pakistan.

Okay, care to place a bet? India will come up with a hypersonic missile before the US?
Okay, care to place a bet? India will come up with a hypersonic missile before the US?

I do not take candies from little babies. Your statement shows the pride of Indians. Just because India do a little lab test get the guys like you to take on the US, which is about to test a mach 6.6 X-51 missile. In two month, you will lose your bet.

Also, when US plan to test something, we generally deliver. So base on that reputation along, you already have lost the bet. The betting booth has already closed as the winner is already known. No need in betting.
Okay, care to place a bet? India will come up with a hypersonic missile before the US?

The arrogance of many Indian members know no bound. This is another solid example. No wonder there is a lot of conflicts between the Pakistani and Chinese members vs the Indian ones in here. And this is even a Pakistani site, not Bharak Rakshak. In Bharak Rakshak, I bet the guys in there are talking about how superior India is over the US and that the newest Agni will be superior over the US missiles.:blah::blah::rofl::rofl:
Okay, care to place a bet? India will come up with a hypersonic missile before the US?

The U.S. in not unfamiliar with scram jet technology. the X-43 demonstrator was successfully tested at speeds of almost mach 10 (9.68).

The U.S. has a hypersonic missile under going testing currentlyX-51 Waverider. In fact it is due to make a test flight this month. It will have a speed of Mach 6-7+ and range of 965km.

X-51 Flight Prep


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Right, perhaps I should have done my research. I wasn't aware of any hypersonic cruise missile project in the US.

Anyway a mere 10 years ago India had nothing close to the ability of US R&D. The mere fact that Brahmos corp has tested (even if only in the lab) a hypersonic missile is a testament to the closing gap.
The arrogance of many Indian members know no bound. This is another solid example. No wonder there is a lot of conflicts between the Pakistani and Chinese members vs the Indian ones in here. And this is even a Pakistani site, not Bharak Rakshak. In Bharak Rakshak, I bet the guys in there are talking about how superior India is over the US and that the newest Agni will be superior over the US missiles.:blah::blah::rofl::rofl:

Go read the BRF, many of my posts would be quickly put down in those forums.
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