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India charges Muslim leader with culpable homicide for coronavirus surge

No, it's not class war.

Mostly middle class right-wing Hindus versus mostly middle class right-wing Muslims.

After reading thousands of my posts you have come to this conclusion.


Did India suddenly become Cuba ??

And it is disappointing that @xeuss believes you.

The TJ movement is non-intellectual, irritating and now plainly criminal. This you see in Pakistan too now.

Like I said before, the TJ is an embarrassment.

Jamahir, middle class is 300-400 million.

Of these most are Hindu.

There is hardly anything of a Muslim middle class.

Look at our schools and the workplaces.

This is a class war.

And your upper class is our enemy. Next door.
it will be muslims who will bring and end to hindutava 1947 will repeat soon!

enjoy your lynchig while it lasts!
Arre Bhai, when Atomi kubat Pakistan isn't able do anything on Kashmir since 1947 why are you instigating poor defenseless India Muslims ??

How do u think muslims who will bring an end to hindutav?? I know Pakistanis want large section communal violence in India but are you going to give shelter millions Indian Muslims in Pakistan in case they thrown out of Hindutva India??

Thousand of Muslims are in shelter homes run by Delhi govt after they forced out of their houses in Delhi riots. You perhaps want something 1000 times bigger but then it would soon spill over to Pakistan.

Indian Muslims are smart. They have better thing to do other than fighting Indian state.
laugh the parsi who were destroyed by muslims!!

you punky kings wernt mighty enough and now you have taken refugee under banyas crazy world!

Arre Bhai, when Atomi kubat Pakistan isn't able do anything on Kashmir since 1947 why are you instigating poor defenseless India Muslims ??

How do u think muslims who will bring an end to hindutav?? I know Pakistanis want large section communal violence in India but are you going to give shelter millions Indian Muslims in Pakistan in case they thrown out of Hindutva India??

Thousand of Muslims are in shelter homes run by Delhi govt after they forced out of their houses in Delhi riots. You perhaps want something 1000 times bigger but then it would soon spill over to Pakistan.

Indian Muslims are smart. They have better thing to do other than fighting Indian state.
wait! sabr rukho bakht!! enjoy karo lynching and rape and discrimination!
Jamahir, middle class is 300-400 million.

Of these most are Hindu.

There is hardly anything of a Muslim middle class.

Look at our schools and the workplaces.

This is a class war.

And your upper class is our enemy. Next door.

Partly true. But that does not explain the anti-Muslim violence that is permeating the lower classes.
Of these most are Hindu.


There is hardly anything of a Muslim middle class.

Look at our schools and the workplaces.

I don't know. As far as I know, most of my Muslim colleagues, whether in school or later, have been middle class.

Maybe you were surrounded by lower class Muslims in your childhood in Jamshedpur and later in Poona. That has formed your opinion.

Look at the case of that Infosys high-ranking employee, Mujeeb, who called on people to spread covid by sneezing in public. He would have been part of the TJ and a middle class person.

In my own middle class locality, until some years ago, the local TJ group used to come to my house to "invite" me to the mosque.

Trust me, it is more disappointing to read what you write.

I am 30. I think you and @Syed Hammad Ahmed are a bit younger.

As an example, I know of a time, from my knowledge and from the narrations of my relatives, when Muslims acted and looked differently. I stress the 'look' part for India.
Partly true. But that does not explain the anti-Muslim violence that is permeating the lower classes.

It does.

Our lower class are being used as tools against yours.

Our lower class are being controlled using yours.

As the "other".

Your upper class is doing exactly the same.

How often do you see upper class Muslims butchered.

Or Hindus?

@padamchen, when I say "mostly right-wing Hindus" I mean the enablers, defenders and supporters of violence and the push to punish the TJ.

I don't know. As far as I know, most of my Muslim colleagues, whether in school or later, have been middle class.

Maybe you were surrounded by lower class Muslims in your childhood in Jamshedpur and later in Poona. That has formed your opinion.

Look at the case of that Infosys high-ranking employee, Mujeeb, who called on people to spread covid by sneezing in public. He would have been part of the TJ and a middle class person.

In my own middle class locality, until some years ago, the local TJ group used to come to my house to "invite" me to the mosque.

I am 30. I think you and @Syed Hammad Ahmed are a bit younger.

As an example, I know of a time, from my knowledge and from the narrations of my relatives, when Muslims acted and looked differently. I stress the 'look' part for India.

Jamshedpur yes. Though my best friend was a super rich super powerful Muslim family from Patna.

Hardcore Sunni. Become ultra religious now. Uncomfortably so for my taste ...

Poona it's all very upper crust. Mostly Shia.

I've even started going to their matams with them.

They never push their faith in my face.

And many are Poona's oldest and richest Iranis.

3rd and 4th generation Indians. White and good looking.
Pakistan Never existed India was there
With Indoi ,Hind ,Indus

With major ethnicity has indo aryans

Who told you this non sense? Pakistan always existed around the banks of river Indus. We are a civilization, much higher concept then nation. Whereas India never existed in a from which was controlled and managed by its native people. It was forced into a governed unit by foreign powers.
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