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India charges Muslim leader with culpable homicide for coronavirus surge

The solution is simple treat them in the gulf and other muslim countries as they treat muslims in india.
Their view of secularism is hinduization.
Which genocide did Modi "organise and incite"? If you have evidence that he did so, why haven't you submitted that evidence the UNHRC as yet?

As for the leader of TJ, he held a gathering at a time when public gatherings weren't permitted. You are correct when you say that he couldn't have known if any of the attendees were infected or not and that you cannot control who gets the virus. Hence they had the lockdown. He, as any reasonable person, would know that organising a large gathering at the time when he did could possibly cause the virus to spread. And now that it did spread, evidently from his gathering, his is correctly charged for culpable homicide. He broke the law and must answer for doing so. Simply because he lives in a Muslim minority country doesn't necessarily make that a persecution. It makes it a prosecution. Or are you and the remaining Paksitani members of this forum saying otherwise, suggesting that Muslims be exempted from being criminally charged in India for crimes which they commit?

Ironically, I believe that given the influence the leader of the TJ has with Indian politicians the chances of him being prosecuted to finality are rather slim

He won't be prosecuted because the charge is BS and you know it. LOL @ influence with politicians. What next a picture of whoever their leader is with that Asaduddin Owaisi?

They could only convict if he did something to cause those people to die. None of them were obliged to attend, they all came willingly - knowing about the restrictions. How many defintely got sick? How can it be proven they didn't get sick somewhere else? How many died because of this sickness.

It's a PR stunt and we all know it. Seems lockdown is getting to you.

As for evidence of Modi being responsible for genocide - you have internet access, you have google.
Members of the powerful Razakar militia, the armed wing of Hyderabad's most powerful Muslim political party, were terrorising many Hindu villagers.

This gave the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, the pretext he needed. In September 1948 the Indian Army invaded Hyderabad.

In what was rather misleadingly known as a "police action", the Nizam's forces were defeated after just a few days without any significant loss of civilian lives. But word then reached Delhi that arson, looting and the mass murder and rape of Muslims had followed the invasion.


Survivor of Razakars’ brutality reminisces


Do you forgot 1971

Bengali's vs Punjabi's
Some great sources there. Of course Muslims started it deliberately. They weren't acting against seditionists at all. In fact, Hyderabad wanted a fight with the overwhelming forces of India.

Reminds me of how Muslims burned a train in 1992 without any provocation whatsoever, say a mosque being illegally and violently razed and innocent civilians killed while protecting it.

Should Modi be charged with culpable homicide or at least negligence for ordering a lockdown that led to this?

So just because someone "looks" different, it is okay to hate them and subject them to scorn?

Except for the TJ I don't have scorn for common Muslims.

The common Muslims are just being led up the wrong path.

Pandering to bigots and fascists only gets you to the gallows a little later than the others.

This is where I want to stress that common Indian Muslims need to support the intellectuals among them. These intellectuals will allow the Muslim community to help set up a different atmosphere in India.

The bigots and fascists need to be removed with concerted effort from all communities. Imagine if a changed Muslim community support Kanhaiya Kumar as candidate for the next PM. Indian Muslims should participate in bringing progressive politicians to create a unified progressive India rather than like in the past where supporting a post-Nehru ( I respect him ) Congress Party only helped create a situation where Indian Muslims generally became a distant sub-culture and this is why movements like RSS and VHP gained power.

That is why I keep mentioning intellectual people like Nasser. Indian Muslims idolizing Zakir Naik and the senior Owaisi has lead them to the current state.
You don't. But I don't see Muslim middle or upper class baying for Hindu blood. For us, it is just a matter or survival.
Are talking as if Muslims are always innocent victims of murderous Hindus?

What about Hindu lives? Or is it Muslim killing a Hindu a fair game?

Mandwa,Rajasthan Dildar Khan, Feroz Khan & Iqbal brutally beat up "Rewat Singh" on 22nd March bcoz he had participated in
's call for thalibajao Rewat Singh went into coma & succumbed to his injuries on 9thApril.

Except for the TJ I don't have scorn for common Muslims.

The common Muslims are just being led up the wrong path.

This is where I want to stress that common Indian Muslims need to support the intellectuals among them. These intellectuals will allow the Muslim community to help set up a different atmosphere in India.

The bigots and fascists need to be removed with concerted effort from all communities. Imagine if a changed Muslim community support Kanhaiya Kumar as candidate for the next PM. Indian Muslims should participate in bringing progressive politicians to create a unified progressive India rather than like in the past where supporting a post-Nehru ( I respect him ) Congress Party only helped create a situation where Indian Muslims generally became a distant sub-culture and this is why movements like RSS and VHP gained power.

That is why I keep mentioning intellectual people like Nasser. Indian Muslims idolizing Zakir Naik and the senior Owaisi has lead them to the current state.

What's your beef with Asauddin ?
Chief Chutya prat tell me what I am? If you're capable of reading a profile you'll notice that I'm Brit female. Now shoosh.

han to azaad karalo bihar or gujarat modi se victoria
You don't have it in you to come within a kilometer of a Jew. Zionist or otherwise.

PDF is where you can do all your squeezing.

They can come down to "my level" at this forum and explain this rather bizarre phenomena of the support to Nazi inspire regime of India. I don't mind at all.

Besides, you and your fellow rats in the east are not qualified to question my credentials.
Chief Chutya prat tell me what I am? If you're capable of reading a profile you'll notice that I'm Brit female. Now shoosh.

Male of female

You are just another house negro who is ashamed of her background. Thinks she can earn a few brownie points from islamophobic pajeet

Nope. Instead of brownie points those pajeets might ask bobs and vagene. Be careful
He won't be prosecuted because the charge is BS and you know it. LOL @ influence with politicians. What next a picture of whoever their leader is with that Asaduddin Owaisi?

They could only convict if he did something to cause those people to die. None of them were obliged to attend, they all came willingly - knowing about the restrictions. How many defintely got sick? How can it be proven they didn't get sick somewhere else? How many died because of this sickness.

It's a PR stunt and we all know it. Seems lockdown is getting to you.

As for evidence of Modi being responsible for genocide - you have internet access, you have google.

You clearly are ignorant on the definition of culpable homicide. The remainder of your post isn't worth arguing over since you and the internet seem to have infallible evidence which you are keeping away from the UNCHR
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