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India charges Muslim leader with culpable homicide for coronavirus surge

india is worst nation on this earth and are using misery of people and pandemic as opportunity for fulfillment of their hateful and nefarious designs
Managing or hiding... Thousands can from Iran +1.5lac ZAMATI... How will you trace them

Prove it !!!

And as for trace the pilgrimages, those have been identified via geoforensics model, therefore, like as I said, you shouldn't be concern about us and worry about your own people (including slums).

Speaking of hiding, look who is talking. Inline are the stats of a country who's population is 1,387,297,452

Coronavirus Cases:


These numbers (which are totally unreal) speak volumes and are true definition of hiding.
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Your upper and middle class has made it in Hindu India.

Why will they buck that?

For millions of impoverished jaahils?


Please ....

This (Hinduization of modern India) is Islamisation of medieval India in reverse.

True Ghar waapsi

Same template



It does.

Our lower class are being used as tools against yours.

Our lower class are being controlled using yours.

As the "other".

Your upper class is doing exactly the same.

How often do you see upper class Muslims butchered.

Or Hindus?


@notorious_eagle I had already tagged you in this one

Jamahir, middle class is 300-400 million.

Of these most are Hindu.

There is hardly anything of a Muslim middle class.

Look at our schools and the workplaces.

This is a class war.

And your upper class is our enemy. Next door.


This is a class war.

India is going to war across class lines.

Not religious.

Members of the powerful Razakar militia, the armed wing of Hyderabad's most powerful Muslim political party, were terrorising many Hindu villagers.

This gave the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, the pretext he needed. In September 1948 the Indian Army invaded Hyderabad.

In what was rather misleadingly known as a "police action", the Nizam's forces were defeated after just a few days without any significant loss of civilian lives. But word then reached Delhi that arson, looting and the mass murder and rape of Muslims had followed the invasion.


Survivor of Razakars’ brutality reminisces


Do you forgot 1971

Bengali's vs Punjabi's

non sense from hindu media justifying their criminal behaviour.. nothing has changed.

Like in Gujrat massacre false allegation were made to butcher muslim and oppress. True in 1947 and true today.

Do you forgot 1971

Yes what about 1971?

india's terrorist role?
India's backing of subverters like Majib Rehman ?.. like what you are doing with PTM/BLA today?
India;s lies ?.. from 3 million massacred to now 1 one million and now not more than a few hundred trouble makers..

it seems you have forgotten hindu's true face... make trouble and blame it on muslims like in Samjota Express train bombings>
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