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India: Charged with anti-terror law, Muslim pregnant woman sent to jail

Now those are some hot Sanghinis. Not a bad collection. If someone can arrange their transport to Singapore for a job, I will pay them a handsome commission. :welcome: @Soumitra I need some of these girls to work for me. They get paid, you get paid, we all remain happy. You are definitely pimp material...I know one when I see one.

@Soumitra gets first dibs on them dude. It's just the way the game is played.
@Soumitra gets first dibs on them dude. It's just the way the game is played.
You and @Shantanu_Left are playing a good game of "Who can be a bigger misogynist lefty loonie bigot? " while residing outside the country and posting on an anonymous Pakistani forum. Continue. As of right now @Shantanu_Left is winning but you are catching up. I will just watch :pop::pop::pop:
Funny thing is though, it's your lot that happily cut off their own noses to spite their faces because of the perpetual small dikk syndrome...as explained in my previous message to you, and indeed in countless other messages I have written for the attention of your sacred saffron order of patriots.
Wow. Thanks. I'm going to use that expression.

See, Soumitra this is what I'm talking about when I say the Pakistan posters here can be more educated. Clearly, compared to India, they have a more profound understanding of English literature. Unfortunately, your Sanghis in a Sanghi education system sound stale.

Learn from your enemies if you can. (well, not my enemies to be very clear)

Right way to say this would be :

Ami pani khai, pan kori na.

You can replace Pani with jol, Bangladeshis normally use Pani and WB guys use jol, Hindu Bangladeshis also use Jol.

Anyhow what you wrote is pretty legible and the point gets across just fine.

Funny that you bring this up, actually where I come from; Chittagong district, we have our own dialect. In our local dialect there is no concept of "drinking", we always eat water and liquid materials.

Anyway, this puts me at odds when I speak Hindi, because I use the verb khana instead of Pina.

My apologies, I initially missed the bit at end of your initial comment where you posed this query.

I don't know if it's the sweetest language but posh Bangla when spoken slowly with a decent vocabulary does sound pretty melodious.

Thanks much appreciate. Will learn more.
Wow. Thanks. I'm going to use that expression.

See, Soumitra this is what I'm talking about when I say the Pakistan posters here can be more educated. Clearly, compared to India, they have a more profound understanding of English literature. Unfortunately, your Sanghis in a Sanghi education system sound stale.

Learn from your enemies if you can. (well, not my enemies to be very clear)

Thanks much appreciate. Will learn more.
Continue to suck up to Pakistanis you misogynistic lefty loonie bigot
You and @Shantanu_Left " posting on an anonymous Pakistani forum. Continue.
A tacit acknowledgment by you that in this particular corner of the Internet, you Sanghis are outnumbered by normal human beings. :yahoo: We have the strength of numbers on our side, here. Mirchi lagti hai kya, tujhe?

But don't worry, we'll be more generous to you than your kind are to us, on Bhakt-infested forums.
Continue to suck up to Pakistanis you misogynistic lefty loonie bigot

He's not sucking up. I see him as an equal. After we do Ghazwa-e-Hind, dismantle the RSS and clear out all the shakhas which breed goons like you, we'll hand them and all the other infrastructure to the Commies so they can run parallel Soviet republics alongside our Islamic state.
A tacit acknowledgment by you that in this particular corner of the Internet, you Sanghis are outnumbered by normal human beings. :yahoo:

But don't worry, we'll be more generous to you than your kind are to us on Bhakt-infested forums.
Don't flatter yourself, Pakistanis have given you refuge because you suck up to them.

We on the other hand stand up and fight for our country even in a Pakistani forum. we will get banned while fighting the good fight but each ban is a badge of honor. We said something that irked the Pakistanis and they didn't have any response so they banned us.

You on the other hand will never get banned or get negative ratings because you suck up to them, and boy you suck up good. Your skills to suck up to Pakistanis is only exceeded by @Joe Shearer but then he has more experience.

You love Urdu so here is something which describes you and your ilk.

images (30).jpeg

He's not sucking up. I see him as an equal. After we do Ghazwa-e-Hind, dismantle the RSS and clear out all the shakhas which breed goons like you, we'll hand them and all the other infrastructure to the Commies so they can run parallel Soviet republics alongside our Islamic state.
Look the master is patting the house negro. Suck up some more @Shantanu_Left and he will give you a biscuit
We on the other hand stand up and fight for our country even in a Pakistani forum. we will get banned while fighting the good fight but each ban is a badge of honor.

You're on an anonymous internet forum. There's nothing brave or honorable about making angry posts which eventually get you banned. Cuck mindset.

Look the master is patting the house negro. Suck up some more @Shantanu_Left and he will give you a biscuit

The only house negroes will be the swayamsevaks we re-educate in the Gulag's madrasas.
Don't flatter yourself, Pakistanis have given you refuge because you suck up to them.

We on the other hand stand up and fight for our country even in a Pakistani forum. we will get banned while fighting the good fight but each ban is a badge of honor. We said something that irked the Pakistanis and they didn't have any response so they banned us.

We know very well how Sanghis fight on the Internet. Please Keep up the good show. Entertainment may kuch kami nahi ani chahye :yahoo:


You love Urdu so here is something which describes you and your ilk.

I am impressed that you are taking interest in Urdu. Maybe in a month or so, we will get you to take interest in converting to Islam.
Wait Wait...

so, the logic here is that if a girl becomes pregnant, laws of the country don't apply to her?
Must be some sort of weird logic I am reading here,

For god sake, people are acting like she is the only prego jailed in India.
As if she is the first preggo jailed in the world.

Go and check any country, there are pregos jailed.

Oh wait, is it because she is from a specific religion, hence the entitlement?

can we be clear what the issue is about in first place?
In the eyes of chaddiz only chaddiz have rights ......... rest can be labelled, lynched, murdered, raped, tortured for anything ........ based on their (Chaddiz) superstitions and hatred.

Chaddiz should all be in jail if the laws of their country were equally applied and enforced. The pathetic police of this country did nothing during Gujrat, during Babri masjid ............ oh wait those were Hindutva chaddiz holy war on helpless.
Wait Wait...

so, the logic here is that if a girl becomes pregnant, laws of the country don't apply to her?
Must be some sort of weird logic I am reading here,

For god sake, people are acting like she is the only prego jailed in India.
As if she is the first preggo jailed in the world.

Go and check any country, there are pregos jailed.

Oh wait, is it because she is from a specific religion, hence the entitlement?

can we be clear what the issue is about in first place?
the issue here is jholachaps didnt knew they will get slapped so hard with the law for carrying out anti hindu riots in delhi. They believed they will get away like they used to earlier.

In the eyes of chaddiz only chaddiz have rights ......... rest can be labelled, lynched, murdered, raped, tortured for anything ........ based on their (Chaddiz) superstitions and hatred.

Chaddiz should all be in jail if the laws of their country were equally applied and enforced. The pathetic police of this country did nothing during Gujrat, during Babri masjid ............ oh wait those were Hindutva chaddiz holy war on helpless.
Ghabrana nahi hi
I am impressed that you are taking interest in Urdu. Maybe in a month or so, we will get you to take interest in converting to Islam.
I will rather die than do that.

I used urdu because while talking to Pakistani suck ups you need to talk in their language.

Now shoo. Take a biscuit from @Hiptullha
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