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India: Charged with anti-terror law, Muslim pregnant woman sent to jail

Bring something new. That kind of stuff I probably engaged in during my high school days.

"Desh drohi" is my middle name. I really love it. :woot:

Dammit they know how to play with the guns @jamahir @Shantanu_Left

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Now those are some hot Sanghinis. Not a bad collection. If someone can arrange their transport to Singapore for a job, I will pay them a handsome commission. :welcome: @Soumitra I need some of these girls to work for me. They get paid, you get paid, we all remain happy. You are definitely pimp material...I know one when I see one.
Bring something new. That kind of stuff I probably engaged in during my high school days.

"Desh drohi" is my middle name. I really love it. :woot:

Now those are some hot Sanghinis. Not a bad collection. If someone can arrange their transport to Singapore for a job, I will pay them a handsome commission. :welcome: @Soumitra I need some of these girls to work for me. They get paid, you get paid, we all remain happy. You are definitely pimp material...I know one when I see one.

Lmao, now this is a thread to watch. Pure entertainment.
@Soumitra and a few other Sanghis here are pure entertainment for me.

Sanghis are good people, they're entertaining.

Provided you don't meet them on the streets when they're in the majority, else there's a high chance of getting lynched.

PDF sanghis are the best kind, the shameless kind, they are the most entertaining.
Sanghis are good people, they're entertaining.

Provided you don't meet them on the streets when they're in the majority, else there's a high chance of getting lynched.

PDF sanghis are the best kind, the shameless kind, they are the most entertaining.

You guys better be careful. Your country is surrounded by India on all sides, and even Myanmar doesn't get along that well with BD.

Modi and his bunch of warmongering parties might try to take over Bangladesh and merge it back into India before 2024 election, mainly to hide his upcoming disasters in the next coming for years. Then you will all be sporting an Indian flag.

Unless, of course, if that is what your leaders and people want.

I have learned and understand a little Bengali, is my following sentence correct?

Amee jal khabo, na peebo (I eat water, not drink it :woot:)
You guys better be careful. Your country is surrounded by India on all sides, and even Myanmar doesn't get along that well.

Modi and his bunch of warmongering parties might try to take over Bangladesh and merge it back into India before 2024 election, mainly to hide his upcoming disasters in the next coming for years. Then you will all be sporting an Indian flag.

Unless, of course, if that is what your leaders and people want.

Good, maybe we Bangladeshis can lend a few balls to the cowardly Indian Muslims.

I have been to India as a young kid and I have dealt with Indians throughout my life and have never had an issue with them.

I don't know where in India these sanghis come from, yet to meet one personally.

Perhaps, I have met some but they are tame when abroad? They only show their true face inside India.

Anyway, on this forum India and Indians are portrayed as worse than the devil, even though alot of Indians like yourself are not fans of Modi or RSS.

I find it a bit distressing that a once colourful and vibrant India has come down to this level. A secular India as envisioned in the constitution is best for the stability of the region.

Although I'm afraid that that particular bridge has been burnt down, BJP/RSS are poisoning Indians with the poison of hate and communalism and even if BJP are gone tomorrow, their effects on Indian society will remain for decades if not centuries.
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Good maybe we Bangladeshis can lend a few balls to the cowardly Indian Muslims.

I work with quite a few Bangladeshis here in S'pore. Great people!


I have been to India as a young kid and I have dealt with Indians throughout my life and have never had an issue with them.

I don't know where in India these sanghis come from, yet to meet one personally.

Maybe they hide it very well from you. Most Indians, even the Sanghi types don't have any beef with Bangladeshis generally. Yes you will hear frequent news about "illegal bangladeshi immigrants" "HuJi" "Islamic terrorism" or something like that, but generally, Bangladesh is not considered a problem.

Of course, us secular Indians of Congress have helped in the creation of country (Remember Indira Gandhi?), giving direct support to Sheikh Mujib-Ur-Rehman.

Anyway, on this forum India and Indians are worse than the devil, even though alot of Indians like yourself are not fans of Modi or RSS.
Don't worry too much about these online Bhakts. Focus on the Indians you meet on the job, and in real world. Even in India, a lot of educated Bangladeshis are working in IT companies in Bangalore, studying in universities such as Goa University, Mumbai University.

I am in favour of visa-free travel between the two countries, and even a possible merger in the future. Not a Sanghi-India merger of course. I want a country of loose federations, all states and regions should have autonomy in deciding their lives. The role of the capital, Delhi, should be very less.

I find it a bit distressing that a once colourful and vibrant India has come down to this level. A secular India as envisioned in the constitution is best for the stability of the region.

Although I'm afraid that that particular bridge has been burnt down, BJP/RSS are poisoning Indians with the poison of hate and communalism and even if BJP are gone tomorrow, their effects on Indian society will remain for decades if not centuries.

Not for decades but there's going to be some internal strife in India. We might be pushed to the brink, and still reemerge from the ashes.
I work with quite a few Bangladeshis here in S'pore. Great people!

Maybe they hide it very well from you. Most Indians, even the Sanghi types don't have any beef with Bangladeshis generally. Yes you will hear frequent news about "illegal bangladeshi immigrants" "HuJi" "Islamic terrorism" or something like that, but generally, Bangladesh is not considered a problem.

Of course, us secular Indians of Congress have helped in the creation of country (Remember Indira Gandhi?), giving direct support to Sheikh Mujib-Ur-Rehman.

Don't worry too much about these online Bhakts. Focus on the Indians you meet on the job, and in real world.

Not for decades but there's going to be some internal strife in India. We might be pushed to the brink, and still reemerge from the ashes.

Imo once a sanghi always a sanghi, you'll need intern these mongrels into deradicalisation camps, the scenario is similar to that with ISIS nutjobs.
Imo once a sanghi always a sanghi, you'll need intern these mongrels into deradicalisation camps, the scenario is similar to that with ISIS nutjobs.

We will DENATURE and NEUTRALIZE all the Sanghis. We have done it before, in 1950 after the arrest of RSS leaders. This time we will ban their organization permanently.
We will DENATURE and NEUTRALIZE all the Sanghis. We have done it before, in 1950 after the arrest of RSS leaders. This time we will ban their organization permanently.

Make use of the death penalty for Amit Shah and that yogi murkh gandu.

I like Modi, please keep him alive as a zoo exhibit.

"Bhaioo Behenoo, mai ek mc Hun"

There is yet hope for India, make this aunty PM

Make use of the death penalty for Amit Shah and that yogi murkh gandu.

I like Modi, please keep him alive as a zoo exhibit.

"Bhaioo Behenoo, mai ek mc Hun"

Don't worry. We have worse plans for the RSS dogs than you imagine.
Don't worry. We have worse plans for the RSS dogs than you imagine.

I would suggest treating those that aren't among the leadership with kindness, hatred is a cancer and it can only be cured by death of said individual or by showing them the ill in their ways.
You didn't tell me if this sentence is correct. I have just learned a few Bengali sentences, very sweet language.

Amee jal khabo, na peebo (I eat water, not drink it)
You didn't tell me if this sentence is correct. I have just learned a few Bengali sentences, very sweet language.

Amee jal khabo, na peebo (I eat water, not drink it)

Right way to say this would be :

Ami pani khai, pan kori na.

You can replace Pani with jol, Bangladeshis normally use Pani and WB guys use jol, Hindu Bangladeshis also use Jol.

Anyhow what you wrote is pretty legible and the point gets across just fine.

Funny that you bring this up, actually where I come from; Chittagong district, we have our own dialect. In our local dialect there is no concept of "drinking", we always eat water and liquid materials.

Anyway, this puts me at odds when I speak Hindi, because I use the verb khana instead of Pina.

My apologies, I initially missed the bit at end of your initial comment where you posed this query.

I don't know if it's the sweetest language but posh Bangla when spoken slowly with a decent vocabulary does sound pretty melodious.
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Funny thing is though, it's your lot that happily cut off their own noses to spite their faces because of the perpetual small dikk syndrome...as explained in my previous message to you, and indeed in countless other messages I have written for the attention of your sacred saffron order of patriots.
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