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India beats Pakistan in HDI indexes.

Why go and live in US And EU and leave your own supa puwa behind?

Oh wait. Supa puwa is a third class shithole that is busy saving cows nowadays.

India actually slipped one place but wherever Pakistan and India are on that Index puts us in the same category as countries like Namibia. I have absolutely no idea what Indians are so happy about. If a country is over 50 in the HDI its got to be a toilet bucket whichever way you slice and dice it. Both Pakistanis and Indians need to be quiet and at least congratulate Sri Lanka for moving ahead of both of us in spite of a 30 year civil war. Congratulations Sri Lanka, at least I am proud of you guys. Well done.

For Indians, India slipped one place. LOL!

And while people starve and die disease, the Indian judiciary gives the Ganga and Yamuna rivers 'living status'. So in law it is almost a human being.


Furthermore, the Indian Judiciary are such cowards they have declared an 'out of court' settlement for Ram Mandir.

As India slips into a theocracy, it also slips 1 place while claiming to be the fastest growing this and the fastest growing that. It shrunk in its HDI.

So please stop this nonsense. We are shit poor and our prioritise are seriously inverted.
Wow.. Placing so much confidence in one man and that a career politician is never a good thing, It has led to fascism in many parts of the world in the past

placing confidence on some one who left his home and roamed jungles, never married, contributed to nation and very down to earth guy is not a bad deal. And he is the only one best suited as comparative to others.
India actually slipped one place but wherever Pakistan and India are on that Index puts us in the same category as countries like Namibia. I have absolutely no idea what Indians are so happy about. If a country is over 50 in the HDI its got to be a toilet bucket whichever way you slice and dice it. Both Pakistanis and Indians need to be quiet and at least congratulate Sri Lanka for moving ahead of both of us in spite of a 30 year civil war. Congratulations Sri Lanka, at least I am proud of you guys. Well done.

For Indians, India slipped one place. LOL!

And while people starve and die disease, the Indian judiciary gives the Ganga and Yamuna rivers 'living status'. So in law it is almost a human being.


Furthermore, the Indian Judiciary are such cowards they have declared an 'out of court' settlement for Ram Mandir.

As India slips into a theocracy, it also slips 1 place while claiming to be the fastest growing this and the fastest growing that. It shrunk in its HDI.

So please stop this nonsense. We are shit poor and our prioritise are seriously inverted.

Well slipping positions in HDI makes sense. Right now is the time to save gaumata from becoming ingredient of beef burgers.

HDI can go to hell.

He does what was written his election manifesto

There are onky 40 slaughter houses in UP is legal out 380

He also asked all minister to submits there assets reports in 15 days

This shows his priorities. Burt never expected any better from bald necrophiliac.
Why go and live in US And EU and leave your own supa puwa behind?

Oh wait. Supa puwa is a third class shithole that is busy saving cows nowadays.

PS: We would work for both and Kashmir. That is what we want from our government.

because in India population is high that's why low opportunity and there are lots of talented people. Indian market cannot accommodate all. Because industry is still to be developed and if industries is developed it has to be sustainable development otherwise pollution will reach new level. It's challenging but will be done. :)
You slipped in the rankings not grew.

And the reason why you are spewing your verbal pollution in a Pakistani forum is that you cant even compare yourself to many African countries. LOL! Have you any shame?
Still better according our Size population

Look at China's rank even with mostly double digit growth in decade where they rank

It more shame full for countries like Pakistan and there population

But you creatures no shame because your Pakistani's
because in India population is high that's why low opportunity and there are lots of talented people. Indian market cannot accommodate all. Because industry is still to be developed and if industries is developed it has to be sustainable development otherwise pollution will reach new level. It's challenging but will be done. :)

Well if cows can be accumulated then so do these guys who leave their country for being a third world sh!thole. Many even go to cow eating Wahabi muslim countries.

That is pathetic.
Still better according our Size population

Look at China's rank even with mostly double digit growth in decade where they rank

It more shame full for countries like Pakistan and there population

But you creatures no shame because your Pakistani's

'Their' , not 'there' Mr Matric fail.
This shows his priorities. Burt never expected any better from bald necrophiliac

He is still a man of integrity both hindus abd muslims of his constituency voted hin consecutively

Unlike you fat politicIan's
he is BSc Mathematics at least

Yup better than illiterate chai wala ruling your country.

He is still a man of integrity both hindus abd muslims of his constituency voted hin consecutively

Unlike you fat politicIan's

Yeah because your level of integrity is too low. Can't blame you. :)
Nuts!!.. Whats the take on this.. Is the regime moving towards somewhat of a theocracy? Banning stuff on grounds of religious belief is a clear sign of it @Nilgiri @nair @baajey @takeiteasy

Those slaughterhouses are illegal . .nothing religious about them.

New CM is just asking the slaughterhouses to have license and follow the rules.

whats the fuss about ?
placing confidence on some one who left his home and roamed jungles, never married, contributed to nation and very down to earth guy is not a bad deal. And he is the only one best suited as comparative to others.

Hitler and Mussolini had eerily similar CV's

I'm not comparing Mr. Modi with them, I actually like strong governance but just saying, All were populist politicians, Rode high on a wave of populist, fascist propaganda and the sheep followed
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