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India beats Pakistan in HDI indexes.

I dont think so .
This India is ruled by new generation Indians .Their benchmark for our nation is quite high .And Pakistan is not even in picture .

Yeh most newest generation for example Modi, Yogi
Yeh most newest generation for example Modi, Yogi

We wont take some media shit for face value not anymore .
We need results on ground and our new Govt was successful in that .Look at our GDP rate and investment in facilities.
Hmmm.. Quite surprised at the nonchalant take on this specially the likes of you and @nair (Two posters i hold in high esteem in views of socio/political matters).. Whatever the political allegience, Surely both of you can foresee the dangers of clergy from organized religion given prominance in governance of a multi religious society ? For all it's short comings India held itself aloft as a secular democracy when everyone else around her burnt at attempts on theocracies in one form or another, As far as i'm concerned it's regression whichever way you look at it

Its probably because you haven't been to UP to see the ground realities there. The political evolution you speak of can come only much later. Its the wild wild west there....except a kind that has the population of indonesia crammed into it.A lot of UP govt has to be burned and built back up from scratch.

When you have the popular law of the land, the onus is on the leader to enforce it....purely because activities happening outside the law breed all other kinds of lawlessness (they flock and stick together). When theres actually something of worth developed in the state and people have a basic level of development and decent access to pursue their aspirations (which only will happen in UP much further down the road even if yogi/BJP are fully successful in say a decade of solid rule), we have some time and privilege to talk about which laws are worth keeping and which ones are worth reforming, replacing etc under the great shadow of the Indian constitution. India is too often a case of reaching for the higher scientific theories when the grade school alphabet is lacking.

Its the basic reason why many muslims and all levels of hindu castes leave their identities at the door in the rare refuge they get in the Yogi Adityanath organisation from the daily accustomed realities. No one can say he is not credible in the outreach to every class and community. In a way the shedding of the UP identities in the election, most mirrors his organisation....probably why Modi chose him in the end.

Lip gloss secularism has had its chance for decades now....people are giving something new a chance seeing how only one party genuinely delivers and measures w.r.t on the ground performance. If its some hindu "fundamentalist" guy, so be it....he has to bring development for the masses or he can get lost at the end of it too. This is after all a country that elected someone like Owaisi to be an MP....and he certainly is reigned in by all kinds of checks and balances inherent in the Indian system to ensure the supreme court has the final verdict based on the Indian constitution. Thus it will be with Yogi too, but his mandate and responsibility is a much larger one....just like Modi's. Hawks generally tend to rise to the challenge, because they have no family to enrich, no dynasty to serve and protect and no endless list of personal agendas.

People are sick and tired of being preached to on the theory of secularism....they want someone to get down and dirty and bring the law and order, so there can actually be an attempt at genuine development. When you have a worthy edifice and not a leaky punching bag, there can be higher level social development. Till then, dreaming about the theory when the reality is just too starkly different to even support it in a limited way, is a fools errand, though it did work quite well in propping up and cementing a few political legacies at the cost of millions upon millions of livelihoods. That finally has a real chance of changing now. Yes it has reached that level in UP, why do you think the BJP received this mandate in the first place even after something supposedly so awful as demonetisation? People are genuinely sick of all the other alternatives....and even more sick at being preached secular ideals, when the reality gets brutality enforced on them each day after day....often by the very same people doing the preaching.

Sorry, but India is probably the only country in the world that has been this patient/plain ignorant for this long in its heartland. The coast and select cities developing big time, means people want that and wonder why they cannot have the same at home or at least nearby. Its no longer a case of everyone being equally poor and stupid....thats what is prompting this kind of mandate to be formed in the first place. If a truly secular party can achieve the same, let it show the proof on the ground....rather than preaching to the choir (the media +insulated elite). It used to work when India was itself insulated and the masses had nothing but what they were born with (largely just their name and identity). Not anymore. I for one am happy about it. The fine tuning and elitist refinement can come some decades later when every belly is full, every corner of India has the basics and a development-based mindset is fully inculcated so there can be absolutely no turning back to the despicable state of affairs that have haunted Indian politics for the majority of its independence.
Its probably because you haven't been to UP to see the ground realities there. The political evolution you speak of can come only much later. Its the wild wild west there....except a kind that has the population of indonesia crammed into it.A lot of UP govt has to be burned and built back up from scratch.

When you have the popular law of the land, the onus is on the leader to enforce it....purely because activities happening outside the law breed all other kinds of lawlessness (they flock and stick together). When theres actually something of worth developed in the state and people have a basic level of development and decent access to pursue their aspirations (which only will happen in UP much further down the road even if yogi/BJP are fully successful in say a decade of solid rule), we have some time and privilege to talk about which laws are worth keeping and which ones are worth reforming, replacing etc under the great shadow of the Indian constitution. India is too often a case of reaching for the higher scientific theories when the grade school alphabet is lacking.

Its the basic reason why many muslims and all levels of hindu castes leave their identities at the door in the rare refuge they get in the Yogi Adityanath organisation from the daily accustomed realities. No one can say he is not credible in the outreach to every class and community. In a way the shedding of the UP identities in the election, most mirrors his organisation....probably why Modi chose him in the end.

Lip gloss secularism has had its chance for decades now....people are giving something new a chance seeing how only one party genuinely delivers and measures w.r.t on the ground performance. If its some hindu "fundamentalist" guy, so be it....he has to bring development for the masses or he can get lost at the end of it too. This is after all a country that elected someone like Owaisi to be an MP....and he certainly is reigned in by all kinds of checks and balances inherent in the Indian system to ensure the supreme court has the final verdict based on the Indian constitution. Thus it will be with Yogi too, but his mandate and responsibility is a much larger one....just like Modi's. Hawks generally tend to rise to the challenge, because they have no family to enrich, no dynasty to serve and protect and no endless list of personal agendas.

People are sick and tired of being preached to on the theory of secularism....they want someone to get down and dirty and bring the law and order, so there can actually be an attempt at genuine development. When you have a worthy edifice and not a leaky punching bag, there can be higher level social development. Till then, dreaming about the theory when the reality is just too starkly different to even support it in a limited way, is a fools errand, though it did work quite well in propping up and cementing a few political legacies at the cost of millions upon millions of livelihoods. That finally has a real chance of changing now. Yes it has reached that level in UP, why do you think the BJP received this mandate in the first place even after something supposedly so awful as demonetisation? People are genuinely sick of all the other alternatives....and even more sick at being preached secular ideals, when the reality gets brutality enforced on them each day after day....often by the very same people doing the preaching.

Sorry, but India is probably the only country in the world that has been this patient/plain ignorant for this long in its heartland. The coast and select cities developing big time, means people want that and wonder why they cannot have the same at home or at least nearby. Its no longer a case of everyone being equally poor and stupid....thats what is prompting this kind of mandate to be formed in the first place. If a truly secular party can achieve the same, let it show the proof on the ground....rather than preaching to the choir (the media +insulated elite). It used to work when India was itself insulated and the masses had nothing but what they were born with (largely just their name and identity). Not anymore. I for one am happy about it. The fine tuning and elitist refinement can come some decades later when every belly is full, every corner of India has the basics and a development-based mindset is fully inculcated so there can be absolutely no turning back to the despicable state of affairs that have haunted Indian politics for the majority of its independence.
Hmmm.. Quite surprised at the nonchalant take on this specially the likes of you and @nair (Two posters i hold in high esteem in views of socio/political matters).. Whatever the political allegience, Surely both of you can foresee the dangers of clergy from organized religion given prominance in governance of a multi religious society ? For all it's short comings India held itself aloft as a secular democracy when everyone else around her burnt at attempts on theocracies in one form or another, As far as i'm concerned it's regression whichever way you look at it

There is a reason behind this...... "Modi's Work as a Prime Minister"...... We all expected him to be a Hindu hardliner, But after taking charge I have hardly seen him in the expected line....Infact he intervened when Cow vigilant morons were getting over board...... This guy is a motor mouth (UP CM) for sure.....And he has made several nonsense comments before..... If i was given a choice i would not have preferred him.....But the state did choose him.... Let us wait and watch....

But I agree this is risky move....
Nuts!!.. Whats the take on this.. Is the regime moving towards somewhat of a theocracy? Banning stuff on grounds of religious belief is a clear sign of it @Nilgiri @nair @baajey @takeiteasy
i m still on wait n watch mode.
banning such things on religious grounds is bad, but so is politics.
btw, he suspended many police officers on the basis of incompetency.
i guess its 1-1 now.

Hitler and Mussolini had eerily similar CV's

I'm not comparing Mr. Modi with them, I actually like strong governance but just saying, All were populist politicians, Rode high on a wave of populist, fascist propaganda and the sheep followed
we have lots of sheep. ....and many of them are dissatisfied with what was going on till now (read corruption n mismanagement)
There is a reason behind this...... "Modi's Work as a Prime Minister"...... We all expected him to be a Hindu hardliner, But after taking charge I have hardly seen him in the expected line....Infact he intervened when Cow vigilant morons were getting over board...... This guy is a motor mouth (UP CM) for sure.....And he has made several nonsense comments before..... If i was given a choice i would not have preferred him.....But the state did choose him.... Let us wait and watch....

But I agree this is risky move....

He is not only a motor mouth but actually has militants to carry out his threats. For example of burning churches, mosques, organizing communal violence to kill minorities and so on.

This Hindu version of Mullah Omar is no way a "harmless priest" you Indians would like us to believe.
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