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India beats Pakistan in HDI indexes.

Pakistanis scored better in happiness index. So when will you stop crying?
by the way 6 time bigger country just above in ranking. what a shame.
Actually it should be vice versa,
It is easier to develop small countries than a large diverse country.
Not really.
India's GNI per capita is $6030 in purchasing power & $1600 in nominal terms.

Pakistan's GNI per capita is $5320 in Purchasing power & $1440 in nominal terms.


Wrong again. You are talking about 'averages' of income.

Nations' prosperity is measured by median incomes and wealth levels, not "average" incomes. Hopefully you know the difference (I'm not sure if you studied economics during your education at college levels. I can explain in detail if you want).

For example, almost 60% of wealth in india is owned by top 1%--leaving the rest of society extremely poor. It's not just india..but other countries as well.

So in order to measure the actual level of prosperity amongst common citizens, economists look at median incomes and wealth levels.

Here's median wealth per capita for 2016 global wealth report

In average wealth per adult (which isn't a very relevant figure) and median wealth per adult (which represents actual level of wealth for regular citizens)---Pakistan leaves India far behind.

Average Pakistani adult is 20% richer than an average Indian adult and the median wealth of a Pakistani adult is 120% higher than that of his or her Indian counterpart, according to Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016. Average household wealth in Pakistanhas grown 2.1% while it has declined 0.8% in India since the end of last year.

Only only wealth, median household income of Pakistan is also higher than India's--although the difference is not as much.

Overall Median Household Income
India: $5201.25
Pakistan: $6,022.50

Souce: Centre for Global Development (UN).
"A number of Indian states--Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for example--would be at the top of the South Asian comparisons in Human Development Index (HDI) if they were treated as separate countries, and others--Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, for example--would do enormously worse." - Professors Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen in their 2013 book “An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions” (both authors are economists and Amartya Sen received the Nobel prize in economics in 1998).

More about this click here
Actually it should be vice versa,
It is easier to develop small countries than a large diverse country.
large countries have large resources too. And we are not that small either. but small with respect to india.
Even with war on terror we are cose to you. But given india's resources you are way behind your potential.
Then when i posted the list of powerful countries published by some neutral source, indians objected at being placed at 16th.
Many factor likethese make you weak or strong.
Nuts!!.. Whats the take on this.. Is the regime moving towards somewhat of a theocracy? Banning stuff on grounds of religious belief is a clear sign of it @Nilgiri @nair @baajey @takeiteasy

These days every news or articles should be taken with a pinch of salt.... Especially after BJP back in power....To be Honest i was skeptical after Modi become the PM, and was worried as there was a perception created among the population as a Muslim butcher...... But after he becoming the PM, He was working only one aspect that is for the betterment of the nations..... He might have gone wrong with his policies, but the intention was straight forward..... You can see the change in the way news are reported, Not long ago we had a flood of beef related threads and news...... what happened now??? Anything changed on the ground??? I dont think so.... Its just the focus which has shifted......Similarly I am skeptical about Yogi too.... But then He is replacing another moron as CM, If you see the only 2 genuine parties when it comes to secularism or lack of it...... 1) BJP, 2) MIM.... They are genuine with their agenda and very clear of what they want or what they plan to do.... Where as other parties would show themselves as genuine but they do everything possible to get their vote share back.... They do pampering of minority (be it religious or caste) just to secure their vote banks....... I guess before judging him Let us wait and see what he has in store.....
Most of the social Index depends on states like UP/Bihar/Jarkhand/Orisa a good strong government with good vision can change those Index to a great extent......

I am hoping for the best....

Latest HDI index released by UNDP shows that India outperformed Pakistan in both HDI & inequality adjusted HDI indexes.

Rank- 131
HDI score- 0.624
Inequality adj HDI score- 0.454.

Rank- 147
HDI score- 0.550
Inequality adj HDI score- 0.380.

Source: http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI

On Topic Nothing to be proud of....... there are 130 countries above you.... and we keep looking down and say look he is in worse condition than me......That makes us happy.......
These days every news or articles should be taken with a pinch of salt.... Especially after BJP back in power....To be Honest i was skeptical after Modi become the PM, and was worried as there was a perception created among the population as a Muslim butcher...... But after he becoming the PM, He was working only one aspect that is for the betterment of the nations..... He might have gone wrong with his policies, but the intention was straight forward..... You can see the change in the way news are reported, Not long ago we had a flood of beef related threads and news...... what happened now??? Anything changed on the ground??? I dont think so.... Its just the focus which has shifted......Similarly I am skeptical about Yogi too.... But then He is replacing another moron as CM, If you see the only 2 genuine parties when it comes to secularism or lack of it...... 1) BJP, 2) MIM.... They are genuine with their agenda and very clear of what they want or what they plan to do.... Where as other parties would show themselves as genuine but they do everything possible to get their vote share back.... They do pampering of minority (be it religious or caste) just to secure their vote banks....... I guess before judging him Let us wait and see what he has in store.....
Most of the social Index depends on states like UP/Bihar/Jarkhand/Orisa a good strong government with good vision can change those Index to a great extent......

I am hoping for the best....

On Topic Nothing to be proud of....... there are 130 countries above you.... and we keep looking down and say look he is in worse condition than me......That makes us happy.......
Well would you rather beat Pakistan in cricket or new zealand ?? Batao batao ?
These are our small happiness.
Well would you rather beat Pakistan in cricket or new zealand ?? Batao batao ?
These are our small happiness.

So for you now Social Index's are like Cricket match???

If you are happy with this achievement, you can be.... Noting wrong
So for you now Social Index's are like Cricket match???
You ignored my question. Diplomatic ??
Its the happiness of beating pakistan in every comparison. Though we should really have higher standards.
Nuts!!.. Whats the take on this.. Is the regime moving towards somewhat of a theocracy? Banning stuff on grounds of religious belief is a clear sign of it @Nilgiri @nair @baajey @takeiteasy

Buddy, can we come back to this after 1 year (so we have more perspective and at least real on the ground issues to judge him on)?

Yogi is a law and order guy (and rest of the cabinet deals with the development related nitty gritty). He has not created this law out of thin air suddenly (the anti-cow slaughter statutes date back to well before during the so called secular congress rule which was completely unchallenged back in the day). Days when you could be a congress supporter/voter and be a member of the RSS at same time (how much has changed!). He is intent on enforcing all apsects of law and order....so this one is included in that obviously.

With UP there has to be law and order + security to even have a chance at bringing in true development....so the media will of course latch on negatively to the most potentially polarising aspects of it.....that's their natural calling everywhere in the world.

I care more about him sorting out (burning and rebuilding) the (currently rotten and decrepit) UP govt structure from bottom to top. He has already started on it:




Why do you think he is very popular across caste and religious lines especially in his home constituency of gorakhpur (where muslim support for him is very strong esp after he has proven track record in addressing their grievances - leading to him being elected there continually since the late 90s when he was in his mid 20s still)?
Ironically your own countrymen were trashing the happiness index, calling it rubbish etc. :rolleyes:

I see you havent gone thru the thread yet...... Check after page 6...... Full on trolling
Buddy, can we come back to this after 1 year (so we have more perspective and at least real on the ground issues to judge him on)?

Yogi is a law and order guy (and rest of the cabinet deals with the development related nitty gritty). He has not created this law out of thin air suddenly (the anti-cow slaughter statutes date back to well before during the so called secular congress rule which was completely unchallenged back in the day). Days when you could be a congress supporter/voter and be a member of the RSS at same time (how much has changed!). He is intent on enforcing all apsects of law and order....so this one is included in that obviously.

With UP there has to be law and order + security to even have a chance at bringing in true development....so the media will of course latch on negatively to the most potentially polarising aspects of it.....that's their natural calling everywhere in the world.

I care more about him sorting out (burning and rebuilding) the (currently rotten and decrepit) UP govt structure from bottom to top. He has already started on it:




Why do you think he is very popular across caste and religious lines especially in his home constituency of gorakhpur (where muslim support for him is very strong esp after he has proven track record in addressing their grievances - leading to him being elected there continually since the late 90s when he was in his mid 20s still)?

Hmmm.. Quite surprised at the nonchalant take on this specially the likes of you and @nair (Two posters i hold in high esteem in views of socio/political matters).. Whatever the political allegience, Surely both of you can foresee the dangers of clergy from organized religion given prominance in governance of a multi religious society ? For all it's short comings India held itself aloft as a secular democracy when everyone else around her burnt at attempts on theocracies in one form or another, As far as i'm concerned it's regression whichever way you look at it
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lolzzzz like it or not despite shupa powa dreams India is still there in line with Pakistan. look at the above figures evdn here it is sooooo visible.

I dont think so .
This India is ruled by new generation Indians .Their benchmark for our nation is quite high .And Pakistan is not even in picture .
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