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India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

Your posts sound nothing more than a gibberish. You don't really seem educated, most likely coming from a low caste.

Only someone with a low intellect would compare Cold War era industrialization with that of a highly globalized 2020s era.
Lol. Classic case of pot calling kettle black. You are the most uneducated among the lot. And what exactly the latest industrialization of 2020's era (lol) happening in lungi land?

Mullah's of south Asia are just stupid like you.
Lmao, all your posts are larger than mine, just look at the size of the one above, im obviously touching your lungi nerves. Lungi gdp per capita is actually lower than somalia, forget India, else you bankrupt slumdwellers wouldnt be begging imf, stitch chaddi and cope 🤣.
Lol nah I am just yawning

you are the one who is desperate to show how bad bangladesh is lmao and then get bitch slap because slum land is poorer then Bangladesh

If bd was so bad just imagine how bad slum land india is lolz. If bd is lower then Somalia then how bad india is ha ha ha.

The irony lol

Go ahead and write an essay how slum land sent an rocket to moon while your family don’t have toilet to shit
Your posts sound nothing more than a gibberish. You don't really seem educated, most likely coming from a low caste.

Only someone with a low intellect would compare Cold War era industrialization with that of a highly globalized 2020s era.

Indian auto industry started developing in a big way from like 2002-2003 onwards, which was pretty much the height of globalization, literally 20 years after the end of cold war, you have no idea what you are talking about. Before that all we had was maruti 800 and ambassador.

In any case, lungiland has none of the ills that India has - no Modi/BJP, no import substitution policies, so why aren't you manufacturing anything more than chaddi and why is there no automotive or electronics industry in your country? Its easy to use big words that you learnt in first year economics course and rant about the benefits of neo classical policies like free trade, low taxes and all that crap, but empirical evidence shows that free trade has benefitted only a handful of countries. If removing taxes and free trade was solution to everything, Africa, Latin america, Lungiland etc would all be producing goods, instead its just China and a couple of more places.

Lol nah I am just yawning

you are the one who is desperate to show how bad bangladesh is lmao and then get bitch slap because slum land is poorer then Bangladesh

If bd was so bad just imagine how bad slum land india is lolz. If bd is lower then Somalia then how bad india is ha ha ha.

The irony lol

Go ahead and write an essay how slum land sent an rocket to moon while your family don’t have toilet to shit

I shit into the brahmaputra river and you Lungis drink the same water :lol:. India has rockets, but no toilet. You Lungis have neither rockets nor toilets plus you are the most ugly race of people in the world, so we are still better of :lol:
Lungis are so good at fencejumping they not just polevault into India to escape misery back home in their shithole, they polevault into Indian threads without any relation to kanglus in anyway :lol:

"Sarrr pleej trust us we are richer than you, thats why our entire country begs to IMF sarrr" :rofl:
Indian auto industry started developing in a big way from like 2002-2003 onwards, which was pretty much the height of globalization, literally 20 years after the end of cold war, you have no idea what you are talking about. Before that all we had was maruti 800 and ambassador.

In any case, lungiland has none of the ills that India has - no Modi/BJP, no import substitution policies, so why aren't you manufacturing anything more than chaddi and why is there no automotive or electronics industry in your country? Its easy to use big words that you learnt in first year economics course and rant about the benefits of neo classical policies like free trade, low taxes and all that crap, but empirical evidence shows that free trade has benefitted only a handful of countries. If removing taxes and free trade was solution to everything, Africa, Latin america, Lungiland etc would all be producing goods, instead its just China and a couple of more places.

I shit into the brahmaputra river and you Lungis drink the same water :lol:. India has rockets, but no toilet. You Lungis have neither rockets nor toilets plus you are the most ugly race of people in the world, so we are still better of :lol:
Lmao another essay ha ha ha

Can’t help it eh

I am just enjoying the frustration he he

All this whinning bla bla about india yet can’t cross Bangladesh on per capita income

Just tells fake gdp of india lol

Problem is india gdp per capita is lower then Somalia as you mention lol so how ppl will believe any shit you write from siting on your slum lol
Indian auto industry started developing in a big way from like 2002-2003 onwards, which was pretty much the height of globalization, literally 20 years after the end of cold war, you have no idea what you are talking about. Before that all we had was maruti 800 and ambassador.

In any case, lungiland has none of the ills that India has - no Modi/BJP, no import substitution policies, so why aren't you manufacturing anything more than chaddi and why is there no automotive or electronics industry in your country? Its easy to use big words that you learnt in first year economics course and rant about the benefits of neo classical policies like free trade, low taxes and all that crap, but empirical evidence shows that free trade has benefitted only a handful of countries. If removing taxes and free trade was solution to everything, Africa, Latin america, Lungiland etc would all be producing goods, instead its just China and a couple of more places.

I shit into the brahmaputra river and you Lungis drink the same water :lol:. India has rockets, but no toilet. You Lungis have neither rockets nor toilets plus you are the most ugly race of people in the world, so we are still better of :lol:
ISRO's profit has crossed ₹757 crore, higher than most lungideshi companies :lol:.
And that number coincidentally is exactly equal to 1000 crore taka. This is their state meanwhile lmaoooooo :rofl:
Lungis are so good at fencejumping they not just polevault into India to escape misery back home in their shithole, they polevault into Indian threads without any relation to kanglus in anyway :lol:

"Sarrr pleej trust us we are richer than you, thats why our entire country begs to IMF sarrr" :rofl:

Lungis have to try such shenanigans or else they will get no attention. Like honestly, no one gives a shit about BD, its a small insignificant swamp. People go on threads about each and every country - iran, turkey, etc but no one goes on Lungi threads. The only way for Lungis to get attention is to shit on other threads so that we can shit on theirs.
nah I am just enjoying slum dwellers frustration lol for being poor then Somalia ha ha

Please dont joke, you are delivering uber eats to some Indian, thats all you Lungis do and are capable of, except stitching chaddi of course. Even in the UK, you Lungis are at the bottom of the economic ladder. Somalia is like Beverly Hills for citizens of swamp republic.
Lungis are so good at fencejumping they not just polevault into India to escape misery back home in their shithole, they polevault into Indian threads without any relation to kanglus in anyway :lol:

"Sarrr pleej trust us we are richer than you, thats why our entire country begs to IMF sarrr" :rofl:

Pole vaulting to a country lower per capita ha ha

Please dont joke, you are delivering uber eats to some Indian, thats all you Lungis do and are capable of, except stitching chaddi of course. Even in the UK, you Lungis are at the bottom of the economic ladder. Somalia is like Beverly Hills for citizens of swamp republic.

Lamo ok kumar break is over go back to make Tim hortons coffee

The frustration and trigger ha ha ha

Not my fault you agreed India is poor then Somalia and most African countries

What you want me to do lol
Even hungry Indians who cant afford 1 meal a day have greater height and muscle mass than the healthiest of you pigshit scrawny lungi rats who are easily the worst looking race of people on the planet. This is your no. 1 actor, who looks like a malnourished lafanga chaprasi from a Bihari village :rofl:

Unlike you swamp dwelling chaddi stitchers, we actually walk the talk instead of making tall claims and then running to IMF like you lungi bhikaris. We have banned the imports of foreign vehicles through sky high taxes for like half a century and that has only worked out too well for us, all it did was cause a local automobile industry to develop which employs millions of people and we sell more automobilesin one day than you lungis sell in an year. It only caused more and more foreign brands to enter instead of "divesting away'. You should keep your predictions to yourself, after all, you are a low iq chaddi stitcher from a swamp nation and whatever you think, pretty much the opposite will happen :lol:.

Chaddi stitching and naagin dance is the height of technical innovation and intelligence of you Lungis, so please dont use big words like global supply chain and what not, its beyond you primitive monkeys

Indians eat like rats.


Pole vaulting to a country lower per capita ha ha

Lamo ok kumar break is over go back to make Tim hortons coffee

The frustration and trigger ha ha ha

Not my fault you agreed India is poor then Somalia and most African countries

What you want me to do lol
Lmao writing essay after essay, clearly frustrated after receiving no uber eats tip from Indians. You Lungis cant even work as cashiers at Tim hortons due to poor English, the most you work as is janitors and toilet cleaners. Recently Haryana kicked out more than a 1000 illegal Lungis back to lungiland, they were identified by their stench :lol:

And you Lungis are basically rats :lol:

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