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India bans import of Laptops, Tablets and Personal Computers with immediate effect

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I will let you know when i take a shyte today, it should reach your gutter swamp in Lungidesh by tomorrow. depending on the speed of the river. your family can have a taste of indian style kfc shyte :rofl:

You need to go outside and have some fun.


What is the big deal about this ? Many global companies, including the Chinese Lenovo, already manufacture laptops in India. This step is meant to encourage the likes of Apple and Samsung to do the same. If they don't want to do that they can always import under a licence.

All countries, including the USA and China, try to use the leverage of the size of their domestic market to encourage local manufacturing. Of course, not all countries can pull it off. If some country with a small economy tried it, the foreign companies would simply exit the market, but I am sure in India's case, the few companies that are still importing will either start manufacturing locally or get an import license.

Majority of minors abused in Punjab are boys: report
LAHORE: In a shocking revelation, the Punjab interior department has recently shared that as the instances of sexual abuse of children rise, more boys than girls become victims of such crimes.

A report compiled on the numeration of such cases from January to June 15, 2023, reveals that in a span of less than six months, 1,390 cases of child abuse were reported in the province — a harrowing number in itself but made worse by further revelations.

According to the report, around 69% (959 cases) of the reported cases involved minor boys, while the remaining 31% (431 cases) involved girls.

Only 10% IT graduates employable: SBP​

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has raised concerns over Pakistan’s information technology (IT) sector, revealing that a mere 10 % of IT graduates possess the necessary skills to secure employment in the industry.

The SBP’s half-year report on the country’s economic condition highlights the widening gap between academia and the IT industry, posing a significant threat to the sector’s future expansion.

Despite an increasing number of graduates entering the job market, a vast majority of them lack the competencies required to meet the evolving demands of the digital landscape. This disparity in skillsets has become a pressing issue that experts and policymakers are urging to address promptly.

Pakistan’s IT sector has been a crucial driver of economic growth, foreign investment, and potential exports. However, the current situation presents a critical juncture that could impede the sector’s progress and hinder the country’s long-term economic development.

Majority of minors abused in Punjab are boys: report
LAHORE: In a shocking revelation, the Punjab interior department has recently shared that as the instances of sexual abuse of children rise, more boys than girls become victims of such crimes.

A report compiled on the numeration of such cases from January to June 15, 2023, reveals that in a span of less than six months, 1,390 cases of child abuse were reported in the province — a harrowing number in itself but made worse by further revelations.

According to the report, around 69% (959 cases) of the reported cases involved minor boys, while the remaining 31% (431 cases) involved girls.

Only 10% IT graduates employable: SBP​

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has raised concerns over Pakistan’s information technology (IT) sector, revealing that a mere 10 % of IT graduates possess the necessary skills to secure employment in the industry.

The SBP’s half-year report on the country’s economic condition highlights the widening gap between academia and the IT industry, posing a significant threat to the sector’s future expansion.

Despite an increasing number of graduates entering the job market, a vast majority of them lack the competencies required to meet the evolving demands of the digital landscape. This disparity in skillsets has become a pressing issue that experts and policymakers are urging to address promptly.

Pakistan’s IT sector has been a crucial driver of economic growth, foreign investment, and potential exports. However, the current situation presents a critical juncture that could impede the sector’s progress and hinder the country’s long-term economic development.

Don't get me started with Indians on rape. Indians are human and animal rapists. Indians have been raping animals since the ancient time.




It may not be a bad idea to ignore this troll @GamoAccu. He has a catalogue of pet pics to post and derail any thread. He is like a parasite that thrives on emotional responses. His other favourite pass time is creating useless Anti-India threads.

Stop responding and he will find his place. He needs to be ignored.
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Don't get me started with Indians on rape. Indians are human and animal rapists. Indians have been raping animals since the ancient time.

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They may call it the "Land of the Pure," but Pakistan turns out to be anything but.

The Muslim country, which has banned content on at least 17 websites to block offensive and blasphemous material, is the world's leader in online searches for pornographic material, FoxNews.com has learned.

“You won’t find strip clubs in Islamic countries. Most Islamic countries have certain dress codes,” said Gabriel Said Reynolds, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame. “It would be an irony if they haven’t shown the same vigilance to pornography.”

So here's the irony: Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.

Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for "horse sex" since 2004, "donkey sex" since 2007, "rape pictures" between 2004 and 2009, "rape sex" since 2004, "child sex" between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, "animal sex" since 2004 and "dog sex" since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.

The country also is tops -- or has been No. 1 -- in searches for "sex," "camel sex," "rape video," "child sex video" and some other searches that can't be printed here.

Google Trends generates data of popular search terms in geographic locations during specific time frames. Google Insights is a more advanced version that allows users to filter a search to geographic locations, time frames and the nature of a search, including web, images, products and news.

Pakistan ranked No. 1 in all the searches listed above on Google Trends, but on only some of them in Google Insights.

“We do our best to provide accurate data and to provide insights into broad search patterns, but the results for a given query may contain inaccuracies due to data sampling issues, approximations, or incomplete data for the terms entered,” Google said in a statement, when asked about the accuracy of its reports.

The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan did not reply to a request for an interview.

In addition to banning content on 17 websites, including islamexposed.blogspot.com, Pakistan is monitoring seven other sites -- Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Amazon, MSN and Hotmail -- for anti-Islamic content, the Associated Press reported in June.

But it’s not to censor the Pakistani people, Reynolds said. It’s to shut out the rest of the world.

“[It] could lead to conversion, which would undermine the very order of the state,” he said. “Part of protecting the society is making sure that there is no way it could be undermined in terms of foreign influences.”

Pakistan temporarily banned Facebook in May when Muslim groups protested the “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” page, where users were encouraged to upload pictures of the Prophet Muhammad. The page remained on Facebook, but Pakistani users were unable to view it, said Andrew Noyes, manager of Facebook’s Public Policy Communication.

And while Pakistan is taking measures to prevent blasphemous material from being viewed by its citizens, pornographic material is “certainly” contradictory to Islam, too, Reynolds said.

The country’s punishment for those charged with blasphemy is execution, but the question remains what -- if anything -- can be done about people who search for **** on the Web.

“It’s a new phenomenon,” Reynolds said.

Police booked five men for allegedly sexually assaulting and killing a goat in the city on Tuesday.

The bestiality incident took place within the limits of Satghara police station.

According to the police report, five men untied a labourer’s goat and took it to a nearby compound. The suspects raped the animal, tortured and killed it.

A Pakistani has been accused of raping 30 sheep belonging to a citizen in Al Aflag, Saudi Arabia.
The man was arrested after the police was told about the incident from a citizen, who saw a man entering the sheep yard before midnight to conduct a sexual intercourse with the animals.


A 14-year-old boy identified as Mansab Ali has raped his neighbour’s pet chicken to death.
Ali was arrested and questioned by the police after a neighbour accused him of committing the act.
The incident happened in Jalalpur Bhattian, Pakistan.:rofl::rofl:
It may not be a bad idea to ignore this troll @GamoAccu. He has some pet pics to post and derail any thread. He is like a parasite that thrives on emotional responses.

Stop responding and he will find his place.

Actually your pajeet bro derailed this thread. I am only responding to his cow urine drunkenness.

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