Indian auto industry started developing in a big way from like 2002-2003 onwards, which was pretty much the height of globalization, literally 20 years after the end of cold war, you have no idea what you are talking about. Before that all we had was maruti 800 and ambassador.
In any case, lungiland has none of the ills that India has - no Modi/BJP, no import substitution policies, so why aren't you manufacturing anything more than chaddi and why is there no automotive or electronics industry in your country? Its easy to use big words that you learnt in first year economics course and rant about the benefits of neo classical policies like free trade, low taxes and all that crap, but empirical evidence shows that free trade has benefitted only a handful of countries. If removing taxes and free trade was solution to everything, Africa, Latin america, Lungiland etc would all be producing goods, instead its just China and a couple of more places.
I shit into the brahmaputra river and you Lungis drink the same water . India has rockets, but no toilet. You Lungis have neither rockets nor toilets plus you are the most ugly race of people in the world, so we are still better of
As I said you don't seem educated, neither you have a reasonable IQ which is understandable given that you are an Indian.
Your questions could easily be answered with a simple googling without asking to be spoon fed.
Talking about empirical evidence, poojeets can now afford two-meals a day and don't have to starve to death like that during the Cold War era and it happened only because of the economic liberalization in 1990s. The same reason why Bangladeshis have a far higher living standard than poojeets.