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Of course, you are right here. You or I aren't in that cheapo class of Indians, so relax.

But India is definitely #1 country in terms of poon-viewing, of course, population is the reason. But we are certainly ahead of China.

Just to be clear, I'm not against **** viewing. I think as long as a person is an adult, it is their right to consume media they see fit, as long as its not pedophillic, rape vidoes or snuff films. Consenting adults making films for consenting viewers is the key here.
But Its illegal in India from what I understand.
So how are these stats about India being the #1 country in terms of vieweship coming from?
@Shantanu_Left where are you getting your stats from?
Just to be clear, I'm not against **** viewing. I think as long as a person is an adult, it is their right to consume media they see fit, as long as its not pedophillic, rape vidoes or snuff films. Consenting adults making films for consenting viewers is the key here.
But Its illegal in India from what I understand.
So how are these stats about India being the #1 country in terms of vieweship coming from?
@Shantanu_Left where are you getting your stats from?

India isn't #1.
Thats expected ,now govt should have a meeting with all non Chinese phone makers and find out how long it will take them to replace the Chinese phone makers and make in India based on that ,next target should be Chinese brand phones .

For what? Chinese brands do more production than so called Indian brands. Their manufacturing gives more job to Indians and taxes to govt. As long as they are made in India if should be fine. Though they should be banned for govt personnel's.
You're no different than the delusional Indians who came before you.

India in:

1947: Pakistan will join us in a few weeks *proceeds to lose half of Kashmir*
1965: We will invade Lahore with 100,000 men, and have breakfast there. *surrender at K.K, jeep of the idiot who said this captured and on display to this day*
1971: We have destroyed Pakistan *Pakistani soldiers sitting in Chamb, Bangladesh hates India now*
1980s: We will blitzkrieg Pakistan *Shits pants when Zia warns that Pakistan will wipe hinduism off the face of the Earth
1999: We will kick the porkij out of Kargil *chickens out, runs to USA to save them despite having 10x more men, equipment etc*
2001: We will annex Pakistan *Kills 2000 men mobilising at the speed of internet explorer, stands down when realises Pakistan is ready to conquer them with more men mobilised
2008: We will invade Pakistan *chickens out yet AGAIN because of PAF*
2016: We did a surgical strike *On nothing except what reputation they had left*
2019: Our raptor of the east is undefeatable, we will do sir jee kal strik on failed state *loses 2 planes, pilot paraded around and beat up by Kashmiris. Chickens out yet again, kills 6 of own people and a heli*
2020:| Pakistan will be annexed by India *loses half of Kashmir again?*

Hey you stopped with 2020... Pls be innovative... Atleast I turned relation from bitter to sweet... Be positive hero, first try with your name
@Shantanu_Left where are you getting your stats from?

Just to be clear, I'm not against **** viewing. I think as long as a person is an adult, it is their right to consume media they see fit, as long as its not pedophillic, rape vidoes or snuff films. Consenting adults making films for consenting viewers is the key here.
But Its illegal in India from what I understand.
So how are these stats about India being the #1 country in terms of vieweship coming from?
@Shantanu_Left where are you getting your stats from?


You may be against it but there is a not so minority in India that disagrees with you.
Except farting, CCP & PLA is not gonna do much,
if you are expecting much more, you lot will end up in a smelly situation..
Your pm accepted that China is in their own land means all capture area are now Chinese. What is more humiliating than this. Sacrifice of poor 20 souls go in vain.
Unfortunately that link isn't showing the right article, could be my cookies. Can you please post the article or video here?
Shocker after Telangana rape and murder case: Rape victim’s name ‘trends’ on **** sites as most searched video

Not willing to believe that humanity could stoop so low, some Twitter users verified the claims themselves.

2 December, 2019
OpIndia Staff

After police encounter, Hyderabad victim's father says his daughter's soul found peace today
In what can be seen as a glimpse into the perverse minds, the Telangana rape victim’s name is on the top of ‘trends’ in search results for video clips on **** websites. A screenshot had gone viral on social media where the Hyderabad rape victim’s name was most searched for ‘video clips’ to check whether any video clips of the heinous crime have been uploaded on **** websites.

Rape victim’s name top search word on **** website XVideos.com (image: @purpleproze on Twitter)
The body of the young veterinarian Dr Preeti Reddy (name changed) was found charred in Telangana’s Hyderabad where she was dumped after brutally gang raped by four men. The brutality of the case has sent shockwaves across India. However, the perversion of trying to look for the video clip of the brutal rape on **** sites is disgusting beyond words. This when neither the confession of the accused nor any police statement mentions any possibility of the culprits video recording the same.

Read: Hyderabad Rape Case: The accused were under influence of alcohol, confessed to their crimes, says police remand report

Not willing to believe that humanity could stoop so low, some Twitter users verified the claims themselves.

27-year-old Dr Preeti Reddy (name changed) was returning home from work a little after 8 pm to pick her vehicle, she noticed a flat tire. She immediately called her sister, who suggested that she leave her two-wheeler at the toll plaza and take a cab home. Before she could that, two of the accused, Muhammad Ali and Chenna Keshavulu, approached her, who offered to take her vehicle for repair. The woman was then ambushed and dragged into the bushes by the accused barely 50 meters from Tondupally toll plaza behind a line of trucks that was parked near the road. She was forcefully fed whiskey and brutally raped repeatedly before she was killed by strangulation. The accused wrapped her in a blanket and set her dead body on fire. Her charred body was found under an underpass next morning.

I couldn't copy the entire article.
Shocker after Telangana rape and murder case: Rape victim’s name ‘trends’ on **** sites as most searched video

Not willing to believe that humanity could stoop so low, some Twitter users verified the claims themselves.

2 December, 2019
OpIndia Staff

After police encounter, Hyderabad victim's father says his daughter's soul found peace today
In what can be seen as a glimpse into the perverse minds, the Telangana rape victim’s name is on the top of ‘trends’ in search results for video clips on **** websites. A screenshot had gone viral on social media where the Hyderabad rape victim’s name was most searched for ‘video clips’ to check whether any video clips of the heinous crime have been uploaded on **** websites.

Rape victim’s name top search word on **** website XVideos.com (image: @purpleproze on Twitter)
The body of the young veterinarian Dr Preeti Reddy (name changed) was found charred in Telangana’s Hyderabad where she was dumped after brutally gang raped by four men. The brutality of the case has sent shockwaves across India. However, the perversion of trying to look for the video clip of the brutal rape on **** sites is disgusting beyond words. This when neither the confession of the accused nor any police statement mentions any possibility of the culprits video recording the same.

Read: Hyderabad Rape Case: The accused were under influence of alcohol, confessed to their crimes, says police remand report

Not willing to believe that humanity could stoop so low, some Twitter users verified the claims themselves.

27-year-old Dr Preeti Reddy (name changed) was returning home from work a little after 8 pm to pick her vehicle, she noticed a flat tire. She immediately called her sister, who suggested that she leave her two-wheeler at the toll plaza and take a cab home. Before she could that, two of the accused, Muhammad Ali and Chenna Keshavulu, approached her, who offered to take her vehicle for repair. The woman was then ambushed and dragged into the bushes by the accused barely 50 meters from Tondupally toll plaza behind a line of trucks that was parked near the road. She was forcefully fed whiskey and brutally raped repeatedly before she was killed by strangulation. The accused wrapped her in a blanket and set her dead body on fire. Her charred body was found under an underpass next morning.

I couldn't copy the entire article.

Absolutely disgusting and horrible.

Again, there is no words to describe this and I feel shame as an Indian that this happened in my country.
Nonethless, my point stands with regards to generalizing this to ALL Indians.
The ones that are searching for these are no less animals than the ones that raped and murdered this poor woman. They should be hunted with passion.

Again, please go through my last post....
I have stated that **** as a media is acceptable when its made by Consenting adults to be viewed by Consenting adults.
This is clearly not that case.

Hope I addressed your question.

EDIT: I just realized you were referring to **** being available in India. As far as I know, it is banned. I do not live in India so I cannot confirm, hence my question to @Shantanu_Left how he got the figure of India being the #1 **** viewing country in the world. Assuming people are using VPN, but that doesn't explain the indian flag in the screenshot.
Absolutely disgusting and horrible.

Again, there is no words to describe this and I feel shame as an Indian that this happened in my country.
Nonethless, my point stands with regards to generalizing this to ALL Indians.
The ones that are searching for these are no less animals than the ones that raped and murdered this poor woman. They should be hunted with passion.

Again, please go through my last post....
I have stated that **** as a media is acceptable when its made by Consenting adults to be viewed by Consenting adults.
This is clearly not that case.

Hope I addressed your question.

My point is that you don't get something like this trending without a considerable amount of degenerates. I understand your point but there is definitely an abnormal amount of disgusting habits in regards to sexual misconduct in India when compared to other countries.
My point is that you don't get something like this trending without a considerable amount of degenerates. I understand your point but there is definitely an abnormal amount of disgusting habits in regards to sexual misconduct in India when compared to other countries.

I'm not going to defend these animals.
They give all Indians a bad name. Here I'm at loss of words.

Hope you understand that my battle is to separate the grain from the chaff, unfortunately, any argument I make in favor of the grain would only paint me as defending this sub human scum. So I will bow out and just curl up in shame for the act of these people.
Truly cringeworthy
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