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I don't have to prove anything, the fetish over Arabs goes beyond ****, so much so a certain right wing Indian user told me in detail what he would do to Arab women, If he ever found any nearby.

I suggest you look up Arab **** and then check the comments section and if possible look up the users who make comments, you will have your answer there.

Besides, you are taking it out of context for whatever reason, it's almost as If you feel offended at the thought that Indians may have an Arab fetish.

It is one of the more tamer fetishes, absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Sanghi extremists hate Arabs (read Muslims) but they love Muslim women, you want proof for this too ?

I can't post it on here, just open social media comments section where sanghis talk about Arabs and fair skinned Muslims.

You're offended over me making a statement that I know is true and now you're asking me to prove it, but me proving it would only serve to antagonise you further.

80% of my friends growing up were Indian, I'm speaking from experience not powers of clairvoyance nor do I make fictitious claims.

my issue with you is making statements based on anecdotal experiences using a minute subset of Indians who happen to be your friends and extrapolating that to make it a trend for a majority of Indian. Let me make it clear that you don’t have enough friends nor have enough evidence based in statistics to prove your point, yet are banging on about it like some gospel truth.

not an uncommon tactic among the forumers here.

and trust me, I’m thick skinned. I would encourage you to post stats to prove your claim and I will be more than happy to accept. There will be no offense taken on my end.
But you do seem triggered by the fact that I’m calling out your BS stats.
I don't have to prove anything, the fetish over Arabs goes beyond ****, so much so a certain right wing Indian user told me in detail what he would do to Arab women, If he ever found any nearby.

I suggest you look up Arab **** and then check the comments section and if possible look up the users who make comments, you will have your answer there.

Besides, you are taking it out of context for whatever reason, it's almost as If you feel offended at the thought that Indians may have an Arab fetish.

It is one of the more tamer fetishes, absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Sanghi extremists hate Arabs (read Muslims) but they love Muslim women, you want proof for this too ?

I can't post it on here, just open social media comments section where sanghis talk about Arabs and fair skinned Muslims.

You're offended over me making a statement that I know is true and now you're asking me to prove it, but me proving it would only serve to antagonise you further.

80% of my friends growing up were Indian, I'm speaking from experience not powers of clairvoyance nor do I make fictitious claims.


Trust me on this one as well. This Bangladeshi super-pimp is absolutely correct about a certain class of our Desi tharkis. You also know it very well but you're pretending to be innocent.
I don't have to prove anything, the fetish over Arabs goes beyond ****, so much so a certain right wing Indian user told me in detail what he would do to Arab women, If he ever found any nearby.

I suggest you look up Arab **** and then check the comments section and if possible look up the users who make comments, you will have your answer there.

Besides, you are taking it out of context for whatever reason, it's almost as If you feel offended at the thought that Indians may have an Arab fetish.

It is one of the more tamer fetishes, absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Sanghi extremists hate Arabs (read Muslims) but they love Muslim women, you want proof for this too ?

I can't post it on here, just open social media comments section where sanghis talk about Arabs and fair skinned Muslims.

You're offended over me making a statement that I know is true and now you're asking me to prove it, but me proving it would only serve to antagonise you further.

80% of my friends growing up were Indian, I'm speaking from experience not powers of clairvoyance nor do I make fictitious claims.

Dude, slow down. I get your points, and agree with many of them.

@Peshwa is a local Marathi-speaking Goan. We both might need his help when you get arrested for delivering my consignment. :cheesy: He is probably a few posts away from joining "Team Shantanu." A resourceful person.

my issue with you is making statements based on anecdotal experiences using a minute subset of Indians who happen to be your friends and extrapolating that to make it a trend for a majority of Indian. Let me make it clear that you don’t have enough friends nor have enough evidence based in statistics to prove your point, yet are banging on about it like some gospel truth.

not an uncommon tactic among the forumers here.

and trust me, I’m thick skinned. I would encourage you to post stats to prove your claim and I will be more than happy to accept. There will be no offense taken on my end.
But you do seem triggered by the fact that I’m calling out your BS stats.

Uncommon tactic ?

Try harder, I'm not one to mince words, If I want to bash India, I will do so openly and over more pressing topics than their fetishes.

How about you calm down and ease on with the disgruntlement.

Trust me on this one as well. This Bangladeshi super-pimp is absolutely correct about a certain class of our Desi tharkis. You also know it very well but you're pretending to be innocent.

Again, a "certain class of our desis" is the key term here.

Indians (in general) don't have this fetish, SOME Indians do.

The same way some Indians are rapist, not all Indians are rapist because YOU too then fall under that category.

Learn to understand the importance of making statements that are based in reality than using blanket statements for a nation of 1.3 billion Indians.
Again, a "certain class of our desis" is the key term here.

Indians (in general) don't have this fetish, SOME Indians do.

The same way some Indians are rapist, not all Indians are rapist because YOU too then fall under that category.

Learn to understand the importance of making statements that are based in reality than using blanket statements for a nation of 1.3 billion Indians.

Of course, you are right here. You or I aren't in that cheapo class of Indians, so relax.

But India is definitely #1 country in terms of poon-viewing, of course, population is the reason. But we are certainly ahead of China.
Again, a "certain class of our desis" is the key term here.

Indians (in general) don't have this fetish, SOME Indians do.

The same way some Indians are rapist, not all Indians are rapist because YOU too then fall under that category.

Learn to understand the importance of making statements that are based in reality than using blanket statements for a nation of 1.3 billion Indians.

I understand your point but I never said 1.3 billion Indians watch ****, you're taking things out of context.

I'm referring expressly to Indians who watch ****.

Among Indians who watch ****, Arab fetish is a thing, and Mia khalifa was very popular in India.

Considering India has more **** viewers than the population of some countries, it is not hard to surmise that Mia khalifa got a huge chunk of her viewership from India.
Uncommon tactic ?

Try harder, I'm not one to mince words, If I want to bash India, I will do so openly and over more pressing topics than their fetishes.

How about you calm down and ease on with the disgruntlement.

Well at least you're honest about your intentions. Everything your write from here will be in that context keeping your bias in mind.
Clearly when you have an agenda, a self fulfilling prophecy on your end is expected.

You're here to bash India, I'm here to make sure that you bash us for the right reasons (which a lot of us do as well) and not make India a whipping boy for every fucking whim that comes to your mind based on your limited experience.

You can continue, my purpose here is served.
Well at least you're honest about your intentions. Everything your write from here will be in that context keeping your bias in mind.
Clearly when you have an agenda, a self fulfilling prophecy on your end is expected.

You're here to bash India, I'm here to make sure that you bash us for the right reasons (which a lot of us do as well) and not make India a whipping boy for every fucking whim that comes to your mind based on your limited experience.

You can continue, my purpose here is served.

I'm not here to bash India.

Get that India out of your head, it's very convenient that I'm bashing India.

Instead of accepting the reality.

Infact, I'm one of the few Bangladeshi users on here, who doesn't view India negativily.

I take flak from Pakistanis for not bashing India and for asking them to ease of the criticism of Hinduism.

So I find your accusations quite disturbing, they couldn't be far from reality.
I take flak from Pakistanis for not bashing India and for asking them to ease of the criticism of Hinduism.


That part is true. I have seen it quite a few times myself. He has very progressive views on Hindu religion. He's fought off some of the Pakistani posters here who were bashing Hinduism.
I understand your point but I never said 1.3 billion Indians watch ****, you're taking things out of context.

I'm referring expressly to Indians who watch ****.

Among Indians who watch ****, Arab fetish is a thing, and Mia khalifa was very popular in India.

Considering India has more **** viewers than the population of some countries, it is not hard to surmise that Mia khalifa got a huge chunk of her viewership from India.

Understood. Lets move on.
You have your point based in your experiences, I disagree.
We can leave it there.

We're good here, I was just taken aback by his accusation that I'm bashing India.

Speaking about India's shortfalls isn't equal to bashing India, you are free to critique my country as well.

But alas many PDF users have made it a habit of throwing around veiled insults so I understand where he is coming from.

But that wasn't my intention, If I'm out to bash a country, I will do so openly and not on a childish topic such as India's many **** fetishes.

Anyhow, the exchange was civil and we reached an amicable settlement by agreeing to disagree.

End of Story.
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