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India assisting neighbours in science education, communication

I guess you haven't heard and read about real India.
I live in India so know much better.
Or prove me something here. :lil:

Lolzz on you again , pakistani per capita electrical output is less than half of India.
You're humiliating yourself. :lol:

World Bank must also be a Pakistani organisation to you then.
Yep, reports of pakistani organization WB:
at 1.9$/day
Indian poverty ratio declines to 12.4%
Declined to 14.7% at 2$ a day.
These are reports of pakistani organization world bank.
Pakistani members have left bashing India after watching these reports long ago, now, better to include yourself in them.

I guess you haven't heard and read about real India.
I live in India so know much better.
Or prove me something here. :lil:

Lolzz on you again , pakistani per capita electrical output is less than half of India.
You're humiliating yourself. :lol:

World Bank must also be a Pakistani organisation to you then.
Yep, reports of pakistani organization WB:
at 1.9$/day
Indian poverty ratio declines to 12.4%
Declined to 14.7% at 2$ a day.
These are reports of pakistani organization world bank.
Pakistani members have left bashing India after watching these reports long ago, now, better to include yourself in them.

That member is self hating one, recent developments in India is causing butt hurt.

Also a racist, self righteous, egoistic, delusional about history, hatred about India based on religious teaching, etc etc
Bro, don't take PDF seriously. We Indians come here only because of one reason.
Here is :
Thousands of crores are being spent to create schools outside India when the country itself lacks schools.

Your question is a valid question...But again, just because, we can not provide eduction to all, that does not mean we will not any other thing..At any point of time in future too, India can not afford to provide everything to all of our citizen...This is India bro..where 150 crore people survive...And that does not mean, rest of the thing will wait for ever till all the baisic necessities are fulfilled.
Your question is a valid question...But again, just because, we can not provide eduction to all, that does not mean we will not any other thing..At any point of time in future too, India can not afford to provide everything to all of our citizen...This is India bro..where 150 crore people survive...And that does not mean, rest of the thing will wait for ever till all the baisic necessities are fulfilled.
It's budgeting. Plain and simple. There are two kinds of people who don't get it.

1. Those who are dumb enough not to understand it.
2. Those who simply want to argue for argument's sake.
That member is self hating one, recent developments in India is causing butt hurt.

Also a racist, self righteous, egoistic, delusional about history, hatred about India based on religious teaching, etc etc

The recent floods in chennai has made the madrasis deprived of food and hunger induced delusions. Go eat first, PDF is not your first priority.

I live in India so know much better.
Or prove me something here. :lil:


This is the condition of schools in India you troll.

Lolzz on you again , pakistani per capita electrical output is less than half of India.

And what has Pakistan got to do here?

I live in India so know much better.
Or prove me something here. :lil:

You know nothing.

Yep, reports of pakistani organization WB:
at 1.9$/day
Indian poverty ratio declines to 12.4%
Declined to 14.7% at 2$ a day.
These are reports of pakistani organization world bank.
Pakistani members have left bashing India after watching these reports long ago, now, better to include yourself in them.

What is the population of India and how much would be 12.4 percent?

Over 70 percent of India's population lives below poverty line you fool.

Your question is a valid question...But again, just because, we can not provide eduction to all, that does not mean we will not any other thing..At any point of time in future too, India can not afford to provide everything to all of our citizen...This is India bro..where 150 crore people survive...And that does not mean, rest of the thing will wait for ever till all the baisic necessities are fulfilled.

Let India spend 100,000 crores on foreign missions. But you don't give charity to your neighbours when your own children are starving to death. Indian schools are fighting for basic items like chalk, blackboards, pencils etc. Never mind things called roof on the ceiling and other basic infrastructure. India needs to spend the money on their children who are the future of this country. Such moves are political moves and must not be encouraged.
The recent floods in chennai has made the madrasis deprived of food and hunger induced delusions. .
How many? What percentage of India and pakistan has to suffer. We are ranked much better at disaster management scale.
Go eat first, PDF is not your first priority
India has enough food production to feed our and poor allies people. Much better than yours. :lol:
Plus PDF isn't my priority. We have much mature forums to discuss issues.
PDF is just for fun.

This is the condition of schools in India you troll.
This is slum school and now you have to think about picture of your country. Because Pakistan is ranked below Somalia on education. Your daily school are like our slums. :omghaha:

And what has Pakistan got to do here?
Nothing, neither I asked any Pakistani reply. It was you who loves to be insulted. :lol:

You know nothing.
Proves you are stupid. :lol:

Goddamn, madarsaa education is really harmful for human minds. :D

What is the population of India and how much would be 12.4 percent?
Much lesser than 88.6% non poor people.
If we have high poverty in numbers, we have very high number of non poor and resources. :lol:
You don't need to troll.
Over 70 percent of India's population lives below poverty line you fool.
I knew the pakistanis are Grade A lunatics but at this extend. OMG!!!!
I don't know about Madarssa statistics but this is real list. :lol:
List of countries by percentage of population living below poverty line- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let India spend 100,000 crores on foreign missions.
lie no. 1. That will be equal to Chinese economy. :lol:
But you don't give charity to your neighbours
Lie no. 2 We aid everyone also Pakistan but Pakistan denied our aid.
when your own children are starving to death.
Lie no. 3 I won't site data again and again.
Indian schools are fighting for basic items like chalk, blackboards, pencils etc. Never mind things called roof on the ceiling and other basic infrastructure.
Lie no. 4
How many of such schools exist in yours and my country. Take the ratio, India is better than any developing country and you rank below Bangladesh.
India needs to spend the money on their children who are the future of this country.
We invest much higher than any country in both percentage and numbers.
Such moves are political moves and must not be encouraged.
They must be encouraged because India's interest lies in helping small nations. India is fastly emerging and wants to give its advantage to friends. Nothing wrong in it.
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How many? What percentage of India and pakistan has to suffer. We are ranked much better at disaster management scale.

Tell that to the Madrasis.

This is slum school and now you have to think about picture of your country. Because Pakistan is ranked below Somalia on education. Your daily school are like our slums.

Your comments show your level.
Tell that to the Madrasis.
No need to that, Madrass is well educated and knows everything.
You should care about those hundreds of Pakistanis who come Madras's for high education and degree. :partay: If surprised then check data, how many Pakilanders have to come India for education.

Your comments show your level.
Same to you. :D
No need to that, Madrass is well educated and knows everything.

How educated are you? I typed Madrasi, not Madrasa.

You should care about those hundreds of Pakistanis who come Madras's for high education and degree. :partay: If surprised then check data, how many Pakilanders have to come India for education.

And what do you think my nationality is you dumb oaf?
I also typed Madrass not Madrsaa so check your eyesight.

It is Madras not Madrass, re-educate yourself. Very poor education, seems like you need the funds more.

I don't have to think, your pakistaniyat is overflowing from your replies.

Know your limits kid, you don't have the authority to guess people's nationality. Mind your own business.
It is Madras not Madrass, re-educate yourself. Very poor education, seems like you need the funds more.
New Name is Chennai and I've not cited old name long ago, so may be a mistake. But here's question, why you did consider it Madarsa before?

Know your limits kid, you don't have the authority to guess people's nationality. Mind your own business.
You also not have to guess any country's conditions specially when you know nothing about them.
Come to India first, you'll know that.
India neds to upgrade its educational infrastructure first. Many schools are closing down because of lack of funds, schools remain shut because their roof cannot shelter them from rain. These steps are diplomatic incentives and nothing more.
Kerala was once top in education but the all pass system has made a stupid civilization

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