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Only a pakistani have a special mathematical technique to lift 12.4% Indian poverty to 70%. :omghaha:
Now, please no more drama.
We know you are not Indian, and see, you have to now pretend like Indian because your country has now nothing to show against India.
You guys can only make tall claims about Indian poverty but can't prove a $hit.
Your jealousy ruined my thread completely . Now, only one thing will happen here.
A pakistani will speak, an Indian will laugh :lol:
or just a pakistani speaks nobody cares. :haha:
That's all now. :sarcastic:

So according to you poverty does not exist in India?
B@stards are not RSS.. It is you and your family members.. Post reported for using abusive language..

RSS are b@stards who have created an atmposhere of fear and violence in India and I will keep saying this again and again. And don't show your pathetic family background and poor upbringing by using these words. Good thing you called the mods, may be a short break from PDF will teach you some manners.

And who are you to point out that.?? **** or Chinki PM??

Do me a favor, keep posting more jargon like this and may be you will be off on a long vacation.

Guys, Pls Ignore this patriot troll.. His only job role is to bash anything and everything that is Indian.. So Ignoring him is the best way showing him middle finger.. So pls ignore him or anyone who supports him...

Then don't come to PDF.

hey @Hafizzz please man you need a brake you are becoming too exposed

Who is @Hafizzz

And how does a newbie like you who joined yesterday know about hafizz, how many times were you banned before you came with this new ID?

According to me, it exista in much lesser proportion as moron like you claims.

It exists in much larger proportion than a retard like you imagines.

India has the largest slum of Asia, hundreds of millions are living below poverty line but your eyes are filled with bollywood star dust.
RSS are b@stards who have created an atmposhere of fear and violence in India and I will keep saying this again and again. And don't show your pathetic family background and poor upbringing by using these words. Good thing you called the mods, may be a short break from PDF will teach you some manners.

Do me a favor, keep posting more jargon like this and may be you will be off on a long vacation.

Then don't come to PDF.

Who is @Hafizzz

And how does a newbie like you who joined yesterday know about hafizz, how many times were you banned before you came with this new ID?

It exists in much larger proportion than a retard like you imagines.

India has the largest slum of Asia, hundreds of millions are living below poverty line but your eyes are filled with bollywood star dust.
if i joined a few days back does that means i dont visit as a guest here is it mandatory to be member only to come on PDF ?
Stop lying, the mods will know what to do with you if you break rules or cross the line.
why would mods onli look at me you are not an indian but keep trolling on every indian thread even often with 0% of knowledge about the subject of thread .
It exists in much larger proportion than a retard like you imagines.
I have sources for my data your one is imaginated.
Prove what you are saying. :D
Anyway, I can.understand how pakilanders are.feeling these days.

India has the largest slum of Asia,
But in size, not in proportion with population.
hundreds of millions are living below poverty line
thousands of millions are living above poverty line. :D
but your eyes are filled with bollywood star dust.
No, those are stuck to my colony. If you really watched Bollywood films, you will know that actually Bollywood projects some poor parts of India which remain isolated from majority of India.
pakistanis watch usually Bollywood films and start thinking that all of India is like that.
As told before, change your username to reflect your nationality. :D
Point out where I have been trolling.
where not?
I have sources for my data your one is imaginated.
Prove what you are saying. :D
Anyway, I can.understand how pakilanders are.feeling these days.

What a troll

The Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011, which hit the headlines earlier this month, tells us that half the households in rural India are landless,dependant on casual manual labour, and live in deprivation. By suggesting that poverty in India is worse than previously estimated, it has again triggered the old debate about the right way to count the poor.

SECC's report on poverty in India - The Hindu

But in size, not in proportion with population.


thousands of millions are living above poverty line.

thousands of millions would be more than a billion you troll.

No, those are stuck to my colony. If you really watched Bollywood films, you will know that actually Bollywood projects some poor parts of India which remain isolated from majority of India.
pakistanis watch usually Bollywood films and start thinking that all of India is like that.
As told before, change your username to reflect your nationality.

Change your flag, you embarass my country with your stupidity.
India has the largest slum of Asia,

Utter BS.The largest slum in Asia is in Karachi.


The Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011, which hit the headlines earlier this month, tells us that half the households in rural India are landless,dependant on casual manual labour, and live in deprivation. By suggesting that poverty in India is worse than previously estimated, it has again triggered the old debate about the right way to count the poor.

SECC's report on poverty in India - The Hindu

Utter BS.Refer WB data.

The Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011, which hit the headlines earlier this month, tells us that half the households in rural India are landless,dependant on casual manual labour, and live in deprivation. By suggesting that poverty in India is worse than previously estimated, it has again triggered the old debate about the right way to count the poor.

SECC's report on poverty in India - The Hindu

Utter BS.Refer WB

thousands of million

According to 2011-12 data,India had a poverty rate of 21%.That puts a billion Indians above poverty line.
Utter BS.The largest slum in Asia is in Karachi.
Before he goes on to mention India has highest number slum dwellers


In absolute numbers, China is the country with the most slum dwellers in the world (180
million), followed by India (104 million), while the highest proportion of urban
population living in slums belongs to Central African Republic with 96%, (State of the
World Cities Report, 2012/13).

just in case ;)
Utter BS.The largest slum in Asia is in Karachi.

View attachment 277959

Utter BS.Refer WB data.

Utter BS.Refer WB

According to 2011-12 data,India had a poverty rate of 21%.That puts a billion Indians above poverty line.
Guys stop responding him.. He'll troll for few more minutes and then when no one listens to him or care to respond him, he'll vanish on his own.. @Syama Ayas @gslv mk3 @Bad Guy
"I remember a story said in my village, about barking dogs and pedestrians on the road.. If you start responding to barking dog, it will bark more and more and barking will only get increased, where as you just ignore it and walk, it will bark for few minutes but then it will eventually goes away.. That story fits this case exactly..
Hereafter I'm not going to respond, even if he quotes me, and I expect you guys to do the same.. This is the best way to get rid of trolls..
Anyway guys, what a ch*tiyappa is him. Our media has habit to bash our country to make India better ut idiots like @Indian Patriot start thinking that India is $hithole like pakistan. :D
Guys stop responding him.. He'll troll for few more minutes and then when no one listens to him or care to respond him, he'll vanish on his own.. @Syama Ayas @gslv mk3 @Bad Guy
"I remember a story said in my village, about barking dogs and pedestrians on the road.. If you start responding to barking dog, it will bark more and more and barking will only get increased, where as you just ignore it and walk, it will bark for few minutes but then it will eventually goes away.. That story fits this case exactly..
Hereafter I'm not going to respond, even if he quotes me, and I expect you guys to do the same.. This is the best way to get rid of trolls..

You are right, Indian trolls in PDF are nothing more than barking dogs who start shouting when facts hit them hard on their face.

just in case

A fallacy by you. Somalia has lesss people under poverty than India, does that make Somalia richer? Somalia has less population and thus their numbers below poverty line will also be less.

Anyway guys, what a ch*tiyappa is him. Our media has habit to bash our country to make India better ut idiots like @Indian Patriot start thinking that India is $hithole like pakistan.

Mind your language. You might be talking like this at your home, this is a public forum and some amount of basic decency is expected from posters.

And if Pakistan is such a $hithole like you claim what are you doing in PDF?

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