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India and Pakistan will destroy their own people if they use nuclear bombs and missiles

Probability of nukes war between India and Pakistan is very less, but probability of nukes falling into the hand of extremist is high.
leme tell u 1 thing and that is ( INDIA, Russia , AND UNCLE SAM )
lost NUKES
Breach in Nuclear facilities,
Plane with Nukes gone missing
Plane with nuke crashed
Scientists missing
who had most problem with its nuclear facilities not Pakistan
has this every happened in Pakistan so how you guys can point finger on Pakistan on the other side its your facilities having the breach
I am not insulting Idol Worshippers, I simply stated that that's what you where until the abdalis and Durranis came.

And what were the abdalis and durranis before that, Buddhist, fire worshippers, Islam brought itself to these lands the above just came for the loot.
With all the rhetoric, India and Pakistan are like Iran and Iraq.

They can attack other, get inside the border by 5 miles and then bogged down in a stalemate for 5 days.

Then some gora country comes and puts the brown people back into their places.

Even though Indian intellectuals love to paint the scenarios of Indian army cat-walking into Pakistan, it will not happen.

Same thing is true about Pakistani army getting into Indian side for more than few miles.

For the ultimate defeat of the enemy that you all talk about will take months long bloody nose slog through towns and villages.

Even if somehow WMDs are not in the picture.

So please avoid posing scenarios like Pakistan on the verge of losing conventional war. These are terrible questions, or perhaps plain old $tupid questions.

Thank you

It is not realistic to see Indian army getting threatened in conventional war.

Threatened for what?

That we will go 5 yards inside their border?

As I said earlier

India and Pakistan are like Iraq and Iran. They can go few miles inside the other country. Then bogg down in a stalemate for few days until a gora comes in and says

--- Oh brown people, peechay hatto. Chalo chalo, apnay ghar ko jao. :lol:

yeah me too.

What the heck is this cold war and partnership with USA.

Why on earth we latch on to these stories.

I know that an outright victory for either India or Pakistan in a war with each other is quite impossible.

But if there are no scruples attached with the will to use an atomic bomb, even a miscommunication during a possible war(quite common owing to the propaganda machinery on both sides) might lead to their usage. It's this scenario that I feel is a distinct possibility.
Silly pakistani dawoos, still trying to associate yourself with Arabs and Persians. :rofl: Just remember who brought Islam to your people when you where still worshipping idols(no offence to Indian friends).

Ahh, i love our little Afghan/Pakistan interactions...

I know that an outright victory for either India or Pakistan in a war with each other is quite impossible.

Thank you. I wanted to hear that.


But if there are no scruples attached with the will to use an atomic bomb,.

Our lands are sacred.

Talking about its destruction and death of millions upon millions is something one should not be discussing. Even if remotely.

I fail to see why more Indians are not standing up to nuclear genie and protesting against it.

I just completely fail.

Is that most of the Indian intellectuals live in USA and thus safe from the scenarios you are painting?

Or they think that just being in Mumbai will be far enough from the war.

Both of these assumptions cannot be true. At least for majority of 1.2+ billion Indians. They cannot be.

So why there is no extreme revulsion against the preparation and the use of nukes in the context of India and Pakistan.

Why there is no loathing?

Why no one cries in horror at the scenarios you so nonchalantly pose.

Thank you. I wanted to hear that.

Our lands are sacred.

Talking about its destruction and death of millions upon millions is something one should not be discussing. Even if remotely.

I fail to see why more Indians are not standing up to nuclear genie and protesting against it.

I just completely fail.

Is that most of the Indian intellectuals live in USA and thus safe from the scenarios you are painting?

Or they think that just being in Mumbai will be far enough from the war.

Both of these assumptions cannot be true. At least for majority of 1.2+ billion Indians. They cannot be.

So why there is no extreme revulsion against the preparation and the use of nukes in the context of India and Pakistan.

Why there is no loathing?

Why no one cries in horror at the scenarios you so nonchalantly pose.


I think it's because of the 'glamour' associated with the Nukes. It's somehow entered everyone's heads that Nukes = Power & Prestige. India, for it's part, has laid down the No First Use policy and that cuts down the risk slightly of their usage.

But as long as a nuclear armed neighbour exists, neither India nor pakistan will give up their Nukes. This chain is in fact so torturous as China borders India and Russia borders China! A Global Disarmament Initiative might fetch some results, but I have no hopes on local disarmament drives in South Asia.
I think it's because of the 'glamour' associated with the Nukes. It's somehow entered everyone's heads that Nukes = Power & Prestige......

Well said my friend. Well said.


But as long as a nuclear armed neighbour exists, neither India nor pakistan will give up their Nukes. This chain is in fact so torturous as China borders India and Russia borders China! A Global Disarmament Initiative might fetch some results, but I have no hopes on local disarmament drives in South Asia.

Even though someday there may be some kind of nuclear disarmament.

But I am like you, not asking for it.

The only thing I ask my friend is to express our horror towards something that is so terrible for our region.

The only thing!
Thank you. I wanted to hear that.
I fail to see why more Indians are not standing up to nuclear genie and protesting against it.

Weaponizing natural attributes of any region/country is more deadly than nukes. In fact, in terms of magnitude nuke effects stand nowhere near the effects that the HAARP facility of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) could generate.

Since you are a historian, you may know how during the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Today, thanks to the advancement of scientific applications, monsoon can easily be manipulated from a remote place such as the Alaska.

Anyone familiar with the earth-science and meteorology understands what I am saying.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’

No, you don't need to press any red button and you can drastically change the ecology and landscape of any region, given the natural attributes of that region and the applicability of your facility. South Asian monsoon is the soft target as it only affects South Asia, particularly India, and no other region and thereby reducing the chance of collateral damage. South Asian monsoon operates alone and is not connected to others and so if you kill South Asian monsoon, you kill South Asia only.

Besides, with the HAARP, you can decide what kind of season you want to manufacture for a region you are sending an expedition to. You can strike anywhere with absolute impunity. When you have command over clouds, you are no less than god.

There cannot be any defense against the weaponized monsoon. Somewhere, humans are indeed helpless.
Precisely the reason why a nuclear Indo/Pak war will never happen.

You may wish that these weapons never existed. But the bitter truth is that they do, and scenarios need to be discussed every now and then. Warmongering is for the kids, one should discuss on how to avoid it, and thats possible only if both sides can assure unimaginable, mutually assured destruction.

Most fortunately on both sides mature people have control of the nukes & worst case scenario can be nukes falling into the hands of extremist
Indian congress, have a plan (public statement) to sacrifice Indian Punjab in exchange of nuking Pakistan.
Link or bust!

There was once a survey in India (posted on this forum), where every one was demanding to nuke Pakistan.
See above.

India feel threatened in in conventional war, due to superior training and physical endurance of Pakistani soldiers. They do not see any solution other than resorting to nukes.
You got a pretty good sense of humor! :omghaha: Because of your 'superior training and physical endurance' you go and lose all your wars with India!! Jeeez! :P :rofl: Proof of that? Well, Kashmir is still part of India and always will be in spite of your Op Grand Slams and Gibraltars! And then there was East Pakistan....Therefore your contention that Pakistani troops are superior to Indian soldiers is of no use to man or beast!

With your blind faith and ignorance, no wonder people like you are driving Pakistan into the rabbit hole. This post made you look pretty silly. Get real and smell the coffee!

And....Grow up.
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With all the rhetoric, India and Pakistan are like Iran and Iraq.

They can attack other, get inside the border by 5 miles and then bogged down in a stalemate for 5 days.

Then some gora country comes and puts the brown people back into their places.

Even though Indian intellectuals love to paint the scenarios of Indian army cat-walking into Pakistan, it will not happen.

Same thing is true about Pakistani army getting into Indian side for more than few miles.

For the ultimate defeat of the enemy that you all talk about will take months long bloody nose slog through towns and villages.

Even if somehow WMDs are not in the picture.

So please avoid posing scenarios like Pakistan on the verge of losing conventional war. These are terrible questions, or perhaps plain old $tupid questions.

Thank you

It is not realistic to see Indian army getting threatened in conventional war.

Threatened for what?

That we will go 5 yards inside their border?

As I said earlier

India and Pakistan are like Iraq and Iran. They can go few miles inside the other country. Then bogg down in a stalemate for few days until a gora comes in and says

--- Oh brown people, peechay hatto. Chalo chalo, apnay ghar ko jao. :lol:

yeah me too.

What the heck is this cold war and partnership with USA.

Why on earth we latch on to these stories.

dude nobody thinks like that,barring some rabble rousers.

I can assure you the right wingers with all our anger are amongst the most pragmatic of the people around.
Here's a video for those mad-hatters who talk of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan as though it is a walk in the park, a war that is winnable.

The bottom line is that we are all going to be dead, if not lucky enough to be killed instantly in the fireball, then in the months and years ahead, dying from starvation and a very painful end due to the horrific effects of nuclear radiation.

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Just look at your children before you even dare talking about pressing the red button and that will scare the hell out of you.

Those who's finger is on the red button are NOT drawn from discussion online forums and i always believe they are in NO hurry to press the button.

They dont have any reason to press it and fulfill the dream of outsiders
Actually If India need a war,they will do it after 2008 ,26/11.But India use a different method.Method of diplomacy and economy.Even pakistan provocate with fighters after days of 26/11.Indian maintain restraints.War is now an outdated word in India.Now GOI concentration is on economy.But after 26/11
India completely increase modernization.
And in case of diplomacy, India arrested kasab and peel of skin of pakistan ,by showing him to the world.Then hang him after making much disgrace to the pakistan.That is future response of India,a diplomatic war.
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