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India and Pakistan will destroy their own people if they use nuclear bombs and missiles


As a reference, this is what it will look like:
Those who's finger is on the red button are NOT drawn from discussion online forums and i always believe they are in NO hurry to press the button.

They dont have any reason to press it and fulfill the dream of outsiders

I beg to disagree.

Pakistani finger on red button was not going to press it back in 1990s.

Everyone in the government knew our economy will tank the moment we start the nukie bumb explosion.

But the street protests and street jingoism (not too different from the forums like PDF) forced that finger to press the button.


then we saw our economy go to the dogs


we still have not recovered.
As I respectfully said earlier

My Man man-mahon Singh Ji has made a rather childish statement if the quoted news is correct.

There is no scope of India winning a full fledged war against Pakistan either.

So let the hawks sleep on both sides

Let the doves fly for peace sakes ( for crying out loud)
My opinion is not very different from that of yours, I was just trying to point to her that there are a few fools around with their hands on the trigger.

I beg to disagree.

Pakistani finger on red button was not going to press it back in 1990s.

Everyone in the government knew our economy will tank the moment we start the nukie bumb explosion.

But the street protests and street jingoism (not too different from the forums like PDF) forced that finger to press the button.


then we saw our economy go to the dogs


we still have not recovered.
That is exactly the point I was trying to make.
Let me ask you this.

If you are studying for a very big exam. in your house, in your room.

Then you hear dogs barking. What do you do.

Drop your books and start a 4 day long chase of the dogs.

or just ignore the barking and continue studying?

Pakistan too is in the middle of HUGE exam.

Everyone is saying that we will fail.

But we ought to ignore the negative voices

Keep on studying

Keep proving the naysayers wrong like we have done for 65+ years.

Hope you understand.

He is just a kid (based on his posting style)

You expect 5th graders to figure out the history and geography and current affairs?

Hope you understand.

Well said, Bhaijaan! Couldn't have made it any simpler to understand.
My opinion is not very different from that of yours, I was just trying to point to her that there are a few fools around with their hands on the trigger.

That is exactly the point I was trying to make.

You know what I am hoping that at least one (and hopefully more) Indian poster(s) would have the courage and say it was huge mistake to explode bombs next to Pakistani border in the 70s and then in the 90s.

Without all of our worts and weaknessess, we must not be childish, at least not with nukies.


Nukes are good. They prevent wars.

I beg to disagree.

Nukes just increase the jingoism in the nations that have them.

It becomes much easier for the hawks to say, let's use them and solve all the problems in one go.

Sort of microwaving your food.

May not be good for your health but it gets the job done quickly and in minutes.

And hence the analogy of nuking the food in microwave.

Hope you understand.
That's just red herring. Just a feel good ploy by the likes of Dr. Strangeglove.

Sorry to say.

Let us assume that what you say is right. Still we won't use against Pakistan because
1) we enjoy a huge conventional superiority over Pakistan
2) There are people in helm (Like me) Who have not forgotten that Pakistan was a Part of India 63 years back and we have soft corner for Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Let us assume that what you say is right. Still we won't use against Pakistan because
1) we enjoy a huge conventional superiority over Pakistan
2) There are people in helm (Like me) Who have not forgotten that Pakistan was a Part of India 63 years back and we have soft corner for Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I wish it is true.

But the guys who have their hand on the button have already pressed it twice (thankfully as practice) without any kind of provocation from Pakistan.

Hope you understand and take the situation a bit more seriously.

Thank you
I wish it is true.
But the guys who have their hand on the button have already pressed it twice (thankfully as practice) without any kind of provocation from Pakistan.

When did they press the button and what happened subsequently?

In fact we face a lot more threat of nukes from Pakistan. Every now and than Your army and senior official threat to nuke India or indirectly threats using any weapon in Pakistan arsenal.

The Wisdom you have shown in something very rare I have seen from any Pakistani. You can view the post of other pakistani poster yourself.
When did they press the button and what happened subsequently?

In fact we face a lot more threat of nukes from Pakistan. Every now and than Your army and senior official threat to nuke India or indirectly threats using any weapon in Pakistan arsenal.

The Wisdom you have shown in something very rare I have seen from any Pakistani. You can view the post of other pakistani poster yourself.
This forum is a larger version of Bigg boss (in some ways) where emotions run high, most dont mean a ot of things they say and a few nuts here and here.
Just think for a moment before starting childish discussions on nuke wars between India and Pakistan.
I just merely speculate and analyse diffrent scenarios. I am not a nuclear war advocate.
I have discussed Indo pak Nuclear exchange many times and it is quite true that incase of a full scale nuclear exchange; Nobody will be a winner; It is the worst concievable fate for the south asian people

@FaujHistorian I've always felt that the Pakistani security establishment isn't bluffing when it talks about first-use of nuclear weapons. Somehow find this suicidal streak does exist in them.

Do you think in case Pakistan is on the verge of losing a conventional war, it still will not use the nukes, or will it prefer going down & taking the enemy with it.

Obviously, India nuking Pak also amounts to suicide as the nuclear fallout will almost certainly impact Indian Northern & Western States.
Depends on the yeild and type of Burst ; type of device and even very uncertain factors such as wind speed..
oops here i go again:ashamed:
Here's a video for those mad-hatters who talk of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan as though it is a walk in the park, a war that is winnable.

The bottom line is that we are all going to be dead, if not lucky enough to be killed instantly in the fireball, then in the months and years ahead, dying from starvation and a very painful end due to the horrific effects of nuclear radiation.

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very emotional video; although i was expecting facts and some kind of realistic simualation :unsure:
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