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India and China


Aug 4, 2009
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I found this video on Youtube titled "Why India is better than China". Quite silly I must say, but I enjoyed it a lot. Worth a watch -

Opinion of others here?
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I found this video on Youtube titled "Why India is better than China". Quite silly I must say, but I enjoyed it a lot. Worth a watch -

mb34Lgrg8I4[/media] - Why India is better than China

Opinion of others here?

Yeah, these videos are really childish. If we want the Asian Century to come we need to work together AND against those who are using under-handed techniques against us. Just recently, there's the Blackwater-Xe mercinary/terrorists operating in Pakistan --- we need to work collectively to get them out. India & China will be Blackwater-Xe's next target. Time to blow those bastards to pieces :guns:
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I always enjoy Indian humor. In all honesty, Hindus are funny people - I like them very much! Their Bollywood is fun to watch. I think I'm one of the very few non-Indian fans of Bollywood. I like Hindi movies MUCH more than Hollywood flicks. Strange huh? :)
Pakistan,india,china really should solve the border issue peacefully,work together and aim at western,they creat most border issue in asia ,let us “kill” each other,then having the reason to come back and getting their own interest,it's pathetic lots of countries still can't figure this out but easily fall into their trick.iraq and guantanamo already told the world that they wounldn't give a damn about other people's lives or "human right" if they get what they want.
f***ing blinding asia
Pakistan,india,china really should solve the border issue peacefully,work together and aim at western,they creat most border issue in asia ,let us “kill” each other,then having the reason to come back and getting their own interest,it's pathetic lots of countries still can't figure this out but easily fall into their trick.iraq and guantanamo already told the world that they wounldn't give a damn about other people's lives or "human right" if they get what they want.
f***ing blinding asia

Asians aren't blind, most of us know this -- we've lived in peace together for thousands of years! The problem is from FOREIGNERS who instigate covert and overt under-handed actions against us and trying to get us to fight amongst ourselves.

Open forums like def.pk is very HELPFUL. It allows everyone to understand issues and discuss together. I learn a lot FROM and ABOUT other people from here. :smitten:
Agree with ya out of 25 points i think more than 16 point r valid and fact..

Which all do you think aren't valid?

The Chinese can argue that they have the longest continuous history in world and other forms of Chinese martial arts existed before Boddhidharma's arrival. But still.. I found all the points to be technically correct though.
Which all do you think aren't valid?

The question is not so much about validity but relevance.

Which points would help/hinder either country to become a superpower?

And which points are irrelevant?

I must admit I always have a tough time deciding between chicken tikka :smitten: and kung pao chicken :smitten:
Arguing over which country is 'better' is akin to folks arguing over which of their kids are better -- in that I mean parents have emotional attachments to their children, so in their eyes their children's faults are minimalized and virtues amplified.

Let me repeat, don't take what I said too seriously. Each person, each nation has something of value to offer. If I was Indian I would "feel" India is 'better' (even though I know what I know). Like I said, I like India very much. It's like two grown adults arguing over which child is "better". In this way, BOTH can be "better" simultaneously! :)
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stupit comparison between two developing countries

Yes, I agree. If Indians and Chinese take this stupid comparison seriously then they are both stupid. That's why I said don't take what I wrote seriously, the important thing is COOPERATION & SHARING, NOT COMPETITION AND FIGHTING.

Besides, I know China has many, MANY challenges. India is where China was 20+ years ago, both are developing/improving, and this is NOT a race so this video should only be viewed as for laugh. I know for a fact that China is so similar to USA that I was very surprised. Fact is China is a market economy, open society, freedom-loving people, ambitious but also warm-loving ---> Just like India, just like America, just like any other nation on Earth. We are more similar than we think. I also found out that Muslim nations are no different either (been to a couple). Just because your eyes are slanty or nose is big or you wear something on your head, that does NOT make you so different. We are more similar than we think! You can make a similar video comparing any two nation on Earth.
i am not against you,bro

I know that bro!

I just wanted to make sure our readers don't this this video or my comments seriously on this matter. If you watch it for fun, it's hilarious (esp the background music). If you take it seriously, you have problems -- this world already has enough competition, we need more SHARING and PATIENCE.
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