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India accuses Pakistan of fomenting Sikh militancy in Indian Punjab

More Sikhs are leaving outside Punjab in India. Every city small or big you will find Gurudwara even on highways you will find.They are into every thing. every business small or big.
Although idea of khalistan is impractical. But in dreams also if it happens what will be the reaction of other people.It scares.....
well we got back up plans with the maoists so dont worry lol.

there is a difference maoists are anti govt , but not anti state.... u dnt find them coming in to cities planting bombs here...

and naxals movement can be controlled , my own state is a big example where 9-10 years before it used to be hub of naxal movement but, thanks to the pro poor measures of the last govt. naxal movement has been completely eroded...
there is a difference maoists are anti govt , but not anti state.... u dnt find them coming in to cities planting bombs here...

and naxals movement can be controlled , my own state is a big example where 9-10 years before it used to be hub of naxal movement but, thanks to the pro poor measures of the last govt. naxal movement has been completely eroded...

which state???
Maoists aren't secessionists and also they are not present is any of the state which borders Pakistan
doesnt matter where they are. they are going to be our allies fight against the indian tyranny and injustice done to them and to us.

there is a difference maoists are anti govt , but not anti state.... u dnt find them coming in to cities planting bombs here...

and naxals movement can be controlled , my own state is a big example where 9-10 years before it used to be hub of naxal movement but, thanks to the pro poor measures of the last govt. naxal movement has been completely eroded...

which state.

we already trained your elephants to attack your citizens in kerela.:pakistan:
doesnt matter where they are. they are going to be our allies fight against the indian tyranny and injustice done to them and to us.

oh please i have seen these Maoists how they operate how these scums damage roads, railways, schools, hospitals etc and other development activities just so people will not progress and will have no option to join and those who opposes them like labourers, school teachers etc are executed in such a brutal and tortuous way I can't even say irrespective of their age and gender
my blood really boils when I seeing many ignorant members here supporting these scums

which state.

we already trained your elephants to attack your citizens in kerela.:pakistan:


for u r info the present day naxal movement is being headed by naxals of a.p :P

then its time to eliminate elephants frm kerala ... :sniper:
Here again India made huge mistake . Now again Afghanistan is out of Indian approach . They have no choice to extend the hand of friendship with Nawaz. But ISI seems busy due to Baluch insurgency supported by India and insurgency in KPK through TTP, since last many years. Now seems ISI has started a payback time. In coming days may be hype in insurgency in Kashmir, Indian Punjab and Moast region .
You Guys did this kinda act few years back with US & the burgers are bursting around ur country & killing people,,,still u wanna go on the same path,,,:cuckoo:

If this is true then it is a good move.

Deny it in public and keep the funds flowing.

If India thinks it can breed TTP in our country then we have 600 million people without a toilet and no ideology to bind them to play with in India.

Lets get them armed and trained in separatist movements.
Rather than taking a rigid and simplistic approach, we must dissect any given topic over its own merit. The man you have in your avatar is someone i hold deep respect for. Remember the lengths he went to have an independent India.?

We must accept that all social/ethnic/religious groups have a right to self determination. This includes Sikhs as well, however it is a decision for them to make if they want to break away from an India that faces a bright economic future and make a smaller less powerful state,or work for more autonomy and freedom while living in the framework of the India constitution?

If you go,through my above posts you will find out why from a Pakistani perspective Khalistan is a bad idea. It remains India's internal matter and we should let them solve it. Sikh leaders are living in a fallacy that by creating an insurgency they can create Khalistan. They should if they want to, work within the framework of the Indian constitution to gain more economic and cultural independence if they so desire.

Perhaps a few decades down the track India will see it suitable to let them become a state through peaceful transition of power,however as the things are today it will be a blood bath in which Khalistani movement will be brutally crushed by the Indian army and air force.Indian intellectual class should recognize their demands, and should work to heed them as much as they can. If Gandhi geeri is going to be applied instead of Chankia doctrine,it will have desirable results for the both parties.

@Peshwa @KRAIT @third eye @Contrarian @sancho

The thing is Aeronaut, you are partially right. Pakistan does not want an independent nation on their door step, but that does not mean it does not a destabilized India.

Pakistan knows that regardless of the money and supplies it pours in the Khalistani movement, it will never be a reality. What it will be is however is that there is instability in India. And instability that would slow down India's growth and make it vulnerable.
Just like how Pakistan hates the idea of an independent Kashmir but still funds them.
Or how India would hate to have Pakistan break up and deal with multiple actors but that does not prevent India from taking steps that would keep Pakistan weaker.

The Khalistan movement in particular can never succeed because of the people - the Khalistani's want Indian Sikhs to break away from India.

Culturally that is next to impossible. Sikhs are so well ingrained and integrated that it they will not let it happen. Sikhs now live all over India as compared to previous decades when they were concentrated in Punjab, The Indian Army has a ridiculous number of Sikhs infact Sikhs and Rajputs form the leading edge of Indian Army, the Chairman of the Planning Commission is Sikh, the PM, the bureaucrats, etc etc.

To say that Sikhs are now a part of the heart and soul of India would be an understatement - consider this statement - "Pakistani Punjabis want to create an independent country".
That statement is ridiculous because Pakistani Punjabis are already one of the biggest steel pillars in forming and holding Pakistan together and have great positions all over Pakistan - so why would they ever want to create a different country.

This same analogy is applicable to Sikhs in India.

As far as autonomy is concerned. You need to read up on Indian Constitution one day.
Every State in India is already like a mini country. The States governments own the police forces. The State uses its own language, no language is foisted upon them. For example Punjab has Gurumukhi, they elect their own leader - their own Chief Minister.

This is practically the only reason why the States dont want to secede. Every State is run by its own people and not from Delhi. And this to be honest is the reason why so many insurgencies have died down in India over the decades. People have realized that there is genuine self government in the States.
Had India tried to become more Centrally ruled country, there is no doubt there would have been many more and possibly successful rebellions from India.

There is nothing more left to demand in terms of autonomy and People of Punjab know this and like this. Khalistan is now run exclusively by the Sikhs who migrated to Canada/US/UK in the 80's and early 90's. Their hatred for India is visceral but..

no movement can succeed unless it has popular support on the ground and let me share an anecdote with you. The last time after the Khalistan movement was stopped, one of the Khalistani leaders went to Punjab to try and rake things up - he was beaten black and blue by the villagers in Punjab and handed over to the police.

Khalistan has support only in UK/Canada and not in India. The SGPC(Sikh body) may constantly put up memoirs in India to pi$$ off the Congress government at the Center but they dont want to secede. The People of Punjab dont want to do anything with Khalistani's. What they truly want - is justice for the riots of 84. And they curse the politicians for it, but there is a massive difference between the two.

To get a real feel of this I would urge you to talk with Indian Sikhs(living in India) and not the ones living in UK or Canada. That would give you a feel of the ground and trust me - you would be surprised to hear their views on the issue. They want justice for the riots and the whole nation but the politicians want that.
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Today is 6th June the remembrance day of Sikh Genocide in India in 84. What India has done for the justice for Sikhs? What they have to tell the Nation today?

Ask this question to the Sikh regiment of the Indian army.
You mean Indian Sikh army men are bound to provide justice to Sikh families who's loved ones were killed in 84 genocide?

Its Indians internal matter...

Even after slapped so many times by Indian sikh you guys dnt want to understand that their is no future of idiotic khalistan movement.
Its Indians internal matter...

Even after slapped so many times by Indian sikh you guys dnt want to understand that their is no future of idiotic khalistan movement.

International Human rights is never anybody's internal matter.

Secondly instead of accusing others by the Indian Congress Govt :) its time to provide justice to 84 genocide victims.

But look at the ostrich like behaviour of entire India not a single news about this day 6th June the genocide epic step by India
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