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India accuses Pakistan of fomenting Sikh militancy in Indian Punjab

where do u get u r numbers?? almost 83 % of entire sikhs live in INDIA with 78 % of them living in india's punjab....

only minor part of sikhs who left INDIA 2-3 generaions before demand for khalistan, when they dont have anything to do with our land.... its true that wat happend during the destruction of golden temple , indira's assasination and 1984 riots are sad.. but still what can u expect frm a patriarch p.m to do?? when some terrorists occupy the golden temple and demand for seperate khalistan ?? ( though she could have handled it in other way ) .....

P.S : mind u the guards who assasinated indira... never demanded for khalistan , they killed her to take revenge for the destruction of the sikh temple.... but then as i said its 2013 and lot of water has moved by...

do u think that u can get away ?? before breaking u r own country ??

Those sikhs in the indian army are considered traitors by the sikhs. LOL.
There are millions of sikhs living out of india and in their guruduwara, why are the photos of the rebel leader killed in Golden Temple and the sikh body guards hanging? It just shows that sikhs respect them more than the PM and President of India. LOL.
One day the sikhs will rise again in india, then you all are in trouble.
Well then the course of action for the Indian is clear, put relations with Pakistan on hold - no need for accusations and rebuttals, after all, since the Pakistanis cannot be trusted, why do the Indian persist? Are the Indian not rational?

The reason is that at least the world knows and keeps knowing Pakistans actions which try to damage India.

The post you quoted is correct. If Pakistans denial were considered the benchmark then Pakistan also denied obl, kargil, and what not.
The reason is that at least the world knows and keeps knowing Pakistans actions which try to damage India.

The post you quoted is correct. If Pakistans denial were considered the benchmark then Pakistan also denied obl, kargil, and what not.

Again, what is the evidence in this case that Pakistan is doing what bharat claims its doing?
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