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In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life

But Hamartia, to be serious, the problem of the States today is actually because of the status of the country of Immigrant. Well, if those immigrants are skilled, rich, and the best of their discipline, then it fine. But in today world, US is not the only country that attract them. There is China. And what US attracted is actually unskilled immigrants who illegally come to your country. While the locals, I don't know why, but by looking at the news, just after Trump gave them money, they don't want to work anymore. They seems don't have strong will to better themselves economically. When they got free money, they don't want to work anymore. Why they so lazy?

I think US need to whip their people so they can be more discipline, and useful. "Freedom" is fine, but to be honest, freedom is only a jargon / propaganda that your government used to combat commies in cold war era. It was effective because most communist countries back then were poor. But today, United States doesn't need freedom. They need to make their people work. They need to decrease the number of hippies, etc that are not productive. And of course, decrease the need of illegal immigrants. Because those immigrants will eat the job opportunity of your locals. And that mean, invite future social problem.

What do you think about that? Well, I like you as true American citizen :D

There's not much difference between working in China and working in some middle east country like Saudi Arabia or Dubai. It is all about going in, doing some work for a good pay, and getting out.

The getting out part is the killer. You end up having lots of systems/infrastructure that nobody knows how they really work because the people who built them left. When something goes wrong years later it is panic time.

The people who come to the US usually stay and you don't have such a big problem with "black box" knowledge gaps. I can call up somebody who left the firm 10 years ago and ask them about something. Good luck finding somebody on the other side of the planet who can explain what all the 100 identically colored wires with the now cryptic labels like "B3" and "F7" you just found in the 4th-from-the-left broken electrical conduit in the east side maintenance room on the 56th floor in some 10 year old Dubai skyscraper do.
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But Hamartia, to be serious, the problem of the States today is actually because of the status of the country of Immigrant. Well, if those immigrants are skilled, rich, and the best of their discipline, then it fine. But in today world, US is not the only country that attract them. There is China. And what US attracted is actually unskilled immigrants who illegally come to your country. While the locals, I don't know why, but by looking at the news, just after Trump gave them money, they don't want to work anymore. They seems don't have strong will to better themselves economically. When they got free money, they don't want to work anymore. Why they so lazy?

I think US need to whip their people so they can be more discipline, and useful. "Freedom" is fine, but to be honest, freedom is only a jargon / propaganda that your government used to combat commies in cold war era. It was effective because most communist countries back then were poor. But today, United States doesn't need freedom. They need to make their people work. They need to decrease the number of hippies, etc that are not productive. And of course, decrease the need of illegal immigrants. Because those immigrants will eat the job opportunity of your locals. And that mean, invite future social problem.

What do you think about that? Well, I like you as true American citizen :D

The US gets a lot of immigrants. It is an immigrant nation. We get very highly skilled immigrants who contribute greatly and also the deadbeats.

China barely has any immigration. There are an increasingly large number of foreigners who get visas to work and live in China, but they are rarely granted permanent residency or a pathway to citizenship. China isn't an immigrant nation so you can't compare the two.
What does Kensington Street in Philadelphia have anything to do with the poor people in Boston? Kensington may as well be in a different country. I don't know of any drug addict streets in Boston.

If you want drug addict videos I showed you one from China. I can post more if you want.
Dude, you can try the backstreets of Honolulu, behind Hulton, it's a hell hole. Stop covering up the shit.
Dude, you can try the backstreets of Honolulu, behind Hulton, it's a hell hole.

You mean Hilton?

it's a hell hole. Stop covering up the shit.

So are many parts of China. Ever see urban village videos?
Why didn't you see them?? They are hellholes!! Why the perpetual coverup by you?? Stop doing that shit!!
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When they cannot loot and plunder in foreign countries (or plunder enough), they turn inwards.

That's the most interesting aspect of fascism.

Oh so looting only applies to the U.S.? So if there is looting in other countries, that must mean they can't loot other countries so they turned inwards eh?
The inner cities need to be tackled on a war footing, but there is neither the will or attempt to sort this problem out, it will only get worse.

What they need is Roof Koreans.
Up untill lately, it was Anglosaxon colonists looting others (Natives, people from Africa etc.), now it's Anglosaxon colonists looting other Anglosaxon colonists. It is a sign that Anglosaxon Empire is on it's last legs.

There are also instances of Black People looting Anglosaxon colonists and this is revenge for years of oppresion and torture. Anglosaxon colonists are yet to go back to England and pay compensation to their victims (slavery, English death camps, drugs, Opium Wars, anglophile Hitler etc.)

And as explained by Manuel Sarkisyanz in his book "Hitler's English Inspirers" Fascism is of English origin.

If USA has so much problems now while still enjoying dolar privilige i do wonder what will happen to USA when it will lose dolar priviliege.

I see lots of Blacks looting Asians as well. Does that mean they are taking on the Asian Empire in retaliation for slavery?
Doesn't seem to to be an open problem..but here's a video of poor drug users if that is your interest:

I have read reports about this place, Xigou village, Xiamaguan Town, Tongxin County, Ningxia Province. There are 1597 people in this village, including more than 40 people sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than 15 years for drug trafficking, 70 people sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than 15 years, and 9 people sentenced to death, a total of 119 people.
This place is probably the poorest and most desperate village in China. I admire Western journalists can finding this place. Even most Chinese don't know.

BTW: Chinese law expressly stipulates that smuggling and trafficking more than 50g of heroin, or more than 50g of methamphetamine, or more than 1000g of opium, or more than 15kg of marijuana will be sentenced to death.
The man in the picture will be forced to agree with me as well.

The guy in the Picture will be stop at Air port by TSA, and later transported to Gitmo jail for water boarding until he confess to be Abu Bakr al Esa Zarkavi lol
You mean Hilton?

So are many parts of China. Ever see urban village videos?
Why didn't you see them?? They are hellholes!! Why the perpetual coverup by you?? Stop doing that shit!!
Your reaction is priceless, why so triggered bro?
Hahhaha that's funny, everybody knows China is poor and developing, the mighty USA is now so low to even compare itself to China? Hahahahaha hahha.
Still doesn't explain why you are covering up the real shit.
Hahhaha that's funny, everybody knows China is poor and developing,

LOL! Apparently everybody does not include the PDF Chinese members who jump into threads and start throwing stones in glass houses.
but I want to be more active on the Americas section, hoping one day they will make me a mod here

How's that Triad problem in Beijing?

That's how stupid your questions sound.
Well last I heard Afghanistan was called land of opportunity...

Could be in 100 years.... Never know

Here is you America... Needing some shari'yah law.

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LOL! Apparently everybody does not include the PDF Chinese members who jump into threads and start throwing stones in glass houses.

How's that Triad problem in Beijing?

That's how stupid your questions sound.
Haha, don't be so triggered mate. You were trying so hard to be defensive about the drug addict homeless infested cities of America. No Chinese city is that shitty okay, if they were, it would have been sanitised.
US deadbeat economy is in freefall and the society is morally bankrupt with even the diminishing middle class now addicted to hard drugs. 150 million Americans have dropped out of the workforce and the middle class has largely disappeared as the income disparity is now like India's. The US has squandered its money on lost wars and jingoistic militarism while China and rest of the world moved ahead. The US faces a bleak future. Even 5 years ago, I saw a man with a backpack walk into a Walgreens in SF and brazenly steal hundreds of dollars worth of blades, cosmetics and other merchandise and simply walkout, now this looting trend is going national.
US is the only OECD country with a declining life span, thanks largely to lack of a universal health care system and highest costs of medications.

America has spent over a trillion dollars fighting the war on drugs. 50 years later, drug use in the U.S. is climbing again.


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