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In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life

Yup. This started with the BLM protests in 2020 and is now normalized in most large American cities. Just complete collapse of law and order, outright theft, clearing shelves type of theft, just the norm now. So many cars are getting broken into that glass companies don't have enough glass and it can take weeks before you get your glass repaired.

Up untill lately, it was Anglosaxon colonists looting others (Natives, people from Africa etc.), now it's Anglosaxon colonists looting other Anglosaxon colonists. It is a sign that Anglosaxon Empire is on it's last legs.

There are also instances of Black People looting Anglosaxon colonists and this is revenge for years of oppresion and torture. Anglosaxon colonists are yet to go back to England and pay compensation to their victims (slavery, English death camps, drugs, Opium Wars, anglophile Hitler etc.)
When they cannot loot and plunder in foreign countries (or plunder enough), they turn inwards.

That's the most interesting aspect of fascism.

And as explained by Manuel Sarkisyanz in his book "Hitler's English Inspirers" Fascism is of English origin.
living the American Dream

If USA has so much problems now while still enjoying dolar privilige i do wonder what will happen to USA when it will lose dolar priviliege.
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How come no Kyle Rittenhouse thread here ? BLM are going to go on a looting spree again if he's found innocent.
BLM new york chapter has already declared looting, destruction and riots if police reforms and measures like stop and frisk come back. Basically let them do their thuggery and violence with no repurcussion.
I'm sure you know that the courts have acquitted even those thugs who attacked police officers and burned their vehicles in addition to looters.

While the country pursue cases against January 6 capital hill rioters, they have almost cleared all those from George floyd times.

That and outright murders being forgiven, we are living in uncertain times

This is not specific for any race in America, given the chance and circumstances even whities will steal and run... what's worse is taking the shade of protest for a good cause and then do the looting and rioting which not just harm the innocent people, damage properties but also damage the credibility of the cause.

Let's me honest it's Black's -- their culture and lifestyle doesn't suit the civilized world.
If USA has so much problems now while still enjoying dolar privilige i do wonder what will happen to USA when it will lose dolar priviliege.

The United States is now like an old man who is dying of old age, and although this old man has power and money printing machines, these do not stop this old man from dying. Countries also have life cycles, and the United States is now nearing the end of its life cycle.

The United States as a nation, after more than 200 years, has not yet coalesced into a national consensus; all communities are divided, even within communities, and once America dies it will be divided.

It's hard to imagine that within a country, various races and ethnic groups live in their own settlements, and they only show racial inclusion on movies and TV shows. Perhaps this is the aftermath of a colonial country, after all, it is not the country of original.
The United States is now like an old man who is dying of old age, and although this old man has power and money printing machines, these do not stop this old man from dying. Countries also have life cycles, and the United States is now nearing the end of its life cycle.

The United States as a nation, after more than 200 years, has not yet coalesced into a national consensus; all communities are divided, even within communities, and once America dies it will be divided.

It's hard to imagine that within a country, various races and ethnic groups live in their own settlements, and they only show racial inclusion on movies and TV shows. Perhaps this is the aftermath of a colonial country, after all, it is not the country of original.

That's right. And death of Anglosaxon Empire is a great chance for the World. USA for example having 4 % of World's population consume waaaay more money and resources than 4 %. So death of Anglosaxon Empire will bring more space for the World. USA is now like a dying monkey with a granade. It is a challenge for the World to succesfully manage collapse of Anglosaxon Empire.
Up untill lately, it was Anglosaxon colonists looting others (Natives, people from Africa etc.), now it's Anglosaxon colonists looting other Anglosaxon colonists. It is a sign that Anglosaxon Empire is on it's last legs.

There are also instances of Black People looting Anglosaxon colonists and this is revenge for years of oppresion and torture. Anglosaxon colonists are yet to go back to England and pay compensation to their victims (slavery, English death camps, drugs, Opium Wars, anglophile Hitler etc.)

And as explained by Manuel Sarkisyanz in his book "Hitler's English Inspirers" Fascism is of English origin.

If USA has so much problems now while still enjoying dolar privilige i do wonder what will happen to USA when it will lose dolar priviliege.

You know what they say, what goes around comes around.

Chickens coming home to roost. America's ghetto culture is a product of hundreds of years of oppression. The high crime is karma honestly.
California is probably among the worst, if not the worst. But make no doubt about it, this is happening throughout most of the big cities of the US to some extent. Plenty of videos surfacing from suburbs of New Jersey to Seattle.
Not in Texas. You'd get shot
Not in Texas. You'd get shot

Mostly the big cities of the blue states, which are most big cities. Hell even in Miami which is in nominally red Florida, there is tons of looting.

I've also seen looting in Houston as well, so it is going on in Texas as well even though obviously nowhere on the scale of California.
It's hard to imagine that within a country, various races and ethnic groups live in their own settlements, and they only show racial inclusion on movies and TV shows. Perhaps this is the aftermath of a colonial country, after all, it is not the country of original.

LOL! That's not true at all. Your complete ignorance is amazing.
There are people from every country on the planet living next door to each other all across the country.

However there are localized poor inner city areas that are dominated by certain ethnic groups. Even members of their own ethnic group who are not poor don't want to live near them. So they are living with the melting pot of groups outside those areas.
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Mostly the big cities of the blue states, which are most big cities. Hell even in Miami which is in nominally red Florida, there is tons of looting.

I've also seen looting in Houston as well, so it is going on in Texas as well even though obviously nowhere on the scale of California.
I though Austin was the only blue city in Texas
LOL! That's not true at all. Your complete ignorance is amazing.
There are people from every country on the planet living next door to each other all across the country.

However there are localized poor inner city areas that are dominated by certain ethnic groups. Even members of their own ethnic group who are not poor don't want to live near them. So they are living with the melting pot of groups outside those areas.

The inner cities need to be tackled on a war footing, but there is neither the will or attempt to sort this problem out, it will only get worse.
Yup. This started with the BLM protests in 2020 and is now normalized in most large American cities. Just complete collapse of law and order, outright theft, clearing shelves type of theft, just the norm now. So many cars are getting broken into that glass companies don't have enough glass and it can take weeks before you get your glass repaired.

Bolded part. Wow! Didn't know situation is so bad in big American cities.
Thank God I don't live anywhere near a damn big city! Even a medium sized city is a good 45 minutes drive from me.
And you are right: The so-called 'protests' in 2020 and its tolerance in the MSM and the liberal circles sort of 'normalized' violence and looting. I don't know if or when that genie is going to go back to its bottle??
It was the political violence and its tolerance in MSM and by at least 3 of my liberal friends who made excuses for the violence which made me cast my first ever Republican vote by voting for Trump in 2020; electorally my vote wouldn't matter because he would win anyway but it was a protest vote and I let my liberal friends know and they were shocked. I have come to conclude that liberals are just as closet racists and party politics partisans as Republicans are but at least Republicans are less hypocritical about their stance.
America doesn't need a third party: It needs a second party!

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