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In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life

interesting that keywords like terrorists, fanatics, fundamentalists, citters or zombies or none along the lines showed up and neither did economy but the race card showed up.


Goras are always put on the pedastal. Brown people are terrorists, fanatics, critters and so on and so forth. :D
Are they also free to loot and kill you, rape your wife and children (whatever they are boys or girls), too? Of course, the police also free to arrest them, and you are also free to kill them :D

If You don't mind with that kind of freedom, be my guest, enjoy your freedom. To destroy your own town to an extend like Syria warring zone is also some kind of freedom, if you like it. I'm sure that you can enjoy to kill, or to be hunted like a prey everyday by your neighbors. I also hope that your wife and children can enjoy to be assaulted by your neighbors everyday for the sake of freedom.

Well, they're free to loot, to kill, to rape, aren't they? With of course, the police are also free to arrest them, and you're free to kill, to loot, and to rape them. :D

You're a special kind of retard I see.

I only reply to posts that are based upon reality. Not nonsense.
In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life
The level of lawlessness that we are now witnessing in the United States of America is absolutely breathtaking.

On average, thieves are stealing more than 100 million dollars worth of merchandise from our retailers every single day. Just think about that. I have written extensively about the shoplifting epidemic that is plaguing this country, but even I didn’t know that things had gotten that bad. Sadly, much of the thievery is being committed by highly organized gangs of looters. Last week, I posted absolutely stunning video of one of those gangs stealing vast quantities of laundry detergent from a retail store in Connecticut

I shared that video with someone that I trust, and that individual wondered why they hadn’t taken something more expensive like big screen televisions.

Well, now we have video of that exact same group of looters wheeling big screen televisions right out the front door of another store in Connecticut

These professional looters seem to have no fear of being confronted.

And that is probably because they know that even if they are caught they will never be charged with a felony. Many states have changed their laws to be more lenient on shoplifters in recent years, and this appears to be helping to fuel an enormous boom in organized retail theft

My guess is that the thieves in the two videos are selling what they steal online.

Of course they are far from alone. This sort of thing is happening all over the nation, and it is being reported that theft is now costing our retailers 45 billion dollars a year

That is an incredibly high number.

When you divide that figure by 365 days, you get an average of more than 123 million dollars per day.

We are talking about thievery on an industrial scale, and we are being told that some of our biggest cities are where the most extensive looting is happening…

In addition to retail theft, there has been an alarming rise in the number of “follow-home robberies” in the Los Angeles area.

Apparently criminals are specifically targeting highly vulnerable people. Once a sufficient target has been identified, the crooks follow the target all the way home before robbing the individual…

It is important to understand that the environment in our country has dramatically changed.

If you notice a suspicious vehicle following you toward your home, take several unexpected turns in order to confirm that you are indeed being followed.

Once you have confirmed that it is happening, do not proceed to your house. Instead, I would drive directly to the nearest police station.

Sometimes professional criminals are not just satisfied with robbing you. In Las Vegas, an 82-year-old woman was buried in her backyard, and then the criminals took over her home and her finances

This is the end result of decades of moral collapse in this nation.

We just let evil continue to grow and grow, and now it is everywhere.

In Seattle, the downtown area has become so dangerous that city employees are now being escorted by security guards once they leave work…

This is what our country has become, and it is only going to get worse.

Meanwhile, as our nation descends into total lawlessness, our military is focusing on becoming more “woke”

I came across that story today after reading many other stories about the explosion of crime and lawlessness that we are experiencing.

The contrast really struck me.

It is almost as if our national leaders are living in a completely different reality from most of the rest of us.

The very fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams all around us, but meanwhile they are seemingly obsessed with playing politically correct games.

We are deeply, deeply sick as a society, and it appears to be getting worse with each passing year.


In fact looting has always been a way of live for Anglosaxon colonists. At first they were busy looting Natives, now as they killed almost all Natives they are looting each other.

This is the reason why United States still an Immigrant country. They always need to invite people from around the world to work for them, to move the wheel of their economy. Because after 1 generation has passed, because of their "Freedom" Jargon, The children will become LGBTQ queers, drug addicts, Looters, Maniac, Extremists, and shooters. So the government will always need more supply of sane people, to make America great forever.
You're a special kind of retard I see.

I only reply to posts that are based upon reality. Not nonsense.

What nonsense in it? I ask you if they free to loot and kill you, rape your wife and children. When the police also free to arrest them, and you also free to kill them. You're in United States are you? You said that they're free to loot. So I wonder if they're also free to loot and kill you.
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This is the reason why United States still an Immigrant country. They always need to invite people from around the world to work for them, to move the wheel of their economy. Because after 1 generation has passed, because of their "Freedom" Jargon, The children will become LGBTQ queers, drug addicts, Looters, Maniac, Extremists, and shooters. So the government will always need more supply of sane people, to make America great forever.

LOL! I'm pretty sure many of the PDF Asian-Americans here are 2nd+ Gener's.
If they followed the shariya law... Their hands would be chopped off
LOL! I'm pretty sure many of the PDF Asian-Americans here are 2nd+ Gener's.

Are they? Does Itachi is also 2nd+ Gener's? He still use Pakistan flag as his nationality. So he should be 1st gener. A hardworking sane man who come to America to move the wheel of your country. :D Unless he's false flagger who pretend to be a Pakistani.
Well last I heard Afghanistan was called land of opportunity...

Well United States is the land of opportunity because the local has no ability to compete with you, an immigrant from getting a good job. If the locals have excellent quality and capable to work superbly, you won't get any good opportunity to get a descent job in United States.
Are they? Does Itachi is also 2nd+ Gener's? He still use Pakistan flag as his nationality. So he should be 1st gener. A hardworking sane man who come to America to move the wheel of your country. :D Unless he's false flagger who pretend to be a Pakistani.

No, I mean I think many Asians here (especially Chinese) are children of immigrants. Probably not many Pakistani's. There hasn't been a big Pakistani population here in the US for very long...but there's been a significant Chinese population for over a century.

It would most likely be Pakistani teen PDF members if that was the case.
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No, I mean I think many Asians here (especially Chinese) are children of immigrants. Probably not many Pakistani's. There hasn't been a big Pakistani population here in the US for very long...but there's been a significant Chinese population for over a century.

It would most likely be Pakistani teen PDF members if that was the case.

Well, They would use American flag as their nationality if it's true. If they use Chinese flag, then they're Chinese nationality, aren't they? They should be 1st gen or an immigrant. Because 2nd gen has become an American, and use US Flag not China. Unless they're false flagger. Plus, you are also the descendant of an immigrant. :D Are you btw, a Chinese descent, or ABC?
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Well United States is the land of opportunity because the local has no ability to compete with you, an immigrant from getting a good job. If the locals have excellent quality and capable to work superbly, you won't get any good opportunity to get a descent job in United States.
That's just ignorant on so many levels...
Well, They would use American flag as their nationality if it's true. If they use Chinese flag, then they're Chinese nationality, aren't they? They should be 1st gen or an immigrant. Because 2nd gen has become an American, and use US Flag not China. Unless they're false flagger.

Some people put both American flags and some put others. I guess being in a forum full of Pakistani's they want to alert people if they actually have a Pakistani background. Apparently other Asians are doing the same.

Plus, you are also the descendant of an immigrant. :D Are you btw, a Chinese descent, or ABC?

Nope, I'm not Chinese or for that matter even Asian. So putting any other flag is not really applicable. Certainly an EU flag seems just as foreign as any other country flag as I have never even been over there so I can't say I identify with them very well. My father's side has been here in the US since...well at least the early 1800's. The talk of "back in the old country" is long gone.
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Some people put both American flags and some put others. I guess being in a forum full of Pakistani's they want to alert people if they actually have a Pakistani background. Apparently other Asians are doing the same.

Nope, I'm not Chinese or for that matter even Asian. So putting any other flag is not really applicable. Certainly an EU flag seems just as foreign as any other country flag as I have never even been over there so I can't say I identify with them very well. My father's side has been here in the US since...well at least the early 1800's. The talk of back in the "old country" is long gone.
Well, bad for them. I wonder why do they need to do that. Are they ashamed to become US Citizen? I'm A Chinese born Indonesia, 3rd gen here. But I put Indonesia flag because I'm an Indonesia citizen, not China. Because that is my identity.

Oh you're true American then. Not the truth like a native, but a true American Citizen. Good to know you.
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Some people put both American flags and some put others. I guess being in a forum full of Pakistani's they want to alert people if they actually have a Pakistani background. Apparently other Asians are doing the same.

Nope, I'm not Chinese or for that matter even Asian. So putting any other flag is not really applicable. Certainly an EU flag seems just as foreign as any other country flag as I have never even been over there so I can't say I identify with them very well. My father's side has been here in the US since...well at least the early 1800's. The talk of "back in the old country" is long gone.

But Hamartia, to be serious, the problem of the States today is actually because of the status of the country of Immigrant. Well, if those immigrants are skilled, rich, and the best of their discipline, then it fine. But in today world, US is not the only country that attract them. There is China. And what US attracted is actually unskilled immigrants who illegally come to your country. While the locals, I don't know why, but by looking at the news, just after Trump gave them money, they don't want to work anymore. They seems don't have strong will to better themselves economically. When they got free money, they don't want to work anymore. Why they so lazy?

I think US need to whip their people so they can be more discipline, and useful. "Freedom" is fine, but to be honest, freedom is only a jargon / propaganda that your government used to combat commies in cold war era. It was effective because most communist countries back then were poor. But today, United States doesn't need freedom. They need to make their people work. They need to decrease the number of hippies, etc that are not productive. And of course, decrease the need of illegal immigrants. Because those immigrants will eat the job opportunity of your locals. And that mean, invite future social problem.

What do you think about that? Well, I like you as true American citizen :D

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