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In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life

It happens every day in the US. I used to work in a Home Depot store long time ago and criminals used to walk in and take stuff out and the home depot policy was not to do anything but call the police. The police would arrive well after the event and take a formality statement. Every day this used to happen and the gangs were always were step ahead. Some were blazen acts like walking out with an expensive electrical tool and threatening the manager with a knife and some were very sophisticated well managed thefts carried by surveillance and planning. Some gangs were so smart they were constantly probing and analysing every single operation of the depot. Bast@rds were always one step ahead. Fake money, fake ID, fake coupons, fake receipts, fake goods, goods in pockets, boxes with bricks, goods thrown over fences, taking stuff through fire exits, stealing from tills, changing bar codes etc etc. I am surprised Home Depot continues to run with all the losses they suffer.
Haha, don't be so triggered mate. You were trying so hard to be defensive about the drug addict homeless infested cities of America. No Chinese city is that shitty okay, if they were, it would have been sanitised.

LOL! What does this thread have to do with drug addicts or homelessness????

Hey I can go completely off-topic too and talk about poverty in China if you want. '

Maybe we can talk about the shitty life Chinese peasants have had for generations behind oxen teams in the paddy fields.
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LOL! What does this thread have to do with drug addicts or homelessness????

Hey I go completely off-topic too and talk about poverty in China if you want. '

Maybe we can talk about the shitty life Chinese peasants have had for generations behind oxen teams in the paddy fields.
I prefer to talk about the Indian sh1thole.
It happens every day in the US. I used to work in a Home Depot store long time ago and criminals used to walk in and take stuff out and the home depot policy was not to do anything but call the police. The police would arrive well after the event and take a formality statement. Every day this used to happen and the gangs were always were step ahead. Some were blazen acts like walking out with an expensive electrical tool and threatening the manager with a knife and some were very sophisticated well managed thefts carried by surveillance and planning. Some gangs were so smart they were constantly probing and analysing every single operation of the depot. Bast@rds were always one step ahead. Fake money, fake ID, fake coupons, fake receipts, fake goods, goods in pockets, boxes with bricks, goods thrown over fences, taking stuff through fire exits, stealing from tills, changing bar codes etc etc. I am surprised Home Depot continues to run with all the losses they suffer.

Cheaper than stopping a shoplifter that could sue for millions.
Why? US is following India in all aspects from people in tent cities crapping in the streets to stealing.

California Enacts Alternate Side of the Street Pooping - Madhouse Magazine800 × 600

Not China?
Why? US is following India in all aspects from people in tent cities crapping in the streets to stealing.

California Enacts Alternate Side of the Street Pooping - Madhouse Magazine800 × 600
Not China? Crapping in the streets was pretty common. Even kids were encouraged with their split crotch pants since diapers were uncommon.

I've already said many times that starting in the 1950's you had people moving out of the old cities and into new housing in the suburbs. That increased the concentration of poor people in cities who couldn't pay for their upkeep. Now you have Liberal politicians taking a soft view on bad behavior probably because their police forces are overwhelmed and underpaid.
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Not China? Crapping in the streets was pretty common. Even kids were encouraged with their split crotch pants.

I've already said many times that starting in the 1950's you had people moving out of the old cities and into new housing in the suburbs. That increased the concentration of poor people in cities who couldn't pay for their upkeep. Now you have Liberal politicians taking a soft view on bad behavior probably because their police forces are overwhelmed and underpaid.
I am sure you are a nice guy and mean well, but the reality is that US is a very skewed selfish society with no sense of empathy or greater societal good. Matters got worse during the era of corrupt unchecked "turbo capitalism" and outsourcing of middle income jobs and rampant concentration of wealth in the hands of a greedy few. Historically, a society is judged by how it looks after its most vulnerable, and the US has failed miserably and now it is too late as their is global powershift underway to Eurasia. Just imagine how many low income homes the $15 trillion wasted on lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would have bought. No wonder the homeless, hopeless and jobless American escapes in a drug fueled fantasy. US society is imploding and there is no denying. US now ranks even 20th in global prosperity index and is in a free fall. US is a mean vicious dog and eat dog imploding cesspool.

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It happens every day in the US. I used to work in a Home Depot store long time ago and criminals used to walk in and take stuff out and the home depot policy was not to do anything but call the police. The police would arrive well after the event and take a formality statement. Every day this used to happen and the gangs were always were step ahead. Some were blazen acts like walking out with an expensive electrical tool and threatening the manager with a knife and some were very sophisticated well managed thefts carried by surveillance and planning. Some gangs were so smart they were constantly probing and analysing every single operation of the depot. Bast@rds were always one step ahead. Fake money, fake ID, fake coupons, fake receipts, fake goods, goods in pockets, boxes with bricks, goods thrown over fences, taking stuff through fire exits, stealing from tills, changing bar codes etc etc. I am surprised Home Depot continues to run with all the losses they suffer.

Even reading this is scary.
LOL! What does this thread have to do with drug addicts or homelessness????

Hey I can go completely off-topic too and talk about poverty in China if you want. '

Maybe we can talk about the shitty life Chinese peasants have had for generations behind oxen teams in the paddy fields.
Why isn't it related numb numb? Poor people loot, steal and rob. Common sense bhai... Lol

Well this is about America isn't it, a majority of Chinese farmers are actually living a pretty decent life, have you been to one yet? How does poor Chinese farmers justify US urban decay? Now you are going out of topic. Lol
Why isn't it related numb numb? Poor people loot, steal and rob. Common sense bhai... Lol

Well this is about America isn't it, a majority of Chinese farmers are actually living a pretty decent life, have you been to one yet? How does poor Chinese farmers justify US urban decay? Now you are going out of topic. Lol
He is desperate to divert plight of declining USA. America used to be great nation but with more fools who keep harping the China threat and only blame problem on others. They now behave just like India, failure to face reality and rectify the problem Politician too busy to win popular vote instead of doing the correct things.
He is desperate to divert plight of declining USA. America used to be great nation but with more fools who keep harping the China threat and only blame problem on others. They now behave just like India, failure to face reality and rectify the problem Politician too busy to win popular vote instead of doing the correct things.
Like I objectively explained, China has lifted a billion people including farmers out of poverty in my lifetime while the US chest thumping morons have pushed 150 million Americans into the doghouse of poverty, thanks to endless Zionist fanned wars and delusional quest for "global full spectrum domination" with 800 military bases around the world and majority of American dumbed down morons hooked on drugs, living under bridges, killing each other with guns and increasingly sh1tting is the streets like India.
He is desperate to divert plight of declining USA. America used to be great nation but with more fools who keep harping the China threat and only blame problem on others. They now behave just like India, failure to face reality and rectify the problem Politician too busy to win popular vote instead of doing the correct things.
Most American inner cities are hell holes. Chinese farms are actually heavenly compared to that. I have been to a few. The. Problem with Chinese farms is clutter and Cleanliness, you just teach them proper disposal and management, it is a good place to retire.
Most American inner cities are hell holes. Chinese farms are actually heavenly compared to that. I have been to a few. The. Problem with Chinese farms is clutter and Cleanliness, you just teach them proper disposal and management, it is a good place to retire.
The US economy has suffered the greatest income disparity in the past two decades in all of OECD, largely due to misplaced priorities like endless lost wars and inability to create well paying jobs. Most of the US workforce is gig casualized and low productivity due to rampant drug and alchohol abuse and lack of access to health care. US is also lagging in innovation.
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