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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

It happens because Hindus always back track. Stand united and teach this Jhihadis a lesson. Remove this Jhihadi government first. Strengthen Hindu unity. only 32% of Hindus have voted this government to power. If we vote 50% as block, we can get a government of 2/3 majority at center. These Jhihadis are great threat to Hundus and nation and peace loving Muslims as well. We should stand united and remove these Jhihadis and their supporter out of power as a first measure.
This was widely covered in Local news papers few days back, but it took some time to reach PDF........ It can be called reverse Love jihad.......I really dont understand the big fuss about it......

Here is a guy loves a girl and they decided to get married.........
Sssh now. I did not see his and Sahasranama (sorry if spelled wrong) posts. :devil: So did not get the context. :P

Even being conservative is ok. You don't like it - that's fine. But the folks are unable to get out of their homes. That's not done. There is no conversion happening here either. I fail to understand the issue at hand here.

The CPI (M) helped the couple get married. Because the boy's parents are close to leftists.
Constitutional rights and and secularism are mere printed words, they won't materialize into action especially so when the state itself is ruled by fanatics headed by a pimp . These couples better leave the state if they want to live peace . No offense but this may cool down a bit and seize to exist in media after a while but chances of things getting back to normal ever for these couple are very are slim or atleast that is what my experiences of being born and brought up here makes me believe.
This was widely covered in Local news papers few days back, but it took some time to reach PDF........ It can be called reverse Love jihad.......I really dont understand the big fuss about it......

Here is a guy loves a girl and they decided to get married.........

remove your communal signature please :P
So? TN ISIS is just a fraction of Kerala ISIS.

Pose for pics in TN and prepare/train for overseas (Iraq Syria) deployment in Kerala.
blah blah...So you mean Kerala Muslims are brainwashing Tamil Muslims to join ISIS??..Poor Tamil Muslimsne??
Ever heard about ' AL UMMAH'???
Their wedding "Maala" used was traditional Communist one.....:P

was actually surprised by Pinarayi's stand on the kiss of love thing and his support for it.

He presented a nuanced argument.
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

May I suggest another -
Boy stays Hindu.
Girls stays Muslim.
Let them study, eat, sleep, play as they wish to. Not that hard. This country is ruled by the IPC.
Nope, I am not ashamed of stating the rule as it stands. Obviously there will be various factors to be considered. I am not qualified to say how or whether or how far this edict is applicable. India is a Dar ul Harb, a nation where Muslims are persecuted. That may be a factor to be considered. But to be frank I am not an expert on Islamic jurisprudence.
yep. There were instances of Muslim women getting harassed and beaten up because they did not dress conservatively. This happened in kasargod and Malappurram.

The issue of love jihad was brought up. There were many writers from the liberal intelligentsia and from Muslim community who defended the secular fabric of society.

What Joeblow said is right. If the genders were reversed, the Islamist would have no problem provided she converted. Hindu hardliners would have no problem if she converted to Hinduism.

What is clear is regardless of whether you are a Hindu or Muslim the maount of choice you get as a woman in terms of choosing your life partner.

For the Islamists, and the Hindutvawaadis, the womenfolk have become an extension of their egos.

btw, I am not a feminist, and Joe articulated it nicely.
I'm not gonna bracket you as a feminist.
Not everyone who speaks against the injustice done to a certain section women in the society, becomes a feminist.
You spoke the truth.And there's no harm in doing so.
Men, specially the one's blinded by religiosity see women as a possession.
was actually surprised by Pinarayi's stand on the kiss of love thing and his support for it.

He presented a nuanced argument.

Well He is loosing ground in his traditional support base.... so trying to create new one...... Nothing else
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