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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

I need to look for the correct answer. But looks like stoning to death.
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
what to discuss, boy should convert to islam, that's the only solution or else no college education for the girl.
May I suggest another -
Boy stays Hindu.
Girls stays Muslim.
Let them study, eat, sleep, play as they wish to. Not that hard. This country is ruled by the IPC.
If a muslim marries a hindu woman .. He gets worst treatment and the free tag of being a love jihadi .. With hindu radical groups even distributing "love jihad" awareness pamphlets.. Short movies.. The media highlighting and using it with third class labels .. And indians on PDF going cuckooooo over it and now this..:lol:

well, look at it this way mate, by the reaction of Muslim conservatives to this couple, they just proved they are no better than their Hindu counterparts.
WTF??...They are TAMIL Muslim from TAMILNADU..
Oh give him some slack will ya? He worked so hard to find that old cr@p.

Not that I am denying that the real threat of ISIS does exist in Kerala. I am just not paranoid like this particular gentleman. :P
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

May I suggest another -
Boy stays Hindu.
Girls stays Muslim.
Let them study, eat, sleep, play as they wish to. Not that hard. This country is ruled by the IPC.

Country may be ruled by IPC but Kerala ruled by Jinnah's Muslim League.
Ummm...one problem.

It does not exist anymore. Not in India. Not in Pakistan. Not in Bangladesh. :(

It exists

Indian Union Muslim League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's accomplishments

Partition of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's solution
What is your new complaint regarding Hindu conservatives? :D

Nothing really. I said it so that he will avoid being defensive.

I have known several inter-religious marriages between Hindus and Christians in Kerala. It causes family drama at the most.

I will admit it here. If the girl involved in this was Christian, this will not be a news item.
Nothing really. I said it so that he will avoid being defensive.

I have known several inter-religious marriages between Hindus and Christians in Kerala. It causes family drama at the most.

I will admit it here. If the girl involved in this was Christian, this will not be a news item.
Sssh now. I did not see his and Sahasranama (sorry if spelled wrong) posts. :devil: So did not get the context. :P

Even being conservative is ok. You don't like it - that's fine. But the folks are unable to get out of their homes. That's not done. There is no conversion happening here either. I fail to understand the issue at hand here.
Yes. Are you self-aware at all. I mean, i see you here commenting on Hindu intolerance and correct me if I am wrong, you just said it is O.K. to kill two Human Beings because of it.

I hope you know what this means.
Nope, I haven't made any comment on the edict. I just stated what the edict is.
Terror Outfit ISIS Uses IM to recruit poor Muslims in Kerala, TN, J&K

As the whole of Iraq and Syria come increasingly under the threat of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) terror group, several central security agencies in India have revealed reports that indicate that the ISIS might be spreading its tentacles in India as well.

Sources have told the media on Tuesday that the terror outfit, ISIS that has already killed thousands in Iraq and Syria in a terrifying and deadly pursuit to establish an Islamic Caliphate, is onto the task of recruiting poor Muslims in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Jammu and Kashmir.

The several security agencies including R&AW and NIA have said that more than 100 Indian men could have already joined the ISIS in Iraq. The ISIS terror group is radicalising poor Muslims through online videos, revealed the security agencies.

Sources have further indicated that an Indian Mujahideen man who is declared as wanted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) could be recruiting for the ISIS.

It has also been indicated that these ISIS recruits could be used to strike terror in India once the war in Iraq and Syria ends. Reports indicate that the NIA is at present preparing a dossier on the several ISIS activities in India.

The terror activity by ISIS had begun as early as when the four boys from Kalyan had taken a trip to Iraq and eventually disappeared. Soon similar reports began to pour in from several families in Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu.

Most people who had disappeared had been preceded by a letter begging forgiveness from the family and expressing a desire to join the cause of jihad and fighting to save Islam.

According to the NIA, the recruitment drive by the ISIS has been on for at least a year now.Reports indicate that the ISIS has currently focussed their resources fighting a war in Iraq and Syria; however, its primary idea is that of a greater Islamic Caliphate, which includes India. This is why the ISIS has uploaded several videos on YouTube exhorting Indian Muslims to join the cause.

Many investigators from security agencies have indicated that the man behind the digital mask, who is facilitating the ISIS recruits on a massive scale, could be Indian Mujahideen’s Sultan Abdul Kadir Armar, a resident of Bhatkal in Karnataka.

With recent arrests of Indian Mujahideen terrorists, Indian agencies have remained upbeat about their fight against terror but the worry now is that if Indians have indeed joined the ISIS, they might use the new techniques and weapons to strike terror in India.

- See more at: Terror Outfit ISIS Uses IM to recruit poor Muslims in Kerala, TN, J&K: Sources » The Indian Republic

100 Indian men could have already joined the ISIS in Iraq

100 directly from India.

Means thousands from the GCC countries. Saudi, Qatar and UAE mainly.

IM being a state sponsored organization can act with impunity. Poor hindus paying taxes to train their killers. Its like putting out a supari on yourself.
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