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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

Oh give him some slack will ya? He worked so hard to find that old cr@p.

Not that I am denying that the real threat of ISIS does exist in Kerala. I am just not paranoid like this particular gentleman. :P
Not sure about the existence of ISIS in Kerala..But memberships of hardcore jihadi wings like NDF/PFI,PDP,SDPI are growing at an alarming rate..More and More youths are getting attracted to this every day...Its a reality...
Not sure about the existence of ISIS in Kerala..But memberships of hardcore jihadi wings like NDF/PFI,PDP,SDPI are growing at an alarming rate..More and More youths are getting attracted to this every day...Its a reality...
I've not understood why the guys in kerala get influneced so easily??
BJP and CPI(M) guys 're constantly at war....literally killing each other.
And now these extremist groups also find supporters.
Is it unemployment?? Or is this the sign of a state in shambles??
That reminds me we also rank highest in alcohol consumption. Lol...bringing that to discussion would be OT though.
I'm not gonna bracket you as a feminist.
Not everyone who speaks against the injustice done to a certain section women in the society, becomes a feminist.
You spoke the truth.And there's no harm in doing so.
Men, specially the one's blinded by religiosity see women as a possession.

You may want to re think what you just said.
Having respect for Islam is one thing, having respect for Islamists is another.

The latter is a very fluid term. The former is clear cut and you have no demonstrated that.
What is your new complaint regarding Hindu conservatives? :D
I for one
think they are quite delicious
Why blaming Muslims and Liberals??..
This was happened in kasargod,Stronghold of RSS,VHP and Hindu ultra right groups..Where are they??..What are they doing??..Looks like most of them are in front of computers and crying...

It seems the boys family dont need RSS support.RSS cant involve inhere if there is no support from family
But aren't Sikh's regularly known to prefer Hindu-Sikh marriages? I believe the blue turban also has some significance in this matter although I could be wrong.

The question lies here on whether the Kerala government will get a spine and crack down on those harassing the couple.
Hindu-Sikh marriages are common.
LOL. Then why are they given police protection ?

Why are they begging the CM for protection ? Why is she not attending college ? :lol:

Should I remind you that statistics show Kerala has the largest number of riots ? its been debated here before.

Then explain how much people lost their life because of the riots in kerala.
I for oneView attachment 153138 think they are quite delicious

If yes, I agree India should adopt pickle diplomacy. If things go good, we will give the Pakistani delegation a nice chutney, mango, elaichi, imli. If things go bad, there will be mirch. :(

On topic - this shows that community feeling has gone down considerably in India. Even a decade back, neighbors used to help each other, stay together. Now they don't care.
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